hey everyone guess what! im almost certain that im going up to dallas this saterday to pick up my 1972 VW bus...lol i know its freaking great! its not the westfalia with all the sink and bed and sort but its the transporter im in love with this thing. heres a few pictures from the ad. its really an awsome bus. and for only 2 grand i couldnt pass it up.
with a cute lil puppy and the front interior..a paint job will need to come first with this bus but that wont be too difficult. everything else has been updated so im really excited
i mean its no.. but ill be working on it. but yea.. lol that green ones a freaking clean bus and im planning on dropping it to that height and putting new wheels on it but the colors will definatly be different. i wouldnt want to steel his look but im thinking maybe baby blue and white.. or a better color of the maroon and white. or maybe even a dark blue or green. who knows but im excited
well he replaced the engine with a rebuilt one and has only put 5k on it so far he said so it should be tip top but who knows really sometimes ya know. but i guess thats the chance you have to take sometimes im in love with it so its cool hahaha
Wow man, if this van's a rockin... hehe, but really. If I had something that cool to go wild on with paint...
well im sticking mostly towards the classic look. with a twist hehee. flower or pychedelic color blinds with alot stickers on the back and side windows its gonna be pretty sweet. i cant wait..ahh its been a dream of mine to own one of these for quite sometime
yo dude... i got a 69 westy so mines a bit different looking. that green one looks to clean!!!! to low... what the fuck are you gonna do in a westy if you cant camp in it?? if its that low you cant go off roading in it... mines like... 13 in off the ground?? some one told me that. umm yeah mines got a bug engine in it... and its got 15000 miles on it... but its still fine. yeah... dude dont drop it down..>!!!! take out those seats... put a bed in the back... there are infinitely better things to do to it than make it into a souped up VW... its a chillin bus... not a racin bus... though once i did see this article about this guy who put this porsche engine and suspesion and brakes on a 50s bus... ill pm you.... just asec
dude... thats so nice... id check out to see the bumper in the front... mine was pretty rusty... and stuff., but youre in texas? so it shouldnt be that bad. umm make sure you drive it. feel its karma ummm ask to see pictures of it... like i saw pics of mine in cali... like after the first owner bought it... it was like lookin at baby pics.... hahahaha look at the book called... how to keep your VW running forever... by john muir... that is the ultimate book... it will tell you to check out... i would just get it if i were you. ... hehe yeah it gets good mileage for an older car... 20mpg... nice eh?? yeah well tell be about it!!! peace sef
im so jealous..i want a bus sooo bad..but i dont have money so thats not going to happen..and my parents wouldnt want me to get one so they wouldnt help me out with anything money wise...peace and love
Are you even kidding?!? No friggin way! LUCKYYYY!!! That's my dream van, dude. I wanna get one when I start driving, and paint murals on the sides, fill the inside with bright fushia faux fur and smileys and posters and maybe eventually a disco or strobe light. Then I'm gonna live my dream and just drive anywhere for a week or two, with no destination Can't wait! Woo! Congrats, man! Have fun with it and post a pic after if you choose to do stuff to it