There's an interesting phenomenon throughout human history. Curses. People rarely use them today. Most today are skeptical of them anyways. But in the past, they were the great leveler of the classes, of poor and rich alike. And they never were illegal, or considered wrong. And they are in the truest sense, Christian. And, during the witch hunts of of the 14th to 18th centuries, many women were accused of being witches. Often poor, destitute women who had been tortured into confessing. And often, as they were led to the gallows to be hanged, with their last ounce of strength, they pronounced one last curse against their accuser or accusers. Salem "witch" Sarah Good was led to the gallows July 29, 1692. And famously yelled: "I'm no more a witch than you are a wizard, and if you take away my life, God will give you blood to drink!" to her accuser, Rev. Nicholas Noyes. (Now, I know some of you are going to say she never said this. She probably did. It just was never in the official records.) And Noyes did actually choke on his own blood, so to speak. In 1717 when he died at age 69, he choked on his own blood, due to an embolism, probably caused by a severe case of the flu. I was wondering, does anyone know of anymore stories of gallows curses? Especially involving accused witches? I am kind of interested in that topic now.