The State of Florida.... you know that state that has the "Stand your Ground and shoot with your semi-auto carbine at anything that moves" state? Well the Florida State House & Senate have pushed a bill to make sure you can get a "hidden weapon permit" in an hour. Now they say "It's dangerous to wait the typical 24-48 hours." No longer the "Sunshine State" Often heard: "I'm Pro-Life and Pro-Death (penalty). What the FFFFFF is happening in that F'd up state???
Lord listen to your people praying. Send us love , send us power, send us money.!! God bless America and God bless the U.S.A.
You have no idea what you're talking about. The dept of agriculture, who processes applications for concealed permits, is inundated with applications and they approved that the local tax collector offices can now process applications. It's not even effective yet. But when it is, you will still have to take the training course, still get fingerprinted and background check, etc etc. And you can't shoot at anything that moves. Just ask Marissa Alexander or Michael Dunn.
Better stay in Boston where your safe, it's a rough world below the Mason-Dixon, about everybody down South is packing heat, and know how and when to use it. Molon-Labe!
I'm happy to live in a stand your ground state.. I'm always packing and never afraid of the dark or alleys.
Wow, I got neg repped for my post. I must tell more i guess. My state has the highest rape and domestic violence and has the most uninhabited land of which are full of bears, wolves and moose. I carry a gun and I'm happy it's legal in my state. It's a must have for my surroundings.
Illinois has one too now. I believe there's a training course involved. They do serious background checks, and a lot of people have been denied for various reasons. I don't know about any "stand your ground" law here, but if someone breaks into your home and you feel your life is threatened you can use deadly force. Just don't shoot the guy in the head 10 times.
If we just outlaw violence and murders we would all be safer. If we make it illegal people just won't do it because who wants to go to prison ?
Florida??) This is a state that couldn't get the presidential vote count together yrs ago- - I don't think we should let them play with guns
Your God needs to bless a whole lot of other places before the USA- we aint doing too bad in comparison to some of these countries dealing with genocide, disease, poverty ,starvation,,etc,,,- - -just sayin...
I think minor inconveniences -- genocide, disease, poverty, starvation, etc -- are way down the list of priorities for the bearded god. True suffering, however, such as not getting that brand new car every year, or having to live knowing that some poor immigrant child is receiving free care for an illness (omg, what a sin), is high priority. If those other countries had real problems (such as having to keep up with the Jones's), maybe god would bless them. Edit: I guess I need to add in something on topic. I think people should have at their disposal, the most effective means available to protect themselves. I don't, however, believe laws should allow people to use those means irresponsibly. In that I mean that people shouldn't be able to just shoot if they think that there is a possibility that they might be in danger. I think to carry a gun, people should go through the training a cop has to, to increase the ability of differentiating a real threat from a perceived one and to be able to respond rather than react.
I question the concealed carry part but applaud open carry. Just a certain dishonesty that goes with "hiding your pistol" versus in the open for the world to see. The question of "stand your ground " laws kind of bothers me in that many altercations can and may end in the death of somebody, not necessarily the innocent party. "Fear for my life" can almost be applied to most shootings and from what I've seen, the burden of proof lay upon the deceased victims. Big responsibility should go with carrying a loaded firearm to be used with the intent to kill.
but only if you are white if you are a POC and even wave it at a person who is actually out to kill you - prison time!