i'm not going to try to tell you that capitalism is evil. its just that i never could see the point, of trying to play a game i'm not good at, and if ever there was a game i'm not good at, well, there you go. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- no one has as much to fear from what they don't understand, as those who have committed atrocities against what they didn't understand, for no better reason then their lack of interest in understanding it. thus the fear of the alien, by those who were the alien in the past themselves. for the rest of us, the strange is just the strange: and strangness is no more nor less then what to expect, from the only inhierent nature of the universe, being none other then diversity itself. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i have a nearly boundless love for dignity, but none at all, for making dignity dependent on any sort of hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i would never wish to posses power for the mere self serving purpose of possessing power. there is however, a very definite world i would prefer to live in, and no, it is not one centered around myself. but it is one without wars or automobiles, or propaganda thinly disguised as entertainment. one with lots of odd little houses, filled with odd little computers, odd little trains, and lots and lots of forests, filled with odd little creatures. and odd little houses and odd little trains. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ oh and my point? yes let's hear your's. i mean real thoughts, real random.