the mystical datura

Discussion in 'Other Drugs' started by chief_420, Aug 18, 2005.

  1. chief_420

    chief_420 Member

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    so i bought about 70 bucks worth of dature, three pods, bunch of leaves and other stuff. Has anyoen ever done dature, this will be my first time with this herb but i have done things like bud, acid, shrooms etc if anyoen can give me some insight on this or any tips i'd appreciate it

    Peace N love
  2. 2cesarewild

    2cesarewild I'm an idiot.

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    Mystical LMFAO...
  3. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    well, first off theres no such thing as 70 bucks worth of datura because it's a weed/ornamental plant that grows literally all over the country in one form or another, either wild or domesticated. furthermore its extremely dangerous, has killed many many people and causes severe fever and drying of the mucous membranes along with extreme delirium. unlike acid or mushrooms, which are pretty much safe, datura is very highly toxic, and also people seem to often forget they even took it in the first place and become convinced that their vivid hallucinations are real. its often a very frightening experience. experienced shamans using it in conjunction with religious practices, while being EXTREMELY careful with it and working their way into it instead of just jumping into a fully hallucinogenic dosage (remember, its VERY HIGHLY TOXIC) might be able to use it in a somewhat safe, or at least not entirely negative manner. on the other hand, 15 year old boys looking to get fucked up have ABSOLUTELY NO BUSINESS INGESTING IT.


    the concentrations of chemicals varies wildly. if you must take it, take the roots because concentration is lowest in them and you're somewhat less likely to kill yourself.

    its very physically and mentally unpleasant for most people. about a year or two ago i read an article that someone posted a link to. a news story about a kid in germany who took either this or a related plant with the same chemicals in it looking to trip. he ended up going out to his parent's tool shed and removing his tongue and genitals with garden shears. i may have gotten a minor detail wrong, but something at least VERY similar to this happened.

    if you have a death wish and you don't mind being scared shitless for some "dank ass visuals" then maybe go ahead and try it. but perhaps next time i might suggest looking into the drugs you're buying before you waste 70 dollars on them? its just common sense. if you want more info on this stuff, do a search for words like "jimson weed," "datura," "brugmansia," "mandrake," "thorn apple," "angels trumpet," "moonflower," "belladonna," etc. they're all pretty much the same, even if some are different species. some are different names for the same species. they all contain similar chemicals. pay special attention to news pages.

    also look up stuff on erowid, and read more than simply the experience reports.

    i can't believe you bought this without knowing what it was. and whats more, i can't believe you actually paid so much money for something so incredibly common. if you still consume this, be prepared to die, or at least be prepared to wish you'd died.
  4. 2cesarewild

    2cesarewild I'm an idiot.

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    Good response, probably saved this kid from a lot of trouble. I was just way too lazy to explain why I laughed at calling Datura mystical lol.
  5. blindingleaf

    blindingleaf Member

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    Dont dismiss datura right away. Many people have not had the proper experience with it to discredit it so quickly. Datura is a very sacred plant, one with a highly dramatic personality. I would suggest (in accordance with don Juan) that you try planting a few seeds and rooting a few cuttings from the branches. If it grows, that is the first sign (if you take it as one) that it has an affinity towards you. Dont just mindlessly take it, it can have extremely powerful side effects and can result in death, but so can table salt in high amounts. Approach it with total and utter respect, and if you're in this to get fucked up, then just drop it, its not like that kind of drug. It knows who to keep and who to throw away.

    Anywho, off to work
    grace and madness,
    blindingleaf :)
  6. Archemetis

    Archemetis Senior Member

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    your in over your head kid....datura will shred a 15 year old mind. but if you despratly feel that need, DO NOT INGEST ANY PART OF THAT PLANT...rather make a mashed paste to apply to your skin....but serioulsy, i suggest you toss it away, for it is far more powerful than you or i
  7. 2cesarewild

    2cesarewild I'm an idiot.

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    You just totally made everything you said worthless. Who takes Castaneda's bullshit as truth lol?
  8. blindingleaf

    blindingleaf Member

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    who cares if casteneda is lying or not. It's his experience that i take to heart, not don Juan's teachings.... Whether truth or lie, the book makes clear the sacredness of these plants and the respect and surrender that you must have toward them. Casteneda is not the only one who i have learned about datura from, i was recently in peru for an ayahuasca conference, and the amazonian shamans regard datura as a powerful plant as well. Most likely evil, but still sacred and useable. My main point to get accross is not to dismiss datura, or anyu other plant, but to regard them as sacred and unique teachers that can be used if approached with respect.
  9. 2cesarewild

    2cesarewild I'm an idiot.

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    Can you please elaborate on the positive uses of drug-induced delirium?
  10. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    um i dunno about you, but i would think the sign that a plant grows means its healthy and therefor more potent.


    gardening skills dont make the impact of drugs lessen. in fact in some cases, a gardener's mind may be so full of plants that it has an adverse affect on their hallucinations...(!)
  11. kayy

    kayy Member

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    you are playing w death when doing datura, i know a guy wha had the most terrible experience of his life while doing it. He went to the realm of the dead, he really though he was dead, and almost drowned himself at the beach, he just felt like going into the ocean... and the trip lasted for hours but for him it felt like he had been gone for days.... no don't do it... A neighbour i have in my biulding, a lady about 42, does take it sometimes, and she pied outside my apprtment door, running around the the stairs in the building with a short t shirt and nothing else, showing her ... to everybody. And: she has spent some time in mental hospitals a couple of times, due to those trips. BE CAREFUL
  12. blindingleaf

    blindingleaf Member

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    Im not saying anyone should do datura, but neither am, i saying that no one should not do it. I have personally not used datura alone, but i have had it in two ayahuasca brews, which in combination with an MAOI provided a very potent experience in which i was catapulted to a world similar to a dream. I agree that datura is a very powerful plant and that it's use has a long history of evil intentions, and therefore should be regarded as something not for beginners or personalities held up by a large ego, becuase datura has a large ego of its own. It takes guts to experience this stuff, and an experienced shaman (as in my case), or an experinced person should be there to help the ingestor (or victim, as many of you may say) through the experience. Dont discredit datura because of its history, discredit it becasue of personal experience. Datura is just as credible as any other plant to learn from, its the western world that seems to be most scared of it because the western world has no postive historical morphic resonance with it.
  13. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    i'm not saying its totally worthless, i'm saying that someone who doesn't know what they're in for (and most that DO) probably shouldnt even try it. it IS deadly and toxic, and in the wrong hands, with the wrong aproach and intentions, it will make you very, very sorry. bad things happen to most people that try datura without the proper instruction, set, setting, dosage, etc.
  14. 2cesarewild

    2cesarewild I'm an idiot.

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    Belladonna type shit is drug-induced delirium. It is not useful in any way. So what you're saying is that the state of delirium is just as useful as say, the state of traditional huasca brews? Give me a break.
  15. outlaw immortal

    outlaw immortal Member

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    anyone who even considers taking datura is fucked up in the head, IMHO.

    if you do however choose to experiment with it make sure that you have a sitter watching everything you do. make sure that the sitter can physically overpower you if they need to.

    havn't you heard of people taking it in groups where there was no one to help them? after the trip they all had hundreds of cuts on themselves. they thought it was all a dream. and these people are lucky - lucky to still be alive and not need to spend months in mental homes.

    i believe in experimenting with all drugs. but this is the only exception that i have. imo this isn't a halcinagenic, this is a delerient (spelling????? lol). think of it as the matrix. not being able to tell the difference between the real world and the dream world. you know how in dreams you maybe jump down stairs or something stupid? on datura you will wake up with broken bones because you thought it was a dream.

    sorry to go on, but there is no beneficial side of datura that i can see. only big big risks that you shouldn't take.
  16. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    give me a fucking break
  17. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    you believe in experimenting with "all drugs" but not datura? how about cocaine freebase, methamphetamine, heroin? how about diphenhydramine (benedryl) or dimenhydrinate (dramamine), which both cause hallucinogenic delirium but are widely available over the counter in pharmacies around the world? a 13 year old kid could buy benedryl. how about DXM, which has most likely caused a lot more problems in the last decade or two than datura has in the last century? people eat Coricidin without thinking about it, like it was candy....DXM isn't the only ingredient in coricidin, and the other stuff can make you very dead very easily in overdose. only one kind of coricidin even HAS dxm, as far as i know, and most people i know of who use this stuff don't even know what drug they're looking for!

    seriously, i encourage researching drugs and learning from other people's mistakes, but it just sounds like you're parroting everyone else's opinions from erowid or wherever. have you ever done datura? have you ever done ayahuasca? cause i haven't, and it sure doesn't sound like you have, either. i bet you though that if its in ayahuasca, it merely alters the experience. its a very traditional addition, anyway, as far as i understand. ayahuasca at any rate brings on full blown visions and confusing thought processes. you're no where NEAR understanding "reality," as it is. the only thing i'd be worried about is the toxicity level raising even higher with the addition of an MAO inhibitor.

    delerium? are you unaware that most psychedelics aren't true hallucinogens? a true hallucination is believed to be real. there is no differentiation between a hallucination and reality. you hallucinate with a really high fever. and you hallucinate, from what i gather, on benedryl, datura, and other things people call "delirients." that's right, these are the TRUE hallucinogens. LSD, psilocybin, may get visual distortions, but you generally know you're on a drug and its influencing your mind. they aren't hallucinogens at all, because they do not GENERATE HALLUCINATIONS. these "deleriant" drugs as people call them are far more appropriate to call a hallucinogen than almost any other.

    yeah, datura probably is a VERY bad and VERY dangerous risk to could end up poisoned, lost, or hurt. but its not garaunteed, and in the long run i'd probably say that taking a severe risk for a matter of a day or less period of time is a much more reasonable thing to do than to advocate experimenting with things like cocaine, methamphetamine, or morphine, which can lead to lifelong struggles with addiction and other problems.

    is datura worthless or valuable? hell if i know. all i know is it isn't very safe. at all. but if it's not a "teacher plant" then you'd at least usually come out of the experience still learning something....something like "wow! i better not do THAT again!" or learning that just because you hear about something on the internet doesn't make it a good idea....

    keep reading, keep learning from other people's opinions, beliefs, and experiences as well as your own....but i'm sorry, at 16 (even at 20) theres no place to say "you're fucked up in the head for doing this or that" or "{blank} substance has absolutely no merit" when you have no firsthand or secondhand experience to know this from. at best you can say IN MY OPINION, its a BAD IDEA.......

    and don't buy EVERYTHING erowid or the lycaeum says. its a great reference and a great starting point, but theres a lot of missing information out there, and a -little- bit thats even....dare i speak heresy??....wrong.

    sorry if i sound like an asshole, but it just irks me that people get so up in arms about a certain drug being the worst thing in the world. yeah, im probably the last one to advocate trying datura, and i doubt i will EVER use it. it just doesnt seem worth it to me. but i can think of equally bad things, if not worse. i just don't see the point in saying you believe in experimenting with everything except datura. its ignorant and foolish.
  18. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    besides, i don't know.....just because it's dangerous the way people usually use it doesn't mean its not "sacred" or you can't learn from it. many, many american indian tribes used various forms of datura-type plants in a religious setting even if they had plenty of other drugs to choose from.
  19. 2cesarewild

    2cesarewild I'm an idiot.

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    I think it's pretty irresponsible to drill "don't knock anything til you try it" into a kid's head about Datura. I don't need to stick my dick in a fire ant nest to know that it'll suck, just like this kid shouldn't need to try datura and know that being delirious sucks. Besides, when anyone opens their mouths to tell you how they feel about a drug, 'IMO' is assumed. IMO and in the opinions of many others, Datura is worthless and very dangerous. Might as well tell this kid to smoke some pcp if he shouldn't knock anything til he tries it. Hell, he'd probably have more fun than he would if he did Datura lmao...
  20. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    i didn't say its wrong to badmouth it until he tries it, i'm saying first off theres probably worse things to do to yourself, second it may or may not be worthless but no one who hasn't used it can really say (and that includes me), and i agree that it would seem to be VERY dangerous. if you re-read my post i think you'll notice i never once suggest he try it or that he can't have a bad opinion of it without using it first. i've got a pretty low opinion of it myself - but in the hands of others, who knows? it may well be a very useful tool for some people. there's got to be a reason some shamans will use it time and again, even if they have access to other, more pleasant and less dangerous substances

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