I don't want to raise your hopes if you play the lottery. This science thread is mainly for fun. And I have to tell you. Although I vaguely remember HS physics. We definitely did NOT cover chaotic physics. Actually I graduated in 1986. I think the theory came out like a year or two later, believe it or not. But I did watch the PBS special on it, in 1988 or 89. And I think I understand it a little. Nothing is truly random. Forget anyone who tells you there is. So therefore, why can't a scientist (using chaotic physics) win the lottery? I must say, I never heard of it happening. Also, not to answer my own question. But I think you have to know the exact position of the balls, in order to predict the outcome. But maybe not. Who knows? As I said, don't plan on it working, if you play the lottery. I am sure there has to be a fly in the ointment. There always is. But why not?