The Magic of the 60s

Discussion in 'Hippies' started by God, May 16, 2004.

  1. Psilodelix

    Psilodelix Member

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    I just saw Micheal Moore's new flic "Farenheit 9/11". Unbeliable. Don't get me wrong, micheal moore's a bit of a weener, particulary because he uses some of the same emotional-spin-scare-tactics that the people he's bitching about do. However, I sat transfixed in my seat and frequently feeling real neasua from how much what I was watching bothered me. Although I had known about much of the 'fucked up shit' that moore see it all layed out before you in 2 hours is fuckin' intense! My new conclusion: Bush = Biblical Anti-Christ.

    The film is NOT anti-american... it's a political observation.

    Remember Nostradomas's prediction... not the end of the world but "the End of Days", brought about by the man with a turban.... the metaphorical shifting of the spiritual balances resulting in a dramaticly changed 'world'. Hmmm... maybe there's a pattern here somewhere.... ;)

  2. Ocean Byrd

    Ocean Byrd Artificial Energy

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    I need to go see that...
  3. Real American

    Real American Banned

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    I bet psilodelix believed every word he heard on that movie. Wonder if he read the articles wich consisted of interviews with Moore where he admits that it is only one side of a story, and several lies existing with in the movie. Nah, I am sure he missed all that.
  4. Ocean Byrd

    Ocean Byrd Artificial Energy

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    A movie is, more often than not, mostly fiction. Anyone who takes that movie to heart is a moron; though I do believe that it's good to have a different view on the subject. I bet you haven't even seen it; so why are you belittling it?
  5. Psilodelix

    Psilodelix Member

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    Real American, first let me just say "Fuck You". You know nothing about me. I also saw the interview you're refering to on french tv. Second of all I don't believe that what is shown in that film is fact... of course its one side of the story, an opinion, it's a film!

    I even bothered to say...

    "micheal moore's a bit of a weener, particulary because he uses some of the same emotional-spin-scare-tactics that the people he's bitching about do"

    I could go on to mention that many of his "this and that" may not be accurate. However, the fact is that most of his film and most of the most seriously disturbing parts of it were showing interviews (from american TV) of our own poilticians in their own words. Unlike 'Bowling for Columbine' it seems like MM does a lot less pushing along for this one.

    One congressman actually says, " you know what it would entail if we actually READ every bill we pass?". GIVE ME A FUCKING BRAKE...I wanted to be ill!

    Real American will porbably not see this film, simply because he does not what to take EMOTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY for himself and people like him supporting the anti-christ. Keeping in mind that the bible is written in metaphore... re-read what it has to say about the anti-christ. The only problem is, fools like RA think Christ was devine, so conversly they expect the Anti-Christ to preform fucking magic tricks... the opposite of turning water to wine, walking on water, ect... hahahahaha....

    The literal interperation of the Bible puts one in the same group of religious lunitics as Osoma Bin Laden and his gang of murderers... In religious principle Real American has identical religious values to Osama Bin Laden. All religious writings are writen in metaphore because that is the easiest method of explaining the abstract... using the literal. Go re-read the bible, it is about a battle for control of the human souls... nature vs. civilization/society/money...

    "The Tower of Babalyon", god then made them all speak different languages so they would no longer work togother to "build a tower to heaven". This is why we can never have Globalization! Were they buliding a building vertical tower of bricks tall enough to reach heaven? I don't think so :rolleyes: . This story metaphoricaly illustrates the dangers of society... how they can all convince you that you can "work" (or manupuilate/reshape natural materials) enough to 'get to heaven'. Are there any societies now a days think/advertise that they can "work hard" to get to 'heaven'?

  6. grendel 44

    grendel 44 Dazed and Confused

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    Pdex, Bush is definetly the Anti-Christ. I totally agree with you. Of course this is not to be taken as described in the bible, that being a bunch of scary stories designed to instill fear and exert control over the population.

    I have read lots of Micheal Moore and although he exploits and grandstands, he brings up some very interesting stuff, that is well documented. I think if he had named this film somethng other than Farnenheit 911 it would not have been so contriversial.

    Talking about contriversial films, I found Mel Gibson's Passion of Christ a lot more disturbing than anything Michael Moore could do. The violence was obscene and the story only based totally on the words of the bible. The only point of the whole thing, to me, was to remind all the christians that this guy did this stuff for them. Since I, and millions of others, do not believe that Jesus was devine, the movie was just a baseless sensatonalist film designed to...... I don't know what.

    It is nice to see that you are not going on about the enlightenment of drugs anymore.

    Ocean Byrd, right on! You are wise for your years I think.

    If Jesus had been killed twenty years ago, Catholic school children would be wearing little electric chairs around their necks instead of crosses.
    Lenny Bruce
  7. Real American

    Real American Banned

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    Actualy, I have seen the movie, hence why I can talk about it.
  8. Ocean Byrd

    Ocean Byrd Artificial Energy

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    Well, at least that's a start.
  9. Psilodelix

    Psilodelix Member

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    Fuckin' A... At least he's seen it.

    My bible refferance was for metaphore only...

    I never was... "Strictly speaking, these drugs do not impart wisdom at all, any more than the microscope alone gives knowledge. They provide the raw materials of wisdom..." - Alan Watts
  10. cerridwen

    cerridwen in stitches

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    I wish I were alive in the 60s... of course for me every day is a colourful day...
  11. MichaelByrd1967

    MichaelByrd1967 Garcia Wannabe

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    True, we probably can't get the 60's back, short of time travel. But we can do better, most back then were just in it for the fashion anyway. We (as in those who are active to taking down corporations, 'the man', and so forth) could really upstage the 60's. All we gotta do is get things rolling.

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