the Price is Right next week

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by RainyDayHype, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    My brother and I are going to a taping of the Price is Right on Wednesday. I've been to their taping once before, but I was a paid audience member and wasn't able to be a contestant. So this time, maybe I'll be a contestant!

    I want to make a shirt..The front will say "I need a vacation" maybe with a pic of palm trees or something and then I'm gonna find an image of a car, maybe just clip art or something and then have text that says "or a new car!" I'm thinking maybe a vw beetle (that's the car I have now) to put on the back of the shirt. I do desperately need a new car because it's so difficult to get my kiddos in car seats in and out of the cramped car! (yeahhhh, people make crazy shirts for the show).

    Anyone good at designing something like this and willing to make it for me then e-mail me the file? If not, I'll probably just half ass it :D then I'm gonna print it onto transfer paper and iron it onto a yellow shirt I have.

    Anyone else been to the Price is Right? Been a contestant? Any tips?
    or do you watch the show and have any tips? or do you have any other ideas for a shirt I can make?

    I know that loud, enthusiastic people usually get picked to Come on Down...
  2. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    Lornadoom attended once (im not kidding)

    maybe theyll be nice enough to give you some tips
  3. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    I think I'm gonna use this pic..
  4. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    Go on mushrooms :hat:
  5. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    but I'd like to win
  6. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    just put the words "I want to cum on down with Drew"

    then at least you'll get a backstage pass
  7. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    hipforum folks can literally turn any thread dirty/sexual
  8. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    really, they actually pay people to watch the show? i think i just found my dream job.
  9. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    that's pretty awesome. I love the price is right although I haven't watched it since Bob Barker left.
  10. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    This was a couple of years ago when the writers strike was going on and I was a paid audience member for a lot of game shows that were filming then. I usually do background acting but their weren't many tv shows or films being filmed during the strike at all. So I don't know how often paid audience for tpir are used. I don't know if it was just special circumstances during the strike. Anyways, I was sworn to secrecy and couldn't tell anyone while at the show that I was getting paid. Top secret stuff..haha.
  11. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    Almost finished with my shirt. I'll post a pic later..
  12. *MAMA*

    *MAMA* Perfectly Imperfect

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    This is my old friend Jamal on TPIR. Yes, he's exactly like this IRL too."]PRICE IS RIGHT: Drew & 'spastic' Jamal !! - YouTube
  13. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    hahaha jamal went insane..

    there was an older woman at the taping I went to acting really excited like that too, she actually slipped on stage...
  14. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    here's my shirt


    so don't people who get called up sometimes get asked if they'd like to give a shout out? haha I'd give a shout out to hipforums instead of to my mom & dad..
  15. Mike Suicide

    Mike Suicide Sweet and Tender Hooligan

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    omg that poor audience has no idea of whats about to hit them.
  16. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    drew: so do you want to give a shout out to anyone?
    me: *nervously* ummm, well I spend a lot of time online and I want to say hey to my friends on
    drew: *looks around* alright, that's um, different........
    audience: *confused* hipforums? wtf

    -hipforums crashes because all of america logs on-
  17. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    the price is never right, any week.
  18. LornaDoom

    LornaDoom Senior Member

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    before the show, you will meet with the producers while you are in line..make sure to be extra extra excited when you talk to them and they will pick you to "come on down" ..the guy next to me got picked when I was on there..he won a 1500$ stainless steel fridge..I won nothing, cause I was not excited enough I guess..still cool to see the taping though
  19. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    Well, this taping happened January 29. It was horrible. I don't want to sound like a negative nancy, but it's totally not worth it unless you're going to win something. And I don't even think people are going to quite believe how horrible it really is. You'd probably have to experience it yourself. The thing I'd compare it to is a long, long, long, long, long, long, long line at a popular theme park like six flags, except the wait is even longer. Me and my brother checked in at 11:30am and we waited in line until about 5:00pm. It was very uncomfortable and exhausting.

    Of course once you get in the studio it's bright and exciting. The taping is about an hour long. Yes, 6 hours of waiting for a 1 hour taping. If anyone wants to go to a tv taping, I'd recommend something like a late night tv show. There isn't too much waiting for something like that. There was a point when you're waiting in line, and you can have your photo taken in front of a green screen (that's why my hair looks fucked up, it blended into the green). This pic was taken pretty early on in the day, but I swear, by the time the taping was over with, I was so exhausted to the point that I felt like I was gonna puke.

    The only luck that we had is there's 300 people allowed in. We were numbers 296 and 297. Some people got turned away.

  20. LornaDoom

    LornaDoom Senior Member

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    oh..I understand..I went to a early taping a few years ago and I think we got there at 430 am for a taping at 11 or was alright..I went a second time and ate a edible before, got there about 5 am..2nd in the time 8 oclock rolled around, the edible kicked in and there was no way I was going to wait in line anymore and bailed..I may go back someday again..just got to have a strategy to get your picture, looks like you still had fun

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