Hi so I did a very silly thing Saturday night, I got too drunk at a house party (vodka never again!) and hooked up with a friend. I now have two issues. One we didn't use protection, but I know the guy pretty well so I feel embarrassed to all him about STDs. Problem two I have had mild bleeding for a few days as we were pretty rough and I wasn't really ready. How long will the bleeding last? Should I be worried about it? Cheers guys
Yeah, I thought it was going to be about how much drunk sex sucks. Seriously, Its the worst. I always start feeling extremely dehydrated 5 minutes in and its all very sloppy. If it lasts awhile I start feeling hungover. Plus, no drunk person smells good or has fresh breath. That's what I thought the thread was about.
You need to get un-embarased about talking to him about STD's. The bleeding? I'm not equipped to answer that.
Just go get tested. You don't even have to ask him. If you ask, he will probably say he doesn't have anything. If he says he does have an std....I somehow doubt that would make you feel any better and you would still have to get tested anyway. I wouldn't just take someones word about that kind of thing.
The first thing I thought when I read the disappointing OP was: No, drunk sex sucks cause I can barely feel my dick. Second thing was; no, that's why dumbass sex sucks.