from Good articles.......... Mainly is talking about ONLINE (Most ppl make it very easy for the elite to monitor thier every move!)
This guy is fascinating. zapping bugs, lol"]Top Hacker Shows Us How It's Done: Pablos Holman at TEDxMidwests - YouTube
Most people have no clue about how the network actually works or to stay safe....guess that's a benefit to those of us that do...since they will assume everyone is an easy and clueless target. Hehe
Well the thesis isn't inaccurate, large swaths of the internet are public to begin with, and the governments of the US and China are involved in large deep packet inspection, which will soon keep records of about all telecom traffic, and both nations have botnets. And as top level CA's, nations can also sign security certificates which your browser will just accept. But strong crypto is strong.
I realized right around high school there was no such thing as privacy. I assume they monitor everything I do & say whether on the computer, phone or just speaking to anyone.
And how do you feel about it? Are you going to protest or just bend over and take it? Feeling powerless? Do you know about the Electronic Freedom Foundation (
if the elite was really monitoring out "every" move .. i wouldnt be posting right now. you'd be surprised what you can actually get away with doing with the thinnest veil of anonymity you can think of ... its always good to be careful, but we dont need to get paranoid. if you actually think about how the internet works .. its not that easy of a task to monitor everyone like that, there's ways of doing things that make things, well .. real hard to tell what actually happened. you ever looked at the logs a web server saves? .. even very terse logs .. its a lot of shit to dig thru, and looking at those logs really only tell you "where" to actually start looking. it would have to be pretty high on someones interest list to make it worth it. maybe its easy if you make it easy for them
Like the movie Cabin in the woods?? Idk man I'm with Ace on this one, it would be very difficult to manage a persons every move. But someone is defiantly out there watching, I just don't know who.
think about the things that they have in place with a system set up to monitor that are far more likely to work than monitoring everyone on the freakin internet at all times. the IRS .. think about how closely the IRS watches that shit and how much paper work business are required to do. And think about how often businesses cheat on their tax forms AND GET AWAY WITH IT. even with all that paperwork, which you are required to put the EIN of the company, some forms have to list the ssn#s of all shareholders and be signed by the shareholders. sometimes they get caught, but if they're clever many people get away with it every day. even with all this paperwork (and this is the fuckin IRS we're talkin about here, they dont play) lots of shit slips by undetected all the time cuz even with all this its just really fuckin difficult to keep track of that many people and you have to pick what's important enough to investigate further. they would have to actively investigate it to actually catch them for doing this anyway most likely. they can't have an open and active investigation on EVERYONE at once .. no! if i wasn't so sleep deprived i could probably think of a miliion examples that are similar but the point should be made. i could also go into more technical detail but im fuckin tired and not sure its necessary. monitoring the entire internet, and every user, and everything each user does .. da fuck outta here! and then you have to prove that user accounts actually belong to who you think they do, and that those accounts haven't actually been hacked or somehow compromised, etc. im sure they do have some experts and badass computers to hack certain people, or counter hack people that try to hack the government but nobody can monitor everything that everyone does. i cant help but LOL everytime i see on a show like CSI or similar crime show where they come across an encryped account or something and with just a few keystrokes and ten seconds later they've broken the encryption and own the account, yea fuckin right you wish LMAO ! it aint really like that! real hacking/cracking takes hours, days or even longer to gather enough information about the target then try and break into the system. most likely your gonna have to hit that system a shitload of times with different things and the first thing tried isn't gonna work. it takes TIME, effort, and motivation, as well as a reason of interest to do so i dont care if they find out who owns this account i'm posting from cuz nothing i say here is a big deal enough for anyone to care that much. I DO DRUGS I MANUFACTURE DRUGS .. j/k, or maybe i'm not .. come get me and find out