The Gop Plays Stupid Voters Like A Fiddle

Discussion in 'Politics' started by rjhangover, Aug 5, 2015.

  1. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    Did you vote last year? Well the stupid voters did, and that's why we have a republican congress and senate. Less than 25% of the electorate voted last year, and they were mostly stupid republicans. So they have elected the government we have. It seems the democrats bought the propaganda that all politicians are the same, so it doesn't matter if they vote or not, so they stayed home.

    The base of the republican party is the remnants of the confederacy. Most of the red states are the south. And the south has NOT forgot the Civil War. The evidence is Dylaan Roof's shooting of eight blacks in a church in South Carolina, and the fight put up defending the confederate flag after the shooting.

    The republicans don't like this getting out, but the fact is, a lot of GOP voters are the Ku Klux Klan and the Aryan Nation. Let's face it, they didn't vote for Obama. Republicans will tell you that the Klan and Aryans are few, and nothing to worry about. But the Southern Poverty Law Center claims that there are over 18,000 hate group organizations in America today. And the GOP really knows how to get all these bigots worked up. The republicans tell them that the government is going to come and take their guns, and that liberals, gays, Mexicans and blacks are taking over this country.

    So if the reasonable people stay home instead of voting next year, you can say goodbye to Social Security for the elderly, and goodbye to healthcare, and aid to the poor, and education. And you can say hello to war with Iran. Just learn to say Heil GOP!

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