Juris Doctor, deputy district attorney, chief of the Career Criminal Division, District Attorney of San Francisco. Prosecuted city attorney Dennis Herrera for mail fraud, soliciting a bribe, and extortion. It goes on and on. A very capable impressive woman.
Yuck. I hate this lady. Never get my vote ever. Guess we don't get a primary, this nasty thing just gets appointed by the party like CCP does or the soviets did.
I'm from the uk so I am curious about your choices for the election. One of you hates her and the other dislikes her. Has she any good points? Is Trump a better person to vote for? (you expressed your views about her but nothing about DT so that's why I asked it that way)
Not picking on you Princess but I'd love to know these things, if someone may respond..... Is crime down under Biden? Was crime down under Trump when he was President? Even if crime locally comes down, (I'm sure most would want that) would any American prioritise that over global stability, where, if there's global conflict the US will be one of many countries paying for it, in USD and nationals lives?
I support a huge reduction in America's foreign policy. There is so much to fix here that it is irresponsible to our own populace to try and exert our influence abroad. I think non-American Westerners who look to us as some kind of beacon of hope or something would be shocked to see the gritty realities of life in America. We export the idea of America all over the world in order to maintain influence, but if you saw how the average American lives, you'd see a very different version of America. I'm probably the wrong American to ask about our role in world stability and all.
I like that response. Thank you. I believe there's much to fix in the US. I speak to US citizens daily and they explain so much about homelessness in the west coast states and infrastructure crumbling everywhere. Other stuff too. Medical issues as well. (Strange, though, that none has explained consistently, the difference between medicare and medicade - I digress) We (other non-American Westerners [I like that description] ), don't look to the USA as some sort of beacon. Britain and fellow Europeans fought the fight yet asked the US for help, which they turned down. Sound familiar? WWII is an example, where the US only became involved after Pearl Harbour. That shortened the war, prevented the loss of thousands (if not millions) more lives and prevented a despot dominating Europe. One reason the USA got involved was because the Govt could no longer deny the reality - the war was not somewhere way yonder so it didn't matter - it was on US soil. It was now killing US personnel and if the US didn't get involved, the costs to the US would be much much higher in the long term. I believe it's similar now so the US needs to look outward. After all, when it needed to respond after Pearl Harbour, it needed Europe to work with them - and it did, without hesitation. That's why (in coalition) the US has been involved in stuff since. Now, with Bellendistan and its president sabre rattling, we are really potentially at a similar stage to 1936-1938 just before WWII. So the US needs to be globally involved and to support the efforts by Ukraine before outbreak of something much bigger. Think of the Hoover dam. Analogically, that's Ukraine right now and the west (including the US) is downstream of it. Were Ukraine to lose because the West didn't support them, your local issues will become of lesser importance when your country gets dragged into a that that it could have helped prevent thus saving loads of money and lives. So I appreciate domestic issues are important, of course they are. But the reality is that the choice of President is crucial to the Western world and if it opts out of its role, it will bear much much higher costs, both financial and lives, later. imo.
"The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws." The only tool they got is hammers... America doesn't have a crime problem. It has an excessive government up our ass problem. But maybe if the schools didn't suck Kamala the cop wouldn't need to threaten parents with government kidnapping.
In the U.S. we have many people, white males mostly, who hate strong women. We currently have a cowboy mentality. Lots of big ugly guns, big ugly pick up trucks, SUVs, and big ugly egos. The mantra is "me, me, me". I'm always right and I can do anything I want and you can't tell me otherwise. The result is a backlash against anything intellectual or anything seen as a "danger" to personal freedom....defined as "I can do anything I want." Along comes a smart, highly intellectual woman. Listen to the video that causes Mr. Shoescam and Timsk to hate Kamala. She wants to enforce truancy laws. Notice she speaks in a calm, clear voice. She doesn't call anyone names or talk about taking over British airports in 1777. She doesn't threaten anyone, or make ludicrous claims about winning elections she lost. She isn't a felon or convicted sexual predator. Her message is that elementary school children need to be in school. In other words they need to be educated. They need to learn social rules and norms, facts, and critical thinking skills. Mr. shoescam calls this threatening parents with government kidnapping. A great example of the current wave of anti intellectualism sweeping the nation. Down with the Enlightenment, up with the Dark Ages. I guess he thinks public education is bad and would rather see 7 year old kids hanging out at the local Sheetz gas station or sitting home playing X Box all day. Then he quotes Ayn Rand, who by the way, promotes selfishness and the pursuit of your own self interest as the highest goal in life. Don't like to read, learn history, or mathematics? Stay home and play X Box all day. Kamala is an intellectual, a woman, and "shudder" biracial! (South Asian and black) My God, Asians are stereotyped as smart and blacks are lazy. There is nothing more scary to an Amurikan then an "uppity" black Asian, except maybe an emigrant crossing into the country from Mexico. Much better to elect a loud mouth clueless convict who spews hate and division who declares he will be a dictator on day one. Anyone but an intellectual, biracial, woman. That is today's America.
We could be surprised by an avalanche of urban women votes, many who are educated and sophisticated. I understand that the DNC wants to open the DNC Convention to other candidates. If K. Harris is the candidate, then, like iI stated. we could be surprised.
Medicare is a federal government health program for those 65 or older and some younger individuals with disabilities such as kidney failure. It has two parts A and B. A helps cover most hospital stays and a limited time for rehabilitation in skilled nursing facilities. B helps cover doctor visits and some medical equipment. Neither part A or B covers all medical expenses so you also have to get supplemental private insurance which is expensive. For example, I am 73 years old and on Medicare. But I recently went to a doctor for a "wellness" check up, blood pressure, cholesterol level, etc. Turns out I have a high bilirubin count, so the doc ordered an additional liver panel and sonogram. Turns out everything is fine, I just have a genetically high bilirubin count. None of that is covered by Medicare. Not the doctor visit, blood count, liver panel, or sonogram. Hundreds and hundreds of dollars. I'm now waiting to see if my private insurance picks any of it up. It'll probably take 6 to 10 months to find out. So all preventative care...none paid for. Medicaid is for low income families and qualified pregnant women and children. There are over 77 million people on Medicaid. Medicaid is run by the states so coverage varies. ______________ I don't know what fight Europeans fought and the US refused to help win. Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese, not the Germans or Italians. We could have fought them alone and not entered the European and African part of WWII. That would have been much easier for us. We didn't need the UK, France, etc. to defeat Japan, we could have concentrated our resources in the Pacific and defeated Japan very quickly. I agree the U.S. needs to be globally involved, but Trump doesn't want that and many Americans don't either.....unless gasoline prices go up and it costs more to fuel their stupid big ass trucks. If Trump gets elected you guys are on your own. Better prepare to lose us as allies as we will then follow Ayn Rand's advise and look to our greedy selves.
Thanks for that MeAgain. I wonder if the variation on explanation by Americans I've spoken to is because Medicaid is state level stuff and so, it may be different from state to state. As I understand it, the US administration was asked for help in WWII but wasn't interested. Then, when Pearl Harbour was bombed in 1941, I think, that tone changed when the Administration then knew what being under attack felt like. And so, they joined the effort in 1941 and along with the European countries the war eventually was brought to an end. (I've no knowledge of the 'reasoning' for Japan to attack PH but I recall from school days that the warning to the US arrived after the attack). Anyhoo, per WWII, I hope the US doesn't delay its involvement because, whilst the landmass of the US is far from others, it's not in isolation. And if Bellendistan and others grow to become dominant, that won't serve the US well, in the longer term and will affect the ordinary day-to-day lives of US citizens. I think it's in the interest of the US to be involved on a global stage, working with other nations to maintain at least some sense of stability. One last point; For any leader to say he can end conflict (eg Ukraine) in 24hrs is absolute BS unless it will disadvantage his own people or national position. Why do I say that? Because whether a conflict can be resolved in 24hrs or at all, requires the approval of the other side, Russia. The only way such a (24hr) guarantee can be stated truthfully is if Russia would be given all that it wants. An absolute concession, the handing of victory to Putin. Has American really crumbled to that level? I hope not. That actually could pave the way for US states to be invaded or other European countries.
It is my understanding that the Japanese wanted control of the Pacific and Asia, China, Korea, etc. At the time Hawaii was not a state, just a territory of the U. S. The U.S and Japan had been engaged in an economic "war" for several years with the U.S. placing economic sanctions on Japan as they had invaded China. The U.S. froze Japanese assets in the states cutting of much of it's monetary wealth and therefore its power to buy oil, of which it had none. They lost 94% of their oil supply. They needed oil and planned to attack British Malaya and the Dutch East Indies. Malaya was rich in tin and rubber and an excellent launching point for the oil in Borneo, Java, and Sumatra. But the U.S. Pacific fleet was in the way. Pearl Harbor was the main base for the U.S Pacific fleet and was 4,000 miles from Japan so it was lightly defended. Japan wanted to neutralize the U.S presence in the Pacific so they hit Pearl Harbor. I don't believe they had any intention of invading or the U.S. mainland. Today we all are involved in a global economy and social structure. In the past the U.S was protected by the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. With the advent of ICBMs and a global economy, no longer. Simple folks like Donald Trump know nothing of history, economics, modern weapon systems, etc. They think they can bluster and threaten others to get their way. Think Ayn Rand again. Trump will give Ukraine to Putin, that's how he plans to end the war in 24 hrs. Cut of all aid, give Russia what it wants and destroy NATO. Simple, the war goes away. Meanwhile in the U.S. idiots will not vote for Kamala because she is a smart criminal prosecutor who happens to be an interracial woman. Smarter than they are. Can't have that. Better to have a idiotic convicted felon as president.
Who needs those pesky primary voters to pick a candidate when the party bosses are saving democracy !
Ya great gangs of men from the government kidnapping parents at gunpoint and putting them in shackles in front of the children before hauling them off to one of their cage complexes. Talk about the dark ages. Of course the traumatized children will be sent to counseling afterwards by child 'protective' services, labelled with some bullshit diagnosis so the schools get extra money before the piles of and piles of life destroying brain damaging psychiatric drugs are thrown at them. < ABC News Report
Primary voters have never picked presidential candidates. There is no popular vote for who the party will run for president. Presidential candidates are chosen by the delegates of their particular party. Delegates are selected in primaries or caucuses in each state. Pledged delegates must vote for whomever wins their state's primary. Unpledged delegates can choose any candidate regardless of their state's primary results. The Democrats have about 4,600 delegates. Their candidate must win 1,969 votes. Biden won 3,896 delegates, they are now free to vote for anyone they want. Theoretically they are pledged to vote for whomever Biden endorses, which is Kamala. But they don't have to.
Excellent video. Let's look at it. A women gets pulled over for a traffic violation. She refuses to sign a ticket, instead insisting that she is right and the cop is wrong. A huge display of what I have been talking about..."I'm always right". We d What she should have done is sign the paper and contest it in court. That is the procedure, that is the law. But she is above the law so she resists the officer. She takes off and when caught refuses to get out her car. Again, she is above the law. When pulled from the vehicle she fights the officer that is assault , an "intentional act that causes another person to fear an attack or imminent physical harm." So he uses the least violent means at his disposal to render her compliant. But you think the officer is wrong! That's what's wrong with America.
Agreed. I can't say what's going on in Trumps head, in terms of thought or knowledge. I can say that his actions are not those of someone who will maintain or strengthen global stability. Yep, as I said earlier, he'll give everything Putin wants. That's the only way he can try to guarantee ending Ukraine war in 24hrs. Yet even that won't end it. The war won't go away. It'll just create another war involving other former USSR states, those which are very concerned that they are next on Putin's agenda. That spiral will put up the costs (financial and lives) to other countries in helping and could put Trump and Russia together as common enemies of Europe.