So, this will piss off all you dog lovers out there...but it needs to be said. First, over my lifetime I have had five dogs, I think. A German Shepherd, a three legged mutt (he chased a gas company tractor and didn't realize they were using a sickle bar to mow the weeds), another mutt, a Standard Poodle, and another German Shepard. So I've had dogs before. But now I'm grown up and don't really see the need for a dog. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against working dogs, such as service dogs, farm dogs, bomb dogs, etc. But I have no use for house dogs. Why do people feel they have to have a dog? Almost everyone of my neighbors has some type of dog. And they bark. That's what really gets on my nerves. The idiot people can't hear them for some reason so they let them bark. I know dogs bark from time to time, but you brake them of that habit. Very ignorant. Also very few dogs are trained properly. I hate it when a dog jumps on me and my wife gets mad if I knee them in the chest, which is what breaks them of that. And their owners just laugh, "Oh he won't hurt you, he's just being friendly." Screw that, I don't need a 65 pond dog jumping on me. And my relatives feel, for some reason, that when they come to visit me they need to bring their dogs with them. Very ignorant. So my hardwood floors get scratched, I get dog drool all over me, the house smells like dog, they aren't trained so they jump and bark, and some even sit at the table in someone's lap. If I want all that I'll get my own dog! Of course I'm not allowed to say anything. Also many people confine their dogs in indoor cages for long periods which I think is inhuman, or indogmane, whatever. Next are the idiots that show up in public with dogs strapped to their chests or in baby carriages, what's their problem? Are they so insecure they need a dog to make them feel as if someone continuously likes them or what? They can't leave the house without a dog? Sounds like a mental disorder to me. Furthermore.......oops gotta go pizzas ready.
Feels like you've got a gripe with owners rather than the animals itself. I have my pets because I honestly think they'd have a better life with me than they might elsewhere. I have the room, the time and the heart for them. I can give them everything that others might neglect. I don't have to worry about anything you're talking about because I can handle my GSD and he's disciplined. You like cats don't you? Well we can't sit around and pretend cat owners aren't any different, only cats probably don't want the attention you give them whereas a dog does because that's what a dog thrives on is that community. They want to play, they want attention, they don't want to sit at home in a backyard all alone. A dog is pack animal. It derived from the wild wolf therefore, it feels the necessity to bond with its owner. It so has the drive to be alpha or group leader. If the owner let's this happen then it becomes problematic but at the end of the day that's ingrown to the dog. Cats are different. They seem solo. They just do their thing. But like I said, you can't pretend that cat owners don't bring their cats everywhere and tbh, walking into a house that homes cats is way more of a turn off than a dog home. All I gotta worry about is tumble weeds of hair, I don't let my animals go to the toilet in my house, a cat owner throws down sand with a big sign "hey shit right here in my house it's all good" and your next house guest has to cop that and smell that disgusting litter. Ugh. Lol. Like you're literally living in cat shit dude. Your pet just shat in your house lol.
For me its cos they stink. A wet dog is one of the rankest smells there are. I'm a cat person cant you tell
don't group everyone into one shitty dog hasn't left my farm in 3 years and if he jumps on you it is because you are on my property.....dont come over if you dont like it.... he is loose at night to fend off coyote and weed long as you aren't one of those you have nothing to worry about
My dog's job is to protect me. She makes me feel safe when I'm home alone or on nightly meandering walks or solo hikes. There are some things I feel I can do alone with her that would otherwise have me checking over my shoulder constantly and carrying mace. I'll probably never have a small dog because of that but I will always have a big dog. Plus small dogs can be yappy and I'm not a fan of that. Small dogs are also the worst about not being well trained. Owners of small dogs seem to have this attitude that no one is going to get offended about their dog jumping or barking because they're so small and can't actually hurt anyone. Guess I'm more of a big dog person than a dog person overall. Bringing a dog to someone's house without clearing it first is super rude And I hate seeeing dogs in strollers. Like, wut? Dogs thrive on exercise silly little dog owners
I'm racist against all dogs except the German Shepherd. :d that's all we've had, that's all I know and it's the most handsome most fun breed. Since a kid I remember... We've had at least 7 that I can name and many others I cannot name. Our GSD now is the first for us personally. I couldn't imagine him any other way either. We named him Atreyú and that's exactly what we got, a young stubborn warrior. It's as if his name set his ways. He's just so awesome and I have always feared that if he landed in the arms of someone else he might be a problem. He's full of energy, he just wants to play. Extremely social, he needs something or someone. I'd love to walk him down to streets but he's just so anxious in public there's too much going on and he gets very excited easily and he's extremely protective of us. If he can calculate that two paths will cross and we will meet someone dressed in black then he doubles his stature and ears up, my favourite look and he will get in the middle of us and them and always its fine but I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of him. And it's cute how he just doesn't understand that he's a dog and we aren't or he's not a human. If he's not allowed on the couch then that's a real problem for him lol. Things like that, I mean they are so emotionally attached I don't think I could fault a dog owner for what they do. I might shake my heads at 90% of owners but I'm not anybody to tell anyone else what to do with their animal. If those animals are enjoying themselves then isn't that the beauty of ownership? Give em a smile and wave, and a sneaky kick into the little shit when they ain't looking and get on with your goddamn life.
My dog gets like that but mostly he's a yelp or high pitch which he's really asking the question, who's here, I want to play, let me play, I need to know.
yeah, sounds more like you have an issue with the owners rather than the actual dogs. Barking and being rude is one thing Buddy isn't allowed to do. I let him "chat" with the other dogs in the area, but if it goes on too long I tell him to cool it. If he barks at neighbors in their yards that is stopped immediately, and what is nice is all it takes is me saying "cool it!" or whistling and he knows to stop and come inside. I can also tell by the way he barks whether or not I should check things out. I have a 100lb, very strong and intimidating dog, I have always felt it is my responsibility to keep him in control, and he definitely looks to me as the "Alpha Dog" in the pack. He is pretty fucking well behaved compared to most other dogs I have encountered. the biggest problems I/we have encountered going out have been with small yippy dogs, but I have to be responsible and yank/lift my 100lb dog so some little yipper doesn't get killed when it attacks us!?
Well, everyone is taking this better than I expected! Yes, my problem is with the owners, not the dogs themselves. That was my point but I guess I didn't express it too well. I do have almost four cats. Cats also have issues but the issues they have only pertain to my home. They don't make noise when my neighbor goes out in his lawn, I don't carry them about with me to the flea market, and I don't cart them off to my friends house and let them claw at their bodies. True they may take a crap in the neighbor's lawn but at least they have the courtesy to bury it. And, my home doesn't smell of cats, the litter box is cleaned by my wife..and she is impeccable on that account. There are tumble weeds that waft about the area but we suck them up daily. And occasionally there is the dreaded cat puke lying about, usually in the middle of the night when I get up to take a leak. ...and it one of my other posts you can read about me patching up the vinyl that Miss Kittie attacked. In the final analysis I think the difference between cat and dog owners is that dog owners need someone to love them, and cat owners are happy to co-exist with another being who doesn't really give a damn and could just as well take a nap.
In my experiences, although the owners might be used to their homely scents and such, an outside visitor with no cats such as myself will smell litter and cat smell one foot through the door.
how does one get ''almost'' a cat? I mean assuming you have 3 whole cats and one part cat I 'spose you could have parts of dozens of cats and it is almost 4 cats in total????
Dogs are cool. Some dog owners suck ass. And I will never get why people have indoor cats, there house always sinks like cat shit.
I live right behind the football field of a Jr High. Big open field. Around January, I started hearing a few noises around the house. I just assumed I was going mad and didn't worry about it too much. Until March when I started seeing rats. Called the exterminator, and they laid out some traps. 0 Dead rats. Store bought traps, 4 dead rats. My two hounds, Kali and Calypso, 6 dead rats. I haven't seen any rats in months. Great personalities, big ears. No rats. Good Dogs.