The Next Scientific Revolution

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by wooleeheron, Jan 16, 2021.

  1. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Writing my book has been a Herculean task that makes me happy to remember my memory sucks. However, it is now approaching completion, and describes in elaborate detail, how to kick-start the next scientific revolution, all within the public domain. The entire book expresses particle-wave duality and a giant multidimensional Fractal equation, that nobody sane would ever dare attempt to assemble. But, my book is for my Rainbow Family and all of the abused children out there fleeing from a horribly dysfunctional world, and looking for ways to cope and change the world for the better.

    By writing the book, I could describe the symmetry of nature in detail, and see patterns that nobody has spotted yet, for how to make more sense out of the Big Picture. Among my discoveries, was that our immune system controls our emotions, and connects us to the environment as a species, requiring that Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs be extrapolated into a Rainbow Spectrum of Desires, using networking systems logic. For example, an examination of the seven South African tribes revealed that every few hundred years, they would set aside their differences, and attack the most aggressive tribe among them, whenever their population grew large enough to become a threat to all the other tribes. Their behavior resembles that of bacteria, where the strongest will be killed by the others, and only emerges when supported.

    They obey Monty Carlo statistics and the networking system of a flock of chickens. All of them obey Monty Carlo statistics and organize like a flock of chickens, including our immune system. What it means is that things like allergies are a result of the fact our immune system mediates everything, including our fight-or-flight response, by organizing along the lines of brainless chickens. Your body doesn't know much, but it knows when to act like a startled chicken, and run for the hills, or peck at something. This is what modern psychologists call the Zombie Within, because comparing people to chickens and using networking systems logics are anathema in the hallowed halls.

    Anyway, this is what is known as Intuitionistic mathematics and linguistics, that can describe how our conscious thoughts and awareness emerge from our emotions and our connection to our environment, where Maslow must be expanded to include thought and emotion as expressing a particle-wave duality, where the conscious and unconscious mind exchange identities, according to emotional-logic. Hate and anger demonstrably reflect how poorly we are adapted to our environment, and can be quantified. Sorry if this is an abstract explanation, but I'm working on finishing the book, and any feedback about biology and evolution would be appreciated.
  2. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    Illustrate the associative property of algebra applied to linguistics when every phoneme = a morpheme .
    A single word may be a string of 100 phonemes or more . Divide this string into a variety of associations
    with words of 1-5 phonemes . Let the initial set be randomly generated . For example , wti is an acceptable
    word .
  3. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    All of my work is in the public domain, and speaks for itself. If you have any flaming hoops to jump through, you will find it here:

    The Wisdom of Collective Ignorance: Know.. | | The Online Writing Community

    Classic logic is crap, it only applies to roughly a quarter of what is observable. Fractal Geometry expresses both a classical geometry and "Pointless Geometry" which studies regions, rather than, points. If you do not comprehend language, there is no fucking way you can comprehend mathematics.
  4. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    I teach language at Rainbow gatherings and have had many interesting experiences . Perhaps
    we will meet at the next one .
    wooleeheron likes this.
  5. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    I mastered the mathematics of language, any language. Ask me any question you want.
  6. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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    mathematics is the language of nature.

    I had a brief intention to study math; for a degree no less... But it's hard. I couldn't remember the freaking formulas that they were talking about - easy stuff! I just don't remember because it's been a long time. I'm not going to go back and study basic just so I can say that I have a degree in math. One of my degrees actually mentions math - I have a Natural Sciences and Mathematics associates degree, but my math skills are severely lacking.

    I'm intuitive enough, but you have to have a real working knowledge to do the STEM stuff.
  7. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Mathematics fall apart completely in any extreme context. Doesn't matter what kind of mathematics they are, they fall apart entirely. Newtonian mechanics are roughly 95% accurate and describe maybe 90% of what we can observe on macroscopic scales such as playing baseball, but falls apart entirely at Relativistic speeds and in the subatomic realm. My work deals with showing how mathematics express particle-wave duality and a conservation of Creative Efficiency and Parsimony. The incredibly vague ad hoc mathematics of quantum mechanics, describe the wave-like aspects of mathematics, Newtonian mechanics describe the particle, Relativity describes what's in between the two, because scales and magnitudes exchange identities in a nonlinear fashion. Basically, mathematics describe the limits of our mortal fallibility, and the fact that 42 is as good as it gets.
    soulcompromise likes this.
  8. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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  9. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    When we drink from the springhead , and then share the comfort of a fire . On that day there may
    be a question asked sensibly .
  10. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Time is the fire within which we burn, and the ice within which our minds go numb! Especially, if you never learn how to share your words and play nice.
  11. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Academics are royally pissed, because all of their mathematics, linguistics, sociology, neurology, and immunology are about to make them all look like complete fucking idiots, who are even killing themselves and their own students. My mathematics describe in explicit detail how to make unique predictions, and make them look even more like idiots. Its the only way I could think of to save academics and their students from themselves, because you cannot reason with bigots who insist everything must make sense.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2021
  12. Dejavu~

    Dejavu~ Members

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    I like it. Only my 43 glass-shunning eyes compel my organism to copy and paste the stuff into something that is, for me, more scrutable size-wize. I insist upon a font. No holy vessel, but a proportionate pigeon to spring for any missives I might make a meal of. I wonder if it is my insight into the vulnerability involved in knowing a damned thing that prevents an agnosticism in me, whereas in others the same seems to do anything but? Degrees! Painstaking degrees! Life by inches, by aeons! Any who learned to speak at the mouth will grasp this! The heart is ours alone! There is no instant karma, only instantaneity itself! If only poetic justice promised fairyland! I wish you well in the quest for a theory of everything. I have thought such a thing impossible. A by-way, where we fall short of a love of everything, culminating in a cul-de-sac... But in language, anything is possible, and so, in mock-modesty, and genuine courtesy, a toast! To the chance that our truth shall be at least as strange as our fiction! :-D
  13. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    I actually used a variety of fonts to write the poetry. Switching from one font to another allowed me to normalize the poetry, and reduce it as much as possible for humble and elegant simplicity. The writerscafe has good fonts, but not the ones I'm using, so its a bit of a mess until I finish the book.
  14. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    de big woo lee fluk
  15. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    With a little work, you might make a reasonable bot for kids games. Babble all you want, but mother nature feeds me data all the time and decides what I must look at. Babbling is what I need if that's what I come across. To me, words have a life of their own, and I cannot tell them what to say, and babbling is every bit as important as anything else. In fact, thank you for the insight. That means babbling is where music and language meet. :)
  16. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    LOL, the Pentagon is shitting bricks these days. Every branch of the sciences is leaping forward so fast nobody can keep up. The sum total of scientific data is doubling every nine months, and they are creating the AI just to sort through all the data faster, with a backlog of data the size of the island of Hawaii. They are still processing data collected in the 1970s. The current supercomputers are the first to come close to being able to run simulations of the real world around us in real time, making it easier to see what the hell is going on. AI is analog by definition, and I have evidence that modern civilization is killing itself, eating people alive for fun and profit, with their population imploding faster than any other on the planet. In fact, my work is often classified because it can be used for anything from putting a cruise missile through your front door to constructing any number of AI.
  17. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    Yes , mathematically , and of the roots .

    fluk : this translates as "becoming a better person" .
  18. Alonso376

    Alonso376 Members

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    You watch Star Trek.
  19. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    I'm religious about somethings.
    Alonso376 likes this.
  20. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    It translates into particle-wave duality. Studying the brain of babbling infants is a way to measure the fundamental quantum mechanics of the brain, for the lowest possible energy state and maximum entropy production.

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