Security police thwart another terror attack in Westminster, the perpetrator Khalid Mohamed Omar Ali had brown skin and was walking down the street with a bag of knives! Boris Johnson says we might be going to war with Syria! Nothing like a bit of fear and war to get idiots to put crosses in boxes with the word Conservatives next to it. So anyway, I was just wondering about this. The guy was smiling at the camera when he had his photo taken. He didn't try to stab the police while they were conducting the stop and search, so maybe he's not actually done or was intending to do anything wrong. Maybe he works in a halal kitchen? Or maybe he was going to hijack a car a drive it into a load of pedestrians before attempting to stab his way in to the Houses of Parliament. I did a little research and I found his/this name also attached to this article, about a group of aid workers who were held captive on a ship in the Libyan sea in 2010. Is it the same person? Ken o' Keefe was on that boat too so if it was the same person then we'll hear it from him, or if he doesn't say owt them it's probably a different person.
Not again! Got to be new rules, he isn't a child, wasn't born here! Send him back, revoke his passport! And citizenship! You don't treat the country that aided your family like that! I'm getting tired of being nice about these people, it's total disrespectful!
Yeah but, as I just explained. All he was doing was walking down the street with a bag of kitchen knives, and had brown skin. Before we all start calling for his head to be removed maybe we can look in to this. Is he the same Khalid Mohamed Omar Ali who was involved in this? Before everyone starts judging, which everyone seems to have done, consider the fact that he didn't actually do anything. He was stopped and searched and found with knives. Maybe he's a chef. I carry a swiss army knife with me sometimes in a rucksack, doesn't make me a terrorist.
Well if he has a good reason, then fair enough! But otherwise! I know, a chef doesn't carry his knifes in a bag like that! So that don't work with me! That's not the same guy! Ok maybe it is..but why would it make a difference?
How do you know it's not the same guy? Go ahead and swallow everything you're told in the media without questioning for all I care. I don't trust the media at all, or the security services of the UK and the police and I question EVERYTHING they do and say nowadays.
Maybe that's my problem..I didn't believe anything they said once! Then people got hurt, and it was like...they are not telling us! I just feel scared, not wrecked with fear, but my patience with these people is running low! But what I feel, say or care about, is mine! I'm not putting it into anyone, and it's ok for me to feel like this, it's mine! I own it! No one needs to worry or care about what I feel, I have to look after me! Because it feels like everyone has a say, but no one listens! If I walked down the street with a bag of knives, heading towards a place of worship where people had just been killed, you bet your life I would be treated the same! Probably worse, because it would be deemed racist! So don't tell me I could be wrong in my judgement! I know that, but experience says I'm probably not! And I'm entitled to my opinion, as is everyone.
I agree with you, but tell me why you made this post? Why you didn't add it to the other Westminster thread? Maximum impact! ? So why?
Does it matter? It's a different new item? I could also have put it in the conspiracy forum, because I have my doubts as to the legitimacy of this news item. I suspect it may be a false flag, or the result of a routine stop and search where they happened to find a guy with brown skin walking in the neighbourhood of Westminster with some kitchen knives in his bag and they thought they would use it for a news story.
Most likely, we will probably hear more stories like this, if it happens near Westminster! I remember years ago, my grandmother had to have the Dr to her, her nerves just snapped! The next day, we discovered she had been watching the news, and had seen a bunch of IRA grab English soldiers who were off duty, and butcher them.. it bothered and scared her for the rest of her life, it pulled her self esteem down, she was scared! I didn't understand her fear back then.. The soldier attacked in London, the Westminster incident, all the others! It gets to you after a while! My X husband was in the strange ways riots! It's all a worry, that someone can seem nice, then the neighbours and family say, I had no idea! Perhaps your just too nice WD, or perhaps I'm just a worrier..
It all worries me too. I tend to worry more about the government taking away my rights though than terrorist attacks. It doesn't really bother me where I live, but if I lived in London it would probably really affect my mind. All these painkillers I am on just now have been giving me strange dreams, and the other night I had a dream I was in London and I had to use the underground to get somewhere and I thought about 7/7, then the next thing everyone was carrying guns and i was freaking out trying to get out of there. I've had other anxiety dreams about terrorist attacks, being on buses and bombs going off and stuff so don't think all this doesn't affect me as well. I do my best to be a nice person, but everywhere I go I seem to attract people who like to judge me and bring me down. So maybe I can also relate to what it must feel like to be a muslim living in the UK today. You have to remember that fear is a powerful tool that has been used by the media and the government since as long as anyone can remember to keep people in line. The mainstream media have been show time and time again to be liars. There's an election coming up. I just decided to google this guy and I found articles that pointed to news items from 7 years ago where someone with exactly the same four barrel name was not doing anything wrong and in a position where he was being suspected as a terrorist because he had brown skin and beard. Could be a different person, muslims tend to all have similar names so maybe it is, but maybe it's the same guy and he just happened to be carrying some kitchen knives on him. Maybe he just bought them and was carrying them home or to work?
I've always thought you ok, you know that. It's great we have these debates, but no grudges! No chance! Your mind works! I think if your in pain, or stressed things bother you more, it's like your a tad down! Shit gets in there! Muslims don't bother me, like I said, I have great neighbours, Turkish Muslims, she comes in to drink my coffee, his is too strong for her, I think she just gets lonely! When Turkey kicked off, I held her, she was so upset and worried about her mum, and how people would treat her! I showed her! I don't believe in the tar with the same brush! I'm a scousers for god's sake, I'm not a thief, or talk with that God awful accent now being developed among the new generations! But I am a scousers! If you get me? I bet your not tight But this latest guy, looks like the other, and yes he looked smug! Carrying knives, near Westminster, isn't doing himself no favours! So if he is not being in anyway threatening, I can't help thinking it's his own fault! And will go home in the next 48hrs, but! If he was intent. Then I say well done the bobbies! Doing their job for once! Be interesting to follow this one!
You think he looked smug. I thought he looked like he knew he was being photographed and didn't want to project a negative image of himself, as a gesture of peace and cooperation with the situation, perhaps knowing that he was going to be found innocent and the security forces would end up looking like they'd overreacted. Maybe he was also laughing because he knew it was a misinderstanding. Or maybe he's a psychopathic jihadist who was intent on spilling blood. I guess we all see what we want to see. I don't want to see bad in anybody, but I guess there is plenty around. It says more about our culture when everyone goes on social media calling the guy scum and demanding he is deported before anyone knows the full story. I've known a lot of muslims, smoked shisha with them, rented rooms from them, celebrated the first day of ramadan with them and they kind people and that's how i want my opinion of them to remain. I've also met a lot of very bad ones. I've also met a lot of bad people from my own country too. And as far as the war on terror goes, the UK and western alliances are the worst aggressors and we are the ones who have ignited this war. We make the guns and bombs that are being sold to ISIS as well, through our allies Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel. We're the bad guys in all of this.
Our security forces are going mad! Now they shoot women! Tsk! Where is it going to end? If it ever does! Police with guns, never going to be good! Building a case about Ali.. interviewing his school friends! Crazy times!
I suspect this guy with a bag full of knives is either completely bonkers or immensely stupid (which is the great thing about such people really, because being totally nuts & or stupid massively ups the odds that they will be caught very, very quickly)....I mean what was this loon planning on doing here really...flinging knives at randoms, lol. Thank the lord that most terrorists and most other crims are nothing like Timothy McVeigh or Theodore Kaszynski etc.
A BBC journalist has confirmed what I suspected that the guy who was arrested yesterday took part in an aid convoy to Gaza in 2010 with Ken o' Keefe. Doesn't therefore strike me as the kind of guy who would go on a knife rampage. Let's see how this story pans out.
This guy was clearly a person of interest for them for some reason. I wouldn't be surprised if he's connected to some kind of evil plot online or otherwise. This is the second time with the knives. It's a really good thing that the police were onto him. I'm glad no one had to get hurt in order for them to catch the guy.
Yes, he was an activist for Palestine and therefore not very popular with the Zionist media corporations who run the news, the same ones who fill the headlines with lies, propaganda and distraction.
I see! So I gather you don't think the guy was a terrorist, but he's being made out to be one. It's obviously not a very good outcome for the guy who got arrested. I guess at the very least it raises some sort of awareness that these types of problems exist in western Europe; England included. Hmm. I hate to seem like I'm one of the ones perpetuating the madness. I don't believe the propaganda machine is necessary. There are plenty of real events to report about without creating "fake news" (dare I use the term). Ok..
A man who looks like a Muslim goes walking near Parliament with a bag of knives just a couple of weeks after the last attack. Either he's just plain stupid, doesn't realize that what he's doing is suspicious, or he's up to no good. I don't have an opinion. We just have to see if any evidence emerges that would suggest links to terrorists. Dog eat dog if you ask me. Islamic jihad is no good, current western governments are no good. If people weren't so driven by infantile ideologies or lust for power and money we might have some chance to sort things out. But this is what we got
He went on a mission with Ken O' Keefe to travel to Gaza to help the people of Palestine. He doesn't really fit the profile of a radicalised terrorist. Who knows what's going on here. Maybe the whole thing is a set up, some kind of stunt arranged by this guy and some friends posing as his family, to make some kind of point? What doesn't stack up in all of this is the fact he got caught after his family tipped off the police, and he was stopped just as he was approaching the same area where the last attack happened, on a day where it looks to me like most of the MPs were out canvassing for votes as opposed to in the houses of commons debating politics, knowing anyway I suppose he would most likely get shot if he managed to get anywhere near the place brandishing a knife. What would alert someone in his family on this day and allow him to be apprehended just before he was allegedly going to go on a knife rampage? It doesn't make sense. If he had harboured these radicalised motives all this time then why did it take until now for someone in his family to notice and inform the police, on the day he apparently was going to carry out some kind of terrorist attack. He must have fooled a lot of people over the years being a peaceful activist campaigning for the Palesitinian people, yet on the day he was about to turn into Osama Bin Laden he gets caught walking down the street with a bag of kitchen knifes. The whole things isn't adding up for me.