The Keepers

Discussion in 'Documentaries' started by Deidre, Sep 2, 2017.

  1. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    So, I've watched about three episodes of this mini-series/documentary on Netflix called ''The Keepers,'' and it's just beyond mind blowing how so many priests 40+ years ago got away with abusing so many kids. The Keepers is about a school where the head priest was abusing the girls that went to school there, and how one of the nuns who taught there, eventually knew what was going on. She then ends up murdered. From what I've read about the Catholic Church and its history of clergy sexual abuse cover ups, it seems like only a few priests are ever charged with a crime, and sent to prison. it seems like back in the 60's and 70's according to the interviews from The Keepers, priests were considered god-like themselves and in this series, one of the women who was abused was recounting how she knew what was happening was wrong, but she didn't know how to stop it. I understand that victims of sexual abuse are afraid to come forward when it's happening, but others knew. Why didn't they do anything? Bishops just moved these psychopaths to new churches, to continue the abuse. Never once reporting it to the police.And this isn't the only Diocese where this type of abuse went on.

    Anyway, it's an interesting documentary. Not sure I'm going to finish watching it, because I googled what happened to these priests, and there was no justice for all these abused victims. :(

    But, I believe that the priest in question somehow, had that nun murdered. Coincidentally, his brother was high up in the police department. Hmmm....
  2. Mister Liam

    Mister Liam An Old Mister

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    I've heard about this series, but I'm not much for documentaries.
  3. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    Yea, it's slow in parts. It is really disturbing, like really disturbing, I can't believe there was no justice for those victims.

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