Bump if you need a nap. Bump if you want a nap. Bump if you had a great nap. Bump because you love naps and you want to talk about how naps are just the best. Bump for everything related to naps.
naps are wonderful in theory. but in reality, i just never fully wake back up from a nap. it's up there with day drinking for its negative effect on my productivity for the rest of the day.
I feel the exact same way. And a nap after daydrinking? Forgetaboutit, I might as well not wake back up
I don't like them (except when I am actually napping). When I wake up I am both extremely groggy and unable to sleep at night.
Or you get that nasty odd taste to your breath sometimes, too? Definitely agree on f-----g up my sleep later on!
I take a nap everyday during my lunch break. In fact I used to oversleep and finally set an alarm on my phone.
Does spending an hour on HF qualify as a nap, or is it just a break from the chores of everyday life.
I always feel refreshed after a nap and I’m ready to rock and roll and resume my normal activities. What I hate is the brief onset of fatigue which triggers the siesta, because it seems like such a waste of time
Short naps are great. But, long-ish naps - naps that start off as an accident really, and before you know it, you've slept for 3 hours? Those aren't so great.
dreams about napping aren't so great though. you just lie there with your eyes closed, but you never feel rested. just like peeing dreams; you never reach your goal.
I like short naps.20-30 minutes feels great anything much longer than that and i walk around half asleep until bedtime then im wide awake
I wish I like naps but they rarely work for me. I like sleeping and am pretty good at it late at night and in the mornings :-D
there not naps, they're when i sleep. my eyes get tired staring at the computer, i lay down, i sleep, i get up, if its still daylight or daylight again, i may get up, get dressed, go out, ride somewhere on the bus, come back, usually its need to replenish groceries that prompt me to go out, though sometimes i just realize i need to, then i get back, put groceries away, nap some more, or play on the computer and then nap some more, rince and repeat, as they say, mostly.