The Only Way To Cure Cancer Is From Eating Cooked Foods Including Salads!

Discussion in 'Cancer: There is Hope' started by kansas, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. kansas

    kansas Member

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      Hey everyone if you want to know why Kale is not on here it's because although it is a superfood and it is Super good for you... these raw food activists are supposedly wrong my good mentor susun weed says that Raw is not good it will go straight through your system, they are often putting Kale in green drinks and you are starving your immune system when you eat raw food. No living thing eats raw food.. all animals use a rumen.... in their bodies they only use cooked food that is made in their stomachs. The only sucesfull animals are ruminants.. which is why we eat them. Eating raw food is like being on heroin to your brain.. Its extremely addictive. And these Juicing activists don't exactly know what they are doing. Although I was a vegetarian for 9 years I am looking more into her ideas.. she does not like vegetarianism she has lived on her farm since 1970 something but she is very wise... here is her link. Try Kale chips even though adding salt and oil completely dehydrating is supposedly better than juicing because your breaking the cells walls in the vegetables.

      Reply · Like · Unfollow Post · Edited · 18 hours ago

 72:16 somewhere around there she says the heroin thing

      Reply · Like · Unfollow Post · 16 hours ago


    Oh by the way I am only telling you this because she is knowledgeable, and she has read so many books on plants. also has her bachelors in biology hence why i said she knows that if the cells walls of the vegetables aren't broken down you won't digest them.
  2. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Someone I know studied with Susan Weed...
  3. kansas

    kansas Member

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  4. kansas

    kansas Member

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    Okafter you have watched the vid you will find out that adding a avacodoo or half will help the absortion, quadruplate it and icream the ammount of lutein and lycopene so thats what shes saying eating raw foods will work ut u must eat an avaodo

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