The Philosophy of Religion

Discussion in 'Philosophy and Religion' started by HashtagInterested, Nov 11, 2019.

  1. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    Sometimes vain, other times not... Like everything else, words have a certain degree of power. If I told you that if you read everything I write on this post that something really really bad would happen to the one who does tonight, would you keep reading? How about if I told you all you had to do is open this post and the same? How about if I said it didn't matter either way, what's gonna happen is gonna happen? Words and suggestions have power. So does ill will towards people. What happens when you have a desire that everyone is happy or becomes happy?

    Ask me and I'll fill you in on how incredibly difficult it has been and how incredibly miserable I am because of.
  2. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    Bless you . I hope you may acquire and share a philosophy of religion . Misery is a symptom of alienation . Were you
    born to that condition ?
  3. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    Alien nation? I mean alienation …. Umm yes and no. I was born free, unscathed by societal brainwashing and religious rule. I acquired a taste for it later in life and well … that's all it took, so I spent the rest of my years doing what I could to reconcile myself with that first "taste". It's pretty incredible really. I've reconciled it all with myself, and really don't attempt to do anyone else, but I have my views and philosophical leanings. I do pretty good, but to be honest … I'm ready to go back to say the other side of the age of 17 and have some fun again. I still do, but not like I once did. That's the truth.

    Do you remember when or did you remain unscathed?
  4. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    I remember the womb . I remember First Light . I remember First Language . I remember Father screaming at a crying baby
    in the night . I know how a baby's crying becomes music .
  5. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    I can't say I remember when but I can say I remember still. If I could remember my first breath, or the moment of first sight, I wonder what I was thinking as I glanced first in my mothers eye? What if I thought nothing? Nah, that couldn't be. I know I must have thought something, but I wonder what it might be. How about first sunlight? How cold it must have felt, compared to my mother's womb for the 9 nine month's that I dwelt. Four days after Christmas, a few days after when, I wonder why I smelled the way I smelled back then. Ohh my god! A dirty diaper. Tell me that's not me! Ohh dear Lord whatever could I be? I can barely lift my head. I can't use my feet. Wait … yes I can well I'm a man and I'll be damned, how curious can this be? I don't remember when, but I do remember still. The day my angel was born from another mother still. I wonder if he knows. Do you think that he does? I'd say if he doesn't that his other mother was … privy to the fact, a fact I won't deny. She herself born and woman and I myself a guy.
  6. I remember...

    ...the alamo...
  7. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    I remember not enjoying the first angel I shot down. They are ya know … Truly exquisite creatures. I don't enjoy bringing them down. They should be flying higher than the pine trees growing tall upon a hill.
  8. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    Born free yet life has a way of binding us even after we leave the garden so to speak. I like leaves and acorns. If that makes me a nut so be it, well … I am I guess and I guess the acorns don't fall far from the tree, even after the leaves.
  9. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    the unknown being unknown doesn't stop anything from existing. just from owing anything to what we tell each other.
    people can whine about either or both of those being the case, but doing so doesn't change ether of them.
    parua likes this.
  10. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    If something exists then it does. There are many things I never knew existed, then found out otherwise. Here, there, everywhere? That's what I'm coming to see. You're right ... I guess best we can do is get in our own groove and understand that it's like a hair line crack in the pavement. Little big world ... So to speak.
    themnax likes this.
  11. Running Horse

    Running Horse A Buddha in hiding from himself

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    When asked if he exists the baboon only laughs.
  12. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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  13. parua

    parua Members

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    You don't find peace in realizing that freedom is an illusion???
  14. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    Even time is illusory. It's all energy and the way we're conditioned to experience. Freedom ... As free as we choose to live as if ... Ya know? It's cool, but then it isn't at the same time. Bound by life and all it entails. I guess in the end, or beginning it's all the same.
  15. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i find peace in realizing that nothing owes anything to what people try to demand each other pretend.

    in realizing that everything that is NOT freedom,
    the smaller part of that comes from how the universe works, no matter how we'd rather it did,
    but the larger part comes from humans imposing it on each other.

    LOSS of freedom comes from hating logic, consideration, honesty and imagination.
    like morality it has nothing to do with any concept of hierarchy or authority.
    also nothing to do with what people convince each other to believe about what is not known.

    none of which denies either that god-like beings might exist,
    nor that shared organized beliefs can serve a useful purpose by discouraging bullying.

    consideration especially. the opposite of universally mutual consideration is tyranny.
    that alone can turn any heaven into a hell, no mater how powerful its god might be.

    and then logic, neither belief nor intention can alone prevent the causing of harm,
    without also the use and application of logic.

    imagination might seem silly to include and honesty trivial,
    but really, virtually all joy in life depends at least partially on imagination,
    and honesty, or at least truthfulness, the opposite of that is ignorance.

    so even if freedom may be in some ways illusory, that absence of it is (a choice we all participate in making, by how we act, that is) not.
    and we do get to choose these things, how we prioritize logic, consideration, honesty, and imagination, (in our actual behavior, whatever else we might claim to believe, or otherwise feel)
    whatever else we may or may not claim to believe,
    and the statistic of how we prioritize these four key principals,
    is what creates, even is, the socio-cultural environment we are surrounded by.

    i'm not saying whatever god there might be is trivial, but my point is this is really a totally separate thing.
    a god might be a good thing to have, to be loved and cared about by, but really, in whatever form such a being or beings might happen to exist,
    still owes nothing to what we tell each other, whether in books of scripture or carved in stone.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2019
    parua likes this.
  16. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    I look a lot like my mother and likewise my father. When I was formed I took on their image. The same is true for everyone else. I also inherited certain dispositions from them. So, let us make them in our image holds true for all. We are creators. We are also murderers. With every life we give the same is also taken.

    Good, evil, light darkness we create and make these things. There's not just one God, there are many. That's who we are.
    themnax likes this.
  17. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    this is absolutely true. its not the beginning and end of it. there is also the unknown, which is unknown.
    but we are, ourselves, responsible, for how we make our world, and how we live in it, is how we do.
  18. Total Darkness

    Total Darkness 100% Cocoa

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    Philosophy destroys religion.

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