First of all I just want to say that I am not trying to offend homosexuals and any other sinners. I myself have been in prison more than once, I have been a very serious sinner through out my life. I still sin but I am trying not to. There is no sin that the blood of God’s One and Only Begotten Son can’t wash away. Jesus died for all sins, that is if you accept Him as your Lord and Saviour. Ok, I copied the following that I posted from another site, here it is: everyone. I would like to first post for people some verses from the last Bible book called the Book of Revelations: Revelation: 12:16He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. In the above it says that it’s the number of the beast is the number of man. Think about it, what does that mean? The above is happening now. Think about it: so called halloween, horror movies, nuclear weapons, pornography, homosexual marriages, and I am sure you can ad to the list. Which you can say is a pretty good indication that the number might be being given out. Other ways you can tell is by looking into your life and read the book of Revelations and try and see if you can recognise like I said in your own life if the 666 is being given out at the moment. I say again it is happening now. I urge you people to accept Jesus Christ as a God’s Only Begotten Son who was sent into the world to die for our sins. I pray to Our Heavenly Father that all people who read the above come to accept His One and Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour in Jesus Christ’s Name Amen. Thanks
Look out for Artificial Intelligence ! It will serve the Beast . I think Jesus most important teaching for us is how to recognize deception . "Artificial" may imply deception .
What’s also good to read is the book of Mathew( it teaches you how to be Saved), which is the first book in the New Testament. Also In Mathew 24 you can read about the end days as well.
Artificial Intelligence will serve whomever programs it. Jesus gave us the fructose test: By their fruits you will know them. By that test, false prophets are already among us, and as Christians we should be able to detect their presence. "The Kingdom of the Father is spread out everywhere upon the earth, and people do not see it." (Thomas,113)
every epistle of saul of tarsus was written after the author of revelations had died, not merely after the book itself that said nothing after it would be valid (islam however is the same relationship to christianity as christianity to judaism, as baha'i to islam, as moses to abraham and abraham to noah, and noah to the 18, each of a thousand years that came before that) this is just history, whatever you believe or don't. for me of course, what is not known is not known, and your book is just a book, which prevents nothing you want to believe, while equally owing nothing to what any of us tell each other.
Wizards of Psy will program people to accept A.I. as intelligence . Will children imitate it , becoming repressively stupid ?
Ervin, re: "The last Bible Book of Revelations and 666 the number of the beast" Any particular reason for adding an "s" at the end of Revelation?
While we don't know when Revelation was written, it's very unlikely that it was written before Paul's epistles. More likely, it was written toward the end of the first century, during the reign of Emperor Domitian, although it appears to refer to Nero, who was thought to be coming back. Paul's letters were written mostly in the fifties and sixties, C.E.
I think 666 is probably code for Neron Caesar, and reflects the mistaken belief that Nero was still alive and would stage a comeback. There's a Secret Meaning Behind The Devil's Number 666 The mystery of 666 Explained - Nero! {Ecumenical thread} Is it true that the number 666 is related to Roman Emperor Nero? (2019) - Quora
I get the whole "great commission" thing, but is anyone ever converted by drive-by proselytizing by anonymous posters with guest accounts?
I think the reference to the 'beast' may be a metaphor suggesting that human beings may become beastly due to intense unconsciousness or heavy preponderance of cravings for sensory pleasures leading to consequent overriding or evasion of rational or virtuous behavior and conduct. Nero was considered an incompetent administrator and ruler, a narcissistic lover of pleasure, who played the fiddle while Rome burned in the great fire of July, 64 AD, neglecting his duties and then blaming the Christians for the fire leading to their persecution and executions. It is possible that the fire was clandestinely started by his agents so as to rebuild Rome as per Nero's wishes and clear space for a new palace. This could be the reason why brattish Nero is often related to the 'beast' in such discussions.
The violin wasn't invented until the 16th Century. The contemporary Roman historian Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus, and the Greek contemporary historian Dio Chrysostom both described Nero as a player of the tibia utricularis; the bagpipes.
We only attract to our experience what is there within us. Thus if the inauspicious Antichrist or Beast comes to live amidst us, it can be due to the fact that there is an Antichrist within us as well, due to intense desires in the form of cravings and aversions making us highly unconscious and vicious. If we opt to live in present moment awareness and love instead as Jesus exhorted, it may be possible that Christ himself may come and live with us. Imho, thus it is not correct to blame the Beast or Antichrist if they take a fancy to us, but instead should analyse and work on ourselves to remove any shortcomings or defects if any.