I'm into science, and thought it would be fun to post some cool stories we run across, here. I found this today, and it made me sad. Hopefully, scientists can get to the bottom of it and save these precious birds. Songbirds are mysteriously dying across the eastern U.S. Scientists are scrambling to find out why | Science | AAAS
It is widely accepted that birds are natural indicators of the overall health of OUR natural environment. It's not just SONGBIRDS although this is tragic. We (the human race) are slowly destroying our environment piece by piece and that is beyond tragic.
That’s good to know, I didn’t realize how dire it was until reading up on it. I know. Its a slow fade and then the reactions are like “omg, how did this happen?” Apathy is a contributing factor, as well.
I know. Its a slow fade and then the reactions are like “omg, how did this happen?” Apathy is a contributing factor, as well.[/QUOTE] Apathy combined with GREED (in a lot of cases).
The birds are dying, the fish are dying, the plants are dying, the insects are dying, and even the bacteria don't look so good today but, on the bright side, Wall Street is up 300 points! Film at 11:00 on Fox News. The one science news headline you will never see, is how the idiots are only now beginning to figure out, nobody is listening to them, and they are killing their own students with each new "Wonder Technology" they invent.
Who needs birds or bees or gorillas or elephants or fish or any other wildlife. They just clutter up the place and crap here and there, sometimes in inconvenient places. The main purpose in life is to: BUY MORE. BUY MORE NOW. (Sorry Deidre. Couldn't help myself.)
No apologies, you're right. It's easy to get lost in consumerism, and miss what life is really about. It's not about things. And there's a price for all of it, eventually.
More science news: https://phys.org/news/2021-07-philippines-volcano-eruption-thousands.html I've never experienced residing near a volcano with the potential of erupting (or near a volcano at all), but it has to be terrifying when you receive a warning to evacuate.
Living on the coast when you are in the path of a Cat 4 or 5 Hurricane is not the best feeling in the world either...........
You feel correctly but it is still unsettling to know know it’s coming and there is nothing you can do but flee
Definitely. I remember the chaos around Irma a few years ago. Strangely, it took an odd turn, the predictions were all over the place with that one.
The whole world is going to hot wet shit, at exponentially fucked up yearly rates. That is my scientific observation. If you're thinking of buying or building a house, don't do it. Get some good land far enough from dense populations, and build a secret bunker. Bug out time is approaching...
Although I think this might be a tad bit extreme ^^^the premise is thought provoking. Would a couple thousand privately owned acres with access to well water, fertile soil to grow row crops, fishing and hunting options constitute a worthy area to live off the grid? Oh, and a big house don't forget the house.................