The Nazis Sucked

Discussion in 'Remember When?' started by tumbling.dice, Jul 4, 2016.

  1. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    You'd think that this would go without saying, but apparently even in the "enlightened" 21st century it still needs to be said. I'm proud to say that my grandfather fought against those bastards. He very nearly died.

    Thank you to everyone who made personal sacrifices for liberty, no matter where you live or how small your role.

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  2. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Interesting point, I especially like that you are thankful for what previous generations have done. They probably weren't even thinking about us, the descendants who'd be squabbling over the same issues almost 100 years later.
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  3. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    And yes, the Nazis SUCKED.
  4. Terrapin2190

    Terrapin2190 I am nature.

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    I'd like to share my appreciation as well. I had veterans in mind when I woke up this morning. I had never thought about it on such a grand scale though. People, warriors of all nations fighting for peace.

    Thank you.
  5. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Unfortunately probably around 10 million of those chinese deaths from starvation, and god knows how many of those Russian deaths were really thanks to Stalin

    The 4 million or so Indonesian deaths at the hands of the Japanese of course, not the Nazis. The Japanese arguably worse than the Nazis in some ways

    I dont think many (outside Indonesia of course) know, that when it came to the war in the pacific, Indonesia ended up paying a higher price than any other country. Really really nasty what the Japanese did there
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  6. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    the world war two generation were my parents, and in the 50s and 60s and even into the 70s, everyone remembered how truly fucked up hitler really was.
    then came raygun and the 80s and everyone started to forget. being too busy knee jerking against what the 70s had accomplished that the 60s had struggled to make possible.
  7. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i can remember when everyone said peace in the world was something they wanted to see, and everyone expected each other to say it.
    well i was young too, and had so little idea how many people there were, and certainly are now,
    and now their open about it, that peace is the one thing they most don't want, and come up with a lot of the same excuses for not wanting it
    that the nazi's did.

    so many people born too recently to understand i guess, why they wouldn't be as happy as they think they would,
    with making a country or a world "great".
  8. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    As a nation, Poland seems to have made the greatest sacrifice in proportion to its population in the war. I have great regard for this nation earlier as well , and feel Poland has been underestimated for its valuable contributions to the world. There is more to this nation than meets the eye.
  9. newo

    newo Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I notice the chart shows no civilain deaths in the UK, and that's not true, what with the Battle of Britain and the V1's and V2's.

    I believe it could never happen in America, at least not on that scale. Or perhaps the Nazis were just more blatant. But I suspect we just elected a Nazi.
  10. mallyboppa

    mallyboppa Senior Member

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    There were only About 40'000 Civilian deaths in the uk The main reasons for this as I see it is that German soldiers never landed on English soil , and The RAF did a brilliant job in the air
  11. thefutureawaits

    thefutureawaits Members

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    Hitler had plenty of jw's put in prison camps and a good number were executed and these were German citizens. All for practicing thier faith.
  12. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Very interesting period in Polish AND Russian history:
  13. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    Why is this in "remember when"

    I am of the belief that Nazis still suck.
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  14. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Probably because the original Nazis are getting pretty old and rare. Neonazis suck beartits too naturally.
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  15. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Nazi's have not gone anywhere. They do what they have always done. Take poor white young men and convince them they are not responsible for their own problems. And so long has passed that their denial of the Holocaust is starring to be believed. The immigrants in Europe are bringing up the same attitude. The country is great but the problem is these kind of people are here. There is a such a backlash against what is deemed to be "politically correct" that many would rather support the Nazi then the political party that says it's wrong to hate. It's not so much the Jews now but to go after Islam still means you are attacking a major religion. I know some of the Immigrants do not show manners to their host country but it is not all of them.

    I see it in America now. No one is concerned that our president revives the Nazi salute in many places he speaks. At his inauguration people chanted "heil victory". No one cares that known KKK members are in his cabinet. To point these things out makes one Unameircan. How dare you question the leader. You are only mad your backwards thinking is now not tolerated because the Muslim Obama is gone. You should leave the country. We will make Germany or America great without you.

    These people forget we once fought a war over this. I am not saying anyone who supports the president is a Nazi but this thinking is normalized because "they say what everyone is thinking". In many ways some people never accepted the civil rights movement of the 1960's and Nazi's make these feelings legitimate. America was founded by Christian white men and anyone else should not be here. Build the walls, build the camps. Really how different is this thinking?
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  16. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i even remember when conservative meant "don't fix it if it ain't broken", instead of anti-conservationist.

    (one of the few advantages of having been born multiple decades before raygun's regeme.
    of course there WERE infamous nazi wannabees, even during eisenhour,
    but they were always considered pretty much a loonie fringe, even at the hight of mccarthyism.
    i realize they never went away. even raygun was a knee jerk to the 70s.
    and one we still haven't been able to clean up THAT mess, though clinton and obama both tried)

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