The next Step

Discussion in 'Barefoot' started by Moonfox13, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. Moonfox13

    Moonfox13 Member

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    I've been fond of the hippie philosophy for a while, maybe ... two years now,
    and I want to take the next step (pun intended). So far I have become a vegetarian(and have been one for almost a year), and I have grown my hair out past my shoulders. Now I'm trying to go barefoot.

    Many websites online talk about going barefoot, but I feel like they don't go in
    depth into the subject. They say to take it slow, but I don't know how slow I should go. I wanted to ask you guys how long it took you to go barefoot. Also, I live in Washington state. With the rainy and cold weather, can I go barefoot year round? Can you go barefoot in the rain, or possibly in the snow?

    I've enjoyed going vegetarian and growing my hair our, and I hope to enjoy going barefoot too. As a last question, what should I do next after I go barefoot?
  2. Blizky

    Blizky Member

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    It seems you're going for the fashion. Just go very slowly. It takes many months.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. meeses

    meeses Member

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    After you're used to going barefoot, the next step is..... go naked :)
  4. jagerhans

    jagerhans Far out, man. Lifetime Supporter

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    start going out barefoot when it's warm but it's not a desert of scorching asphalt already (cold is killer, but hot surfaces ain't no cake walk either). at first carry a pair of flipflops just in case your feet call for a break. always watch your step,never shuffle feet. it's not that most of us just dare to go barefoot in ice rain and snow to act Marvel hero. rather -after some time since one gets so accustomed to being unshod- even putting on boots because you know, it's freezing cold outside becomes more of a nuisance than cold itself. listen to your feet. pain=tissue damage is here, or near. act accordingly. numb feet= risk of frostbite+getting hurt without noticing. carry along a plaster or two, tender feet can take cuts easily. do it gradually unless swollen feet mean bonus value for you :wink: btw, expect your feet to become wider over time, if you do it all the time.
    about what else after this... i'd say don't ask yourself again this question and act according to your own wishes instead of reproducing a cliché.
  5. Sax_Machine

    Sax_Machine saxbend

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    I put together these Q&A videos with a few barefooters from different countries which should be helpful to anyone starting out.

    Also one of my fellow barefoot youtubers did this series giving tips for beginners.
  6. Shakti_Om

    Shakti_Om Local Pixie

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    Just go for it. Your feet adapt quickly - don't be shy, express yourself and be happy. It's so much more about you getting used to the sensation rather than how hard your feet are etc etc. You'll be surprised how hardy your feet are despite being in shoes for years!

    I've been barefoot all the time for a few years and it's just part of who I am. I work, live and have conventional friendships. Lots of people over complicate the subject and get hug up on their own insecurities and create problems over this simple choice.

    Just chill and enjoy it - if you don't enjoy it, stick on some shoes and get on with's not a big deal! :)

    Shayla x
  7. Blizky

    Blizky Member

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    I think my comment was mean. Sorry. No matter the reason going barefoot is enjoyable experience.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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