The official ranting and bitching thread! (To help keep the boards clean)

Discussion in 'The Whiners' started by flowerchild17, May 15, 2004.

  1. flowerchild17

    flowerchild17 I practice safe sax.

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    After reading Peace-Phoenix's new start thread (which was very well said, btw) I thought that it would be good to still have SOME place to vent and bitch when you're in a bad mood so you dont spread negitive energy amongst the rest of the board... So here is a thread for just that! Rant, bitch, vent those pent of feeling from your day! That way we can keep the rest of the threads clean of negitive energy and help make this community what it once was :) I was here when it was a small, tight knit group, and when it became what it was I coudln't help but leave. But as Phoenix said this is a great chance for a new start! So take advantage of it, but also do a little healthy ranting on the side :D

    I'll start...

    My aunt and I went out shopping today, and she was nice enough to buy me a really nice pair of rollarblades I like. Ok, good day so far! I come home and my dad absolutly freaks out on me all like "how could you let her do this for you?!" and all this shit! CHRIST! Why can't Ihave rollarblades? It's not like there were that much money... and it's not like I would have gotten them otherwise! And now I can do other things and not ahve to WALK everywhere I go since I have no bike! God he pisses me off sometimes like he can't accept anything from an outside source... Like me getting a $30 pair of rollarblades is such a bad thing!

    AlrightI'm done now :D
  2. sila

    sila Member

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    I hate how people think the way someone does something is wrong just because it is different to how they do it. I hate how the norm for society has to be right and any other way must be wrong.

    I hate how people who have raised their own children think they know how mine should be raised.
  3. StAlphonzo

    StAlphonzo Member

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    People take me too seriously. I can't wear a New York Dolls t-shirt (which is pink) without people calling me gay. They call call me that all they want, it'll not come true, in fact I pity them.

    Besides, I don't see everyone's problems with gay/lesbian marriage. Gays and lesbians are no different to straight people - they still work for a living, eat, sleep, and drink like everyone why can;t they be allowed to live like everyone else?

    I'm too tired to talk anymore right now.
  4. backtothelab

    backtothelab Senior Member

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    I hate preps, they really piss me off. They all act like hippie surfer bum pot heads, but they're all a bunch of yuppies who watch mtv. There are like four or five in my school who wear now, get this, FAKE BIRKENSTOCKS!
    They're taking all the fun out of being different. They wear cheap machine made hemp from the mall and new clothes that look old, and they think theyre all fuckin free spirit. What the hell, when did wearing old worn out clothes become the hip thing to do? They're like these punk rock hippie stoner wannabes with their messed up hair and fake wrinkled clothes. They're on the school news, bullshitting it up, surpassing the previous bullshit on the school news, all, "Im all Fucking amazing cause im a hippie, but i wear make-up and beat my girlfriend." they can eat my ass!
  5. thepixies

    thepixies Member

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    ^^^^^hahaha too true^^^^^
  6. flowerchild17

    flowerchild17 I practice safe sax.

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    DAMN STRAIGHT! God it pisses me off...

    I'ts just 10 degrees to cool outside it better warm up!
  7. Strawberry_Fields_Fo

    Strawberry_Fields_Fo RN

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    I hate young mothers of spoiled kids. That has got to be the most annoying demographic group on the face of the Earth. They're all obsessed with their kids and paranoid about every single bacteria that might be floating around in the air. I mean, I admit I'm not a mother, but when I have kids, I'm not going to completely lose my sense of self like so many yuppie moms do (not all, mind you). And I wouldn't be so damn paranoid about my kids getting sick--everyone gets sick, that's what helps develop a kid's immune system, and if you hardly ever let your kid get sick, they're gonna turn into allergy-prone, sickly adults. As long as my kids aren't gonna get so sick they die, I wouldn't worry so much.

    This is the kind of thing that makes me nervous about being a mother (not that it's going to happen anytime soon). To listen to all these yuppie moms, you would think that having a kid means giving up your sex life, giving up going out and having fun once in a while, giving up having any sense of identity outside of mommy. I KNOW that becoming a mother changes your life, but I don't care to hear about it all the time. And just because it changes your life doesn't mean it destroys it completely. If it does, you are way too obsessed with your kids.

    And another thing: Why do so many women in America (and maybe Europe, I don't know) go around and tell everyone about their nasty-ass childbirth stories? Like I want to hear about how you stretched your vagina into oblivion while your cheesy husband sat there with a video camera. Please, do not assume that everyone wants to hear that type of thing. It's so crass and disgusting to talk about such things around people you barely know.

    This is why I could NEVER raise my kids in America. It is such a shitty place to raise a family--I don't know how my own mother did it. If I did, I'd be way too worried about my kid growing up to become another fat, lazy spoiled kid with way too many toys. Why do parents buy there kids so many toys when the kid ALWAYS finds one or two favorite toys and ignores the rest? What a waste of money. When I raise my kids overseas, I'm gonna bring home cardboard boxes for them to play with. I had so much fun cutting out cardboard boxes and painting them to make them look like houses and other things, and they barely cost any money. What ever happened to using your imagination??

    I heard about this product not too long ago that's basically a stuffed horse that a parent can strap over their knee and let their kid ride on it, so that the poor kid doesn't have to go through the tiresome, tedius task OF IMAGINING A GODDAMNED HORSE!!

    I feel like the only mothers in this country (and yes, I'm generalizing) are the hippie moms who are all into "natural" childbirth, "natural" baby food, co-sleeping and other cheesy practices, or the yuppie moms who ignore their kids unless they want a new toy and then they buy it for them because they don't know any other way of showing their love.

    Sigh...well, I'm tired of typing now. But I like this idea for a thread. You'll see me on here quite often ;)

  8. sunshinedaisy11

    sunshinedaisy11 Member

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    Thats so true. One day last year like 20 people came to school wearing tie dye shirts the same day (they had it all planned out) and they were all like yeah man look im a hippie just because im wearing tie dye!!! It was so retarded, but anyways what exactly are fake Birkenstocks?
  9. backtothelab

    backtothelab Senior Member

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    ha, yeah, and they all read romance novels...'

    sunshine, birks are a type of sandal that alot of "hippies" wore. Well, the ones i mentioned were like regular birks, except they were rip offs, some name brand sandals made to look like birks.
  10. ShrOomie

    ShrOomie Member

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    i hate old people who think the world revolves around them, becouse they are old they come first ITS NOT RIGHT
  11. flowerchild17

    flowerchild17 I practice safe sax.

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    It's not right for any age group of people (Teens, the elderly, middle-aged adults ect ect) To think that they rule the world in anyway, but sadly a lot of them do. All people are equal... no matter how old/young they are. We should all treat each other with an equal amount of respect, whether we're 5 or 85...
  12. backtothelab

    backtothelab Senior Member

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    then again, shroomie, alot of young people think elders don't matters, that they should be cast off to the side; it was'nt as long ago as you may think when older people had little help. They were forced into retirement, they could'nt get jobs because nobody wants to hire an older person. Try being 70 with a fourth or fifth grade education, not easy. I can understand that our elders can be quite difficult at times, but look at the frustrations they go to and try to understand, please.
  13. Willow-Bridget-Love

    Willow-Bridget-Love Member

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    ARG! i hate it how my Katherine(my birthgiver) always screaming and yelling

    i hate it how my mom decided that i cant have dreadlocks so i can look normal, when would i EVER want to do that???? she says she doesnt know, but cause she said so! arg! I want it to Be IMPOSSSIBLE for me to look normal!

    i hate it how suddenly my mom will decide that i Cant have my girlfriend sleep over tonight for no reason, and she let my girlfriend sleep over last weekend, and said she can next weekend

    i hate it how my Dad is always all cool about me doing about anything... Dread locks, conserts , dying my hair rad colours, and hes really Rad, but then Katherine says i cant and then he'lll support her, and start saying things like "no, dread locks are bad" when the other night he was like "yeah, cool dread locks, do you think your hair would dread well?" he NEVER stands up for me against Katherine!!

    i hate it how people think that I auctaucally WANT to be accepted in society!!! i dont!

    i hate it how the goverment is evil and does all this bad shit!

    i hate it how people are starving and dying ..everywhere

    i hate it how people all want to be so thin their ribs show... i think its really gross looking!

    i hate it how SOME people want me to change because SOME people dont aceept me for who i Am! because my real friends accept me for who i am!

    i hate it how Katehrine makes up all these stupid rules cause she's a controll freak, and has to make sure she has controll over me!

    its sad how my parents, and most people's parents, are not in Love, i can see it, they Love each other, but no, theyre not in LOVe!!
  14. sunshinedaisy11

    sunshinedaisy11 Member

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    haha i know what birks are i just didnt know what FAKE ones were but thanks cuz now i do!! :)
  15. Willow-Bridget-Love

    Willow-Bridget-Love Member

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    :( ...

    my mom.. shes a really cool person inside, you know its odd. sometimes she makes up stupid rules and is bitchy to me and is an asshole, and other times shes the raddest mom ever.

    see.. she used to be a hippie, and thats the part of her i really like, and love, and shes still a hippie, deep inside herself, but now its all kinda covered up with society's rules, and all this shit. but theres that hippie deep inside of her, a person i really love, a free thinking spirt, all about peace and love and understanding, and when i look in her eyes, sometimes i see her as she was.. she really was free.. sometimes i can see when it shines though, and i can she who she once was...

    ok i admit it, sometimes i look though some of her old stuff, she keeps it in little boxes and stuff, i can see.. she has things like little irovy elephants that friend of her's gave her, and belt clasps that are birds with flowers on them, she has moons and stars, and i can still kinda see that its all still kind of part of her.. but its all hidden up well... sometimes she says things like it was a thing of the past.. but really shes.. still part of it..
  16. Willow-Bridget-Love

    Willow-Bridget-Love Member

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    ha! fake burkenstalks!! yup yup.. thats sad! have they ever asked you advice on how to be a hippie or something?
  17. flowerchild17

    flowerchild17 I practice safe sax.

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    Awww Willow! *great big hug* You poor thing! I know how you feel though so take comfort in the fact you'll be able to leave someday :)

    Today I found out Alanis Moressette is comin to town in August... I'm trying to get tickets! I'm really hoping because I love her to pieces and taht would be a great way to end my summer vacation from school! If I dont get them I'll be back tomorrow with a nice long rant! ;)
  18. Willow-Bridget-Love

    Willow-Bridget-Love Member

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    thats good for you flower child! hope its all rad!

    ha, well you know i love my parents dearly.. and sometimes theyre the raddest, and sometimes, they are yeah, very mean.

    itlll All be good on Saturday, cause ill be with my girlfriend, and well make out in the woods, under and tree on in the sun, on the grass, and ill sleep in her arms again, and all my troubles and pains will wash away and ill be filled with euphoric bliss...and well wake up on a purple cloud... really i swear when i slept in her arms those 2 times before, though it seems like years, we were floating on a purple cloud, and we woke up at the same time, only to stare in each other's eyes, kiss each other passionatly, and to part.....
  19. Digital Underpants

    Digital Underpants Member

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    I am sick to death of hate. It eats at me always.
    I hate death.
    I hate disease.
    I hate suffering for the name of god.
    Why must we hate?
    I hate all the things in this place that are truly wicked.
    I hate serial killers.
    I wish for there impending know Karma includes bad thoughts.
    I hate hunger in the bellies of children.
    I hate war.

    I love my family...amen
  20. Willow-Bridget-Love

    Willow-Bridget-Love Member

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    man, that is soo beautifull Digital Underpants! i soo agree!. well i mean its sad that theres all that stuff,but yeah.. its beautifull to know that other people care and want to stop murder and hate and disease and stavation.

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