The need to plant trees to reverse global warming

Discussion in 'Protest' started by Trog131065, Aug 28, 2005.

  1. Trog131065

    Trog131065 Member

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    :$ Hello every one. I am wanting to get the message around about the real danger every one of us on our little old world to get trees planted to start the reversal of global warming. I am so pissed off with every ones apathy to the problem that is slowly unfolding befor our eyes. The Co2 Levels are continuesly going up and our air we breath is getting more polluted with poison and no one gives a Fuck. We have the space of about twelve years to impliment the largest tree planting opperation the world has ever encounted and we all have to pull together and start getting the message out to people or we are going to be history soon. Trees need Co2 to grow and produce oxigen, But as usual, Mans never ending greed for MONEY comes first befor our great mother earth and like the native American indians warned us while they where going through mass sloughter, That we will creat our own end because of our greed and lust for matirial things. If every country around the world started to plant trees, The climatic change would start to reverse it's self and the balance which we have being ignoring would correct it's self and at the same time pleasing mother nature no end and at the same time impliment the enviromentally friendly means of energy that people have worked and given so much of their hearts to developing for us to use. It would also put an end to the oil buisness once and for all. Do you understand what I am saying? Ignore this message at your own peril. The answer to save the planet is so fricking easy my 6 year old lassie can understand it. The only way we are ever going to change this world is not by listening to the money demented wankers who care only for their presious paper and power. I have already planted some where in the reigon of 300,50,000 trees in Scotland and every one of them was planted with all my love and a wish to live long and bring life, I worked for a privat tree planting company for five years also the Scottish wild life trust. But it looks like it will have all being in vain cause no one gives a shit. Come on people lets pull together to look after our great mother earth, Remember we only have so long left befor the door closes and their is no turning back and then you will all be wishing you had listened to me and every one else who speaks wisdom around the world. I am a shaman and sometimes wish someone else had being chosen to be a messanger, but I am always picking up our mothers energies and I know she is calling out for you all to listen now, I used to think I was going mad ,but I just let my self go with the flow of the earths energies and seem to see things clearly and deeply. Please find a way of bringing this message to the worlds attention in all your good ways with love peace and grease. We realy do have to reverse this fucking mess we have done to earth or we are all going to die with in the next 50 years.

    The point I am trying to get across to the termite mound we call earth is no one give's a real fuck about it and I am Pissed of about it. :mad: Koyaanasqatsi This we know! All things are conected like the blood that unites one family, What ever befalls the earth, befalls the sons of the earth, Man didn't weave the web of life, He is mearly a strand in it , What ever he does to the web, He does to him self, This we know. Cheif Seattle
    ko.yaa.nis.katsi (from the Hopi language), n. 1. crazy life. 2. life in turmoil. 3. life disintegrating. 4. life out of balance. 5. a state of life that calls for another way of living.

    Translation of the Hopi Prophecies Sung in KOYAANISQATSI

    Namaste to you all and please start putting words in to action every where around the world.
  2. taxrefund90

    taxrefund90 Member

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    this was in a link in one of the threads in politics. James Watt was Reagans secretary of the interior. seems like this philosophy has carried over to the bush II administration, as a lot of bush's enviromental people are former oil lobbyists. but hey, that doesn't matter, because when Jesus comes, he's gonna make things better and drive us to the gates of heaven and destroy the evil, liberal, socialist, feminazi fooligans.

    it's interesting, because if you switch Jesus with our great leader, it automatically becomes a cult.
  3. Sera Michele

    Sera Michele Senior Member

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    More trees aren't going to save us now. It is only a century until we have summertime ice-free oceans across the globe. That means no ice in the oceans during the summer, which means that the ocean will be soaking up more radiation from the sun, raising temperatures across the globe, and melting the caps. Scientists see no natural means of avoiding this. Our only means of surviving this would be with human intervention. One interesting idea I read about is some sort of man-made sheild that will reflect the sun. Somehting like a halo around the earth (they could use trash and space junk and do it for pretty cheap, actually, for in the millions it has been said). The research has already begun on this and other ideas, but if our global leaders aren't behind it nothing will be done until it is far, far, far too late.
  4. IronGoth

    IronGoth Newbie

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    RE: That means no ice in the oceans during the summer, which means that the ocean will be soaking up more radiation

    This makes no sense.

    In what way does ICE act as sunblock?
  5. Sera Michele

    Sera Michele Senior Member

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    The ice in the ocean reflects radiation from the sun. With no ice in the oceans to reflect the sun the ocean just soaks it up like blacktop on a clear day. Read the CNN article I linked too, its pretty short and too the point.
  6. stranger

    stranger Member

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    hey i'm curious, how did you plant that many trees? you seem to know what your talking about though and your science is right on. but i still find it hard to believe anyone on this. read an article recently that scientists are betting big bucks that the earth is actually going to cool in some 10 or 20 years because were gonna be rotating futhur from the sun... so i find it hard to believe anyone on all of this and dont want to research it myself, and even if i did the future is still a huuge mystery and subject to a lot of change.

    i did give 40 bucks once and they seem like a really good organization..especially if you dont feel up to planting trees yourself.
  7. Trog131065

    Trog131065 Member

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    Hi, I was working as a tree planter for 5 years.
  8. chaos

    chaos Member

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    Up with trees, Down with capitalism!!

  9. Trog131065

    Trog131065 Member

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    Hi Their, My thought exactly Chaos, Most people care nothing for our great mother and the delicate balance. Love the picture.
  10. Sera Michele

    Sera Michele Senior Member

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    I didn't say I planted trees (I'm not sure where you got that), I was saying that planting trees is not enough to stop this all from happening. Scientists are saying that they can see no natural means that will stop the ice from melting. Although I am not saying don't plant trees, I am saying that if humans want to save ourselves from disaster at this point our technology is most likely going to be the only way. We should be encouraging our government to back research into technological means to thwart global warming.

    I would be interested in reading any research about the Earth rotating father from the sun, however. If you come across the article again throw a link up here to it!
  11. Trog131065

    Trog131065 Member

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    Hello Sera (Big Hug)I would totally agree with you their to about useing our knowledge to creat more enviromentally friendly energy. I just long for the world to "all live" in total harmouney with our great mother earth. I just dont think she can sustaine our stupidity any longer and we need to get our thinking caps on and make a dream become reality.
  12. verseau_miracle

    verseau_miracle Banned

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    Everyone should plant trees anyway, even if it is "too late"...this world needs all the help it can get while its still living. Trees are also good for the human soul...and for the wildlife, who need food and nesting places.

  13. chaos

    chaos Member

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    growing trees:::
    cottonwood and willows will grow if you just cut a branch off the tree, stick it in the ground and keep it wet.
    black locusts grow super fast from seed
    oak, horsechestnut, walnut, hazelnut and most every other tree with a big nut/seed will send up vigorus shoots in spring, especially if they're cared for and watered when its dry... they can easily grow more than a foot their first year..

    growing trees is sooo much fun and gets addictive, feels so good to do too!!

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