I don't know if I've ever shared this one with you all. But I support the general abolition of meat. I, like many, agree that meat is immoral. And unhealthy. And disgusting (for God's sakes, you're eating something that was just crawling on the ground moments earlier). But I think total, and immediate, is untenable. Gradual abolition is more likely. And it makes more sense to me. Anyone else agree with me? And particularly, with my logic?
i agree ,although convincing the muslims is another matter ,whos holy book says that god put animals on earth for humans to consume
Nope. Not true. Vitamin B12, impossible to get from plants and fruits only-diet. Only known natural sources are meat, dairy and eggs. If you become deficient, you'll become anemic, and in severe cases you'll develop conditions like reduced heart function, and neurological issues like psychosis and weakening of eye sight. To speak nothing of feeding animals. There are no vegan carnivores. Those pet cats and zoo lions must be fed with their natural diets, that is, 100% meat. I'm sorry, bro, but meat isn't going away. Biology won't bend over backwards to cater to our unique political ideals.
I don't have the cite (but just ask—or you can look ot up yourself ). But Vitamin B-12 can be easily synthesized (a fact I already knew, BTW). But to your larger statement, no, I strongly disagree. Humans can always be more than the sum of our parts, admittedly unlike the so-called lower animals. We're all selfish, homicidal, wife-beating, patriarchal, slave-owning beings by nature. But I like to think we can always progress, and usually do. I read the news, like the rest of you. But there always is something that comes along, and reäffirms my faith in humanity. Think about it.
And my Cask Ale of course "People also ask Is beer rich in vitamin B12? Beer raises your levels of vitamin B Beer is particularly rich in group B vitamins (B1, B2, B6 and B12)."
1.Many people do voluntary work. 2. We all get mad, just don't hold on to your anger. 3. I never had a wife. 4. Never owned slaves. Buying chocolate is another topic.
I'm aware of this. But some people's bodies cannot absorb the synthetic stuff, and they risk becoming deficient. In general, I do not like the idea of centering my dietary habits around supplements. Meat is more than just B12 vitamin. It's iron. It's zinc. It's protein for your muscles, and collagen for your skin. Everything a growing boy needs. I've always felt that starving your body of essential nutrients is nuts. Not to mention, vegan diets have too much sugar and starch in them. From a health perspective it doesn't make sense to restrict yourself like this. This would be a problem for a non-drinking straight edge such as myself. Why drink for my B12 needs, when I can just eat meat?
Muslims desist from eating pig flesh or pork which is considered Haram, and hence Islam is a source of solace for pigs. Pigs are considered by scientists to have intelligence superior to dogs and even three year old human children. I am afraid however that this superior intelligence increases their sensitivity to pain and suffering. Also vegetarianism is increasing amongst muslims as well world-wide due to focus on a healthier lifestyle and longevity. Is Vegetarianism Un-Islamic? - Animals in Islam
There is a story of a lioness named Little Tyke brought up in the U.S., that lived solely on a vegetarian diet for nine years till its death. Little Tyke: True Story of a Gentle Vegetarian Lioness Little Tyke, the vegetarian lion
Lions are predators, they want to hunt. Trying to force nature to support thier beliefs. Little Tyke died of viral pneumonia. Most likely it's immune system was weakened.
I don't know about that, but I do know that non-vegetarian human beings faces the highest risk of cardio-vascular diseases and cancer which are the two leading causes of death in the world. Vegetarian diet reduces heart disease death risk by 40 percent as per research. Evidence from large cohort studies has indicated that vegetarians may have a lower risk of developing all types of cancer compared to regular meat-eaters. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com...-says-oxford-research/photostory/90081528.cms New study finds lower risks of cancer for vegetarians, pescatarians and low meat-eaters — Nuffield Department of Population Health Plant‐Based Diets Are Associated With a Lower Risk of Incident Cardiovascular Disease, Cardiovascular Disease Mortality, and All‐Cause Mortality in a General Population of Middle‐Aged Adults Vegetarian diet reduces heart disease death risk by 40 percent
why is it that vegans/vegetarians always want to push their agenda onto others? and why do so many "meatless" products try to mimic meat?
A lot more people are flexing these days and I flex as well .Many are also former meat eaters like me again .I for one do like a burger looking like a burger . Meatless products is also a big market and need to appeal . Just my view for what its worth.