A few years ago I had tried Salvia for the first time. Loaded a pinch of 10x into a bowl fashioned out of an apple and ripped it. I was not prepared. I had read experience reports but it really took me by the balls at the time and I didn't even really break through. Now in my few more years of wisdom and experience with psychedelics I realize that experience reports really don't mean fuck. You. The individual. That means everything. I have this recollection of this motherly lady with green skin watching over me. She was saying "You know you shouldn't be doing this" and "Look what you've done." It was rather like a mother irritated and scolding her child but not hateful or angry. I couldn't see her nor hear her, but I merely felt her presence and somehow saw her in my mind as she was standing right next to me. I was just reading trip reports because Salvia trip reports can be quite amusing and fascinating. I noticed that others have described this Lady and everyone has a different encounter with her. There are people who have encountered her as a motherly presence and others who have been genuinely creeped out by her. She seems to be a spiritual entity and it has really brought my interest back to this plant. I'll probably give it another go sometime... My reason though for this post is that I'm curious if any of you have had any interesting encounters with her? Who is she? What is she? Where is she from?
Indeed, a lot of people have encounters with her, and its never as a visual, but she's always felt as a presence. Some say she's the spirit of Salvia, and some believe that it makes her angry when Salvia is smoked, instead of chewed, that's probably why a lot of people describe smoking it as a very brutal experience (and unpleasant for some), as to chewing the leaves to be a lot more mellow, cause it's more 'respectful' to her spirit. I haven't had any encounters with the Green Lady yet, but I think it's very interesting and fascinating. I think that she plays a different role for everybody, depending on their state of consciousness, and spiritual and emotional state they're in when using Salvia. (like for some she could be the mother warning them they're not ready and stopping them, and for others she could be a guide helping them with their trip)
I tried it several times with nearly no results, only a hint on the edge of something. But I was certainly not getting a bit of what everyone was talking about. Someone finally explained to me that I was doing it all wrong and torching it before it could deliver. Whatever. So I took it slow and applied heat gently and got it down slowly. Then my whole room and everything in it became like a 2-dimensional cartoon of a sort. And the whole time I heard voices behind me of the people in the chat room saying "see, we told you it works" over and over very softly and hypnotically. But the 2-dimensional aspect was the most fascinating, even a soda can appeared to be a photograph of a soda can in front of me. I've 89 trips on various hallucinogens between 1980 and 1995. Never did any of them affect me the way Salvia did. Also, I quit all of that shit back in 1995, so I will not be revisiting Salvia. As trips go, it was too short and way too intense for my taste. I could never go to a concert on Salvia.
^ Yah some people try to smoke Salvia like weed, which is incorrect if you are trying to breakthrough as the psychoactive alkaloid needs a certain technique to be fully absorbe, although torching it is more effective. On my first Salvia breakthrough , the entity I saw seemed more male, although I didn't identify a particular gender to it whilst admist the experience. The entity seemed like a guard of the Salvia dimensional fortress and I felt like I was being integrated into that dimension into some kind of machinery. It was almost as if the molecules in my body were getting pulled into that dimension and there was still an experience of consciousness, however there was no 'I' which resided in that dimension, like as if the consciousness being experienced from my point of view was basically inanimate to the entity. SOme of my other Salvia trips have had a more maternal tone but I don't recall ever really experiencing a decidedly female entity. The entity which some report on Salvia is commonly referred to as the Sheperdess. Often sought to be a guide of the Spirit Realm.
I recently had my first salvia experience. I used 40mg of the 10x extract and stacked a bong and ripped it. My friend proceeded to count and helped me to hold it in my lungs for 35 seconds. I exhaled and laid back on the bed and my friend switched of the light and closed the door for total darkness. I was a bit disorientated but recovered after what seemed a few moments and then things got interesting... I first saw two white light orbs a few meters from me, a bigger one and a smaller one left and a few feet under the bigger one. As I stared the image got more defined and I started to see a silhouette of a giant standing women, the bigger light orb now her face and the smaller one what looked like a scepter she was holding. She was wearing a shepherds gown that covered her whole body but the image was very dull and I couldn't see any particular detail. I stared at her and she stared at me and I could feel her presence very clearly analyzing and observing every part of my being. I proceeded to ask her what she has to teach me, even begging her to tell me something, but she only stared at me in silence until the trip was over. I decided that maybe I needed more salvia and packed 50mg of the 10x extract, ripping it and this time keeping the smoke in for 45+ seconds. Once again I was alone in the dark room, laying on the bed but not disorientated. I saw nothing but felt that I was in a total other dimension. Then I heard footsteps of someone walking all around me, and I felt the presence closely observing me. I also heard jungle sounds in the distance, rocks falling into water behind me and also periodically I felt and heard a giant insect circling my head, almost like a fly. Then I felt a huge and powerful presence approaching me from my right, constantly but very slowing nearing me, until it pressed against my body where it stopped to feel my energy. When it was finished 'analyzing' me it proceeded to roll over me like a giant mass of thick fluid and covered my entire body. Then thick layers of loving energy came one after the other from the fluid and slowly moved through my body each one stronger than the previous one. This all happened separate but simultaneous from the being walking around me and the ambient jungle sounds I heard. I then felt leaving the jungle dimension and got a few fractal like visuals upon returning. All this felt like 10-15 minutes but my friends say I was in that room for more than 30 minutes. This was a very pleasant experience and I'm planning on smoking the 20x extract next time. Feel free to share this and your experiences.. Happy tripping! :crowngrin:
Never tried it. I think I heard that shamans do it to heal the sick. I think that would be pretty interesting to try but unfortunately our government won't let us try things.