We all know there's some scum out there, but this one is really wiorking hard at it... https://www.************/pages/Spotted-Benefit-Fraudsters/561542143915046 Oh, hang on though... this is Hip Forums, isn't it ? In that case, you'll probably approve of it. :devil:
It's Ok, the wicked witch is dead (ding dong...) It's her (ideological) children you have to watch out for now. Like the guy running that site. I mean - he got fired from his job at the Jobcentre for being over zealous ! How does someone like that exist in the outside world ?
I thought you are going to say something about the weather you have in UK nono no need to worry the majority of people hate that bitch and are happy that death took her away from this planet
This thread has had as of now 169 views, so that's 169 people who probably wouldn't have seen it otherwise. So you deserve some credit for taking the trouble to pass it on.
I rarely post nowadays, but yeah, I just want to agree and say I always read Frankenstein's posts with great interest. Even if he just digs them up and doesn't write them, he still digs up things that are well worth reading.
Reminds me of a clown I used to know. He'd always go on about "scrots" and "chavs" etc. He'd gone to a private school, SCHOLARSHIP I might add, because his parents were just normal Northerners. He had some delusional idea that that meant he'd been accepted amongst the "rahs" and "toffs". But the fact was, he was just a deluded Northerner, with the same Northern accent and behaviours as the people he had such contempt for. So the toffs who he worshipped so much hated him as much as the normal people he was from same background as. Basically everyone hated him : D
I hate England. A country of pussy whipped bitches that let their government take away their guns and with it their means of defensing themselves. The second the citizens were rendered helpless the government was no longer required to listen to them.have you noticed how "police state" the country has become since they don't have guns anymore? Plus CTV cameras everywhere and shit tons of security checkpoints... The weather and food sucks, the taxes are high and people talk funny Like a first world communist Germany.
It's a long time since we brits were allowed to have guns. Only for the rich nowadays, and the police/army. But there never was a time when most people here had guns. In the USA guns were there from the start, because if you intend to steal land from it's original occupants, you need to be well armed. The UK is an entirely different case. And fuck, it's only a complete misapprehension of reality that could lead any sane being to see anything 'communist' in britain today. Our govt are simply front men for the banksters and their pals the big corporations. No need to worry about reds here. It is a police state, but a right wing and not a left wing creation. It has been created by neo liberals Stick that in your chamber and give it a spin.
Thanks Just for the record, I'm still digging things up, but they are now being posted at: http://www.hipforums.com/newforums/forumdisplay.php?f=606 .
Stop reading books, and listening to that guy who talks crap... Yeah we pay lots of taxes, you say WE talk funny, haha...you should hear yourself! I must divert, where are the check points?...we never have guns, oh tell a lie, my son, and my grandson have guns, you cant hide them in your pocket mind! And they only shoot animals they are going to eat...so we voted in a regime that ruined our country...and let a load of bankers lend money to people who couldnt pay it back..and cause a global crash....ermmm, yeah, we are a crap country.... Ohh you missed something good about little old Blighty....History, you want a bit of that though, i bet.....lol
Thats true...and i admit i said that wrong, neither parties had enough to be voted in alone...as it stood, i believe labour were ahead till the coalition took place..... I worded it wrom, i stand corrected..