Just thought I'd share this little tidbit with all of you. Where do you stand on the political compass? I'm economic -2.25, social 0.05.
These questions confused me... If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations. I don't see these two things as mutually exclusive. Our race has many superior qualities, compared to other races. Do they mean human race compared to other animals, or do they mean ethnicity?
I've done this before, was thinking about posting this thread myself. I'm pretty deep in the lower left corner - economic left/right: -6.38, soc lib/authoritarian: -7.90
I took this yesterday.. It looked something like: Economic: - 7 Libertarian/Authotarian: - 4 I'm a commie.
Economic Left/Right: 5.25 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.51 I'm not sure how accurate this is though because I had to make a lot of assumptions in order to answer the questions.
economic l/r: 2.something social/libertarian: -2.5 and some of those questions were extremely leading and kind of dumb.
I took this test a couple months ago and I was further left and further liberterian than gandhi. That's all I remember. Check out the ichonochasms page on the site.
Hmmm I probably could make a chart of where the forumers stand, but the bottom-left would be a bit cramped. I'll see what I can do, and if enough people like it we could put it on one of the main boards.
The world's smallest political quiz is better even if its smaller in scope. No stupid questions about abstract art.
I's "political compass": Economic: -7.38 Social: -6.31 So, I'm around where Mandela and Ghandi are. Wow, I'm flattered.
I've taken the test many times before and my score was somewhere in the neigborhood of -9.5 on both of them