The politics of gender

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Balbus, Mar 10, 2021.

  1. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    We do seem to be getting a culture war meme coming from the right based round gender

    I’ve already written that the new cultural battleground seeming to be coalescing around ‘cancelling’ and ‘transgender’ which to me seems to be a just a rehash of the old war based on ‘political correctness’ and ‘gays’, with the exact same spurious arguments and thinly veiled bigotry – for example even the old slurs about gays been paedophiles is now getting a dust off to be thrown at the transgender.

    Thing is that how do we go forward in an age where gender is more fluid, how can we be helpful and supportive and not try to stoke division or even animosity.

    I’ve been pulled up on my terrible habit of calling everyone on the forums ‘he’ unless I’m corrected – I have done because traditionally most of the people on the site have been and I often can’t tell as we use aliases and avatars, I agree it is a bad habit, but I’m happy to be corrected.

    I’ve been a longtime advocate of a nonspecific pronoun something akin to ‘Dr’ that can be any gender. My daughter tells me that ‘they’ or ‘them’ is correct but I often find that hard grammatically and someone else has suggested ‘one’ but that sounds so pompous.

    Maybe we should drop the idea of having specific sex altogether stopping putting people in any box, stop with male, female, lesbian, gay, trans and so on and just have human.
    Piney likes this.

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