Ever tell anyone the story of your life? Does that make you a fictional character too? I've never heard of you before, so does that just make you imaginary to me? So, do you realize that for 99.999% of the people who exist on this planet that you only exist as a concept? ... Or, not even that perhaps? How do you know that you're not just an illusion? Once you pass away it will be as if you were never here. At least to this illusion you call self. So, perhaps the only thing which is truly capable of recognizing this illusion you call life is this imaginary being you call God? In fact, why should any of us other illusions bother to give you the time of day? Hmm ... Therefore, if life were merely an illusion, then there must be an even greater illusion from which all other illusions spring, right? But of course we're really not speaking of this at all, in as much as we're speaking of the greatest of illusionists, God Himself ... Well?
I've actually thought about that before. When I was a kid I thought I was the only real person and that everyone else was just a hallucination, a sort of way for my mind to keep me sane. Then I realized if the others were real, they might feel the same way. So I came to the conclusion that even if we are all real, we will never know anything about eachother because we are each the center of the universe to ourselves.
I would always talk to my mom about this kinda thing when I was a kid, I really thought my life was a dream and I didn't exist, I think it came from dreams.
Life is but a dream (I had a more phylosophical reply forming but half way through reading your post my head exploded)
LOL, sorry it is karma that is the same thing that happened to me, I had a response mid-way through reading but when I finished it was gone, and all I remembered is what I wrote. I guess we are karmically balanced huh?
I've thought about that before, in a less intense way. It's wierd also that you will never ever be able to see the world from another persons view. Sometimes I'll be looking at something and be like the person sitting beside me will never see that object in the same way i do and i will never be able to see it the way they look at it, ever!
illusions are merely a mental thing that sprouts from the ego. but you don't have to live in illusion. it is more difficult to escape than one would expect, but it can and has been done many times.