Reëlection reportedly sometimes hinges upon. But is President really responsible for the economy in the U.S.? This question is ironic for two reasons. For one, it has gotten some Democrats elected (as well as some Republicans). And from what I understand, President Trump may be screwing up the economy with his unheardof tariffs and trade war with China. So ironically it may be just a little time before the stuff hits the fan. Ironically whoever's our next president will probably get the blame for that.
The economy has been steadily rising since Obama. I don't think it will get Trump reelected. I'm debating whether or not I will vote if Biden is the nominee. I really can't stand Trump. He's such a narcissistic buffoon. Biden doesn't really inspire me to go vote, though, and honestly I'd feel pretty bad if either one of these guys were in office. I just don't know if I can stand anymore Trump. He's so proud of himself and full of himself when the truth is he doesn't belong where he's at at all. He didn't earn it. He was just given everything he has and happened to be a pompous loudmouth who wants everyone's attention all of the time so he ran for president. He gives two dicks about this country or the people in it. It's all about him. Biden is just normalcy, which isn't a good thing is this country. Normal is locking people in cages and bombing the shit out of brown people and walking all over the lower class. I hate it when there's a Democratic president and no one complains about shit because it's all just normal, like we're all just being practical or something. So, I dunno...good luck I guess.
This is the standard cycle of elections. Republicans want no regulation and fuck up things. A Democrat regulates and once things turn around he is gone. So the myth of trickle down economics persists. It takes years for the effects of an economic plan to really show itself. For example Obama inherited a Bush plan yet he was the black man who crashed the economy to Fox News. It's true the economy is up now but at what cost? The cost of a rescission like 2008. For now the rich get richer but one day they will save their own investments at the expense of us. People who say Trump has made the economy good don't see the long game. What he does benefits the 1%. Odd thing is left or right we all seem to agree the rich are a problem and not like us. It's just our perception of how we deal with that. Are they a "Hollywood elitist" or a "job creator" who does not need unions ruining the jobs for all of us?
" Its the economy stupid" was the President Clinton re-election mantra, it worked. People will vote their pocketbooks.