The poisoning of Russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Joshua Tree, Aug 25, 2020.

  1. Joshua Tree

    Joshua Tree Remain In Light

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    Pompeo breaks silence on poisoning of Russian opposition leader - CNNPolitics

    Putin has history on this. He's ex-KGB and he plays dirty. I find it frightening how much power he has grabbed over the country, to the extent that he's effectively a despot. Worrying times.
    Eric!, srgreene and Ajay0 like this.
  2. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    The assassination of Boris Nemtsov, a prominent Russian opposition leader and physicist in 2015 was also pretty disgraceful.

    Russian democracy is kicking and alive, and it is important that the democratic world supports Russian democracy at this point of time.

    The fact that NATO exists even after the cold war and has been trying to bring Russia's neighbors to its influence and membership has also heightened Russia's insecurities leading to the invasions of Georgia and Ukraine.

    For a country like Russia which had lost 25 million people to the Nazi invasion, border insecurities run deep, and hopefully the western world will take note of its sensitivities in this regard and stop bringing NATO military alliance to the very borders of Russia. It is the insecurities developed in this regard that is creating hypernationalism in Russia, which Putin is cleverly taking advantage of.

    NATO may be necessary for the military-industrial complex of western governments and obviously need a terrifying enemy to exist and to get the necessary funding from gullible taxpayers. It is also but important to realise that there are no winners in a global nuclear holocaust.
  3. jagerhans

    jagerhans Far out, man. Lifetime Supporter

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    Navalny was poisoned and nearly died.
    Navalny went back to Russia.
    Navalny was arrested as soon as he set foot on russian soil.
    Navalny is either very stupid or very brave, or both.
  4. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Navalny is a brave Russian leader who came back to his country to ensure the process of setting up Russian democracy on a firm foundation. He has won the praise of the world with his courage.

    I am glad to see that he has been nominated for the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize.

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