The 'get To Know The User Above You By Asking Questions' Thread

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by StellarCoon, Jul 18, 2016.

  1. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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    Inspired by this post:

    Feel free to add your own questions.

    2 people like this.
  2. Chigurh

    Chigurh Members

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    wat, cool.

    1. Yes.
    2. Every other day.
    3. Dog!
    4. Center right.
    5. No.
    6. Straight.
    7. Yes.
    8. Yes: Eugenics.
    9. Yikes. Most of the time?
    10. I have 1 true friend, and he has always been there for me no matter what. lol my poor cousin.

    Maybe members can add to the list op?
  3. NoHobo

    NoHobo Members

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    1. Do you believe in an afterlife? Yes, with all my heart. I believe that we will all be reborn as rays of sunshine.
    2. Do you talk to your parent as ofter as you'd like, or not at all because reasons? I speak to my parents every day both through spiritual and through metaphysical mediums.
    3. Cat or dog or other, person? I am part cat, part dog myself, so I cannot truly choose. I am at peace with all creatures.
    4. Political affiliation? I am mostly an apolitical individual. Life is but an illusion and who has the time to argue about such senseless trivialities like politics when there are fields to run through and adventures to chase out there?
    5. Would you or have you ever killed another person, for any reason? I wouldn't even injure a person.
    6. Gay or straight? Free flowing pansexual.
    7. Do you believe the possibility of intelligent life other than ours, exists in the universe? Not only do I believe in it, but I have seen it first hand. Ask me about my alien experiences some day.
    8. Are you attracted to anything the majority of society deems taboo? Everything. Piercings, midgetry, the circus arts, wild sex, orphans, heroin, nighttime, grave digging, and other Robin Hood type stuff.
    9. Are you happy with your life? Every single moment. I am constantly, unavoidable, happy.
    10. Have your friend been there for you, when needing it most? Everyone is my friend, and I know that I can rely on any person at any time, as we are all brothers.

    I'll add another question.

    11. What is your sign? Is your sign accurate? I'm an Aquarius, so I roam the earth free and fuck condom-less. Totally me.
  4. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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    Yup, I encourage users to make up their own questions.
  5. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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    1. I believe we live our afterlife through our children, the people we teach, and those we influence.
    2. My parents aren't really the open, communicative, type of people, so no.
    3. Dog
    4. None
    5. Nope.
    6. Straight
    7. Indeed. Stats indicate so far that 1 in 8 planets in a solar system hold intelligent life.
    8. Yes, except the ones which involve blood and stuff.
    9. Yup. :)
    10. Hmm, interesting. I've never felt the need for "friends" to get me through tough situations. I've always pictured myself overcoming my obstacles alone. It just doesn't cross my mind.
  6. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    1) i believe there is no beginning or end
    2) i talk to my mom almost every day
    3)dog, but cats are cool too. I just dont like litter boxes.
    4) i dont have a political affliation. I guess progressive? I think society should always strive to do wha t is best for the earth and for the people..all of them, not just the ones I identify with. And i am driven by empathy so i guess most would describe me as a bleeding heart liberal. Also, it really pisses me off how politics is all about looking out for ones own self interest.
    So whatever box you wanna put me in.
    5) i cant stand to even see fake violence on tv. But if anyone ever tried to hurt my child i could probably hurt them..maybe not kill though.
    7) g od i hope so
    8) learning and thinking ;)
    9) i'm moody
    10) i'm not the type of person to lean on friends very often..but yes, when i need them

    Man i remember questionaires like this used to make their way around the interwebz, my friends and I would email them back and forth to each other. They're fun!
  7. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    1. Do you believe in an afterlife? I'm living an afterlife right now... It sucks and I want a refund.

    2. Do you talk to your parent as often as you'd like, or not at all because reasons? Mom's gone... I see Dad every Friday.

    3. Cat or dog or other, person? Crow... Seriously!

    4. Political affiliation? Fuck that shyt! They're all morons...

    5. Would you or have you ever killed another person, for any reason? No, there are some I'd like to slap silly though.

    6. Gay or straight? Neither... Gave it up for Lent, 20 some odd years ago.

    7. Do you believe the possibility of intelligent life other than ours, exists in the universe? So... Someone is implying there's intelligent life on Earth? WTF! Who's writing these questions?

    8. Are you attracted to anything the majority of society deems taboo? Fuck major society! They're all morons...

    9. Are you happy with your life? So, that's what it's called, life? Didn't I already answer this question?

    10. Have your friend been there for you, when needing it most? Friends.... What is this "friends" you speak of?

  8. Total Darkness

    Total Darkness 100% Cocoa

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    1. Do you believe in an afterlife? No

    2. Do you talk to your parent as often as you'd like, or not at all because reasons? Yes, my parents worry too much about me. lol

    3. Cat or dog or other, person? Dog

    4. Political affiliation? None

    5. Would you or have you ever killed another person, for any reason? No

    6. Gay or straight? Straight

    7. Do you believe the possibility of intelligent life other than ours, exists in the universe? Yes

    8. Are you attracted to anything the majority of society deems taboo? Yes. Public nudity should be completely optional.

    9. Are you happy with your life? Yes

    10. Have your friend been there for you, when needing it most? What friends? There was only a four year period in my life where i had friends.
  9. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    1. Do you believe in an afterlife? No.

    2. Do you talk to your parent as often as you'd like, or not at all because reasons? My parents are deceased.

    3. Cat or dog or other, person? I'm currently a cat person.

    4. Political affiliation? Registered Libertarian, but politically an independent.

    5. Would you or have you ever killed another person, for any reason? I could probably kill under extreme circumstances.

    6. Gay or straight? Bisexual.

    7. Do you believe the possibility of intelligent life other than ours, exists in the universe? Yes.

    8. Are you attracted to anything the majority of society deems taboo? No.

    9. Are you happy with your life? Most of the time.

    10. Have your friend been there for you, when needing it most? Absolutely.
  10. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    this is the "ask questions" thread, not the "answer questions" thread. so my question is: is it kind of creepy that there's this many posts answering a survey written by someone that probably still has no idea that her questions are even a thread?

    and since i like to go off topic, i'll go ahead and answer the questions anyway.

    1) no, not really.
    2) more than i'd like, less than they'd like. not that i have a problem with them, i just don't feel the need to actually interact with them.
    3) person. followed by dog. and then cat. and then other, i guess.
    4) no thanks.
    5) "for any reason" leaves a lot of room for unusual circumstances. i haven't killed anyone (that i know of), and i certainly don't want to, but in a kill or be killed scenario i'm probably going to kill.
    6) pretty damn straight.
    7) that's another question where the wording pretty much answers the question right away. of course there's a possibility of intelligent life. i think we would have to check a majority of the other planets in the universe to discount that possibility.
    8) doesn't the majority of society deem everything taboo?
    9) it depends on when you ask. at the moment, i'm content, but happy seems a bit excessive.
    10) i can't think of a time when i particularly needed my friends. sure, they help me out from time to time, but that doesn't mean i couldn't get by without them or anything.
    11) sagittarius. how do you measure whether a sign is accurate? based on horoscopes? in that case, yes, every sign is accurate for everybody.
  11. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    If you dont know me by will never never know me.. .
    2 people like this.
  12. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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    Gah, I guess I will never know you! Serves me right for not signing up sooner!
  13. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    that's the thing. i wish everyone affection, but i don't really feel like i know anyone, or ever have, or that anyone really ever knows anyone at all anyway.
    people can feel affection and that sort of thing, but knowing is a word i don't know how to take any other way then absolutely literally,
    and literally, i don't see how its even possible, to literally "know" anyone, even in real life, let alone on line.

    one of the reasons i go to conventions, furry, science fiction, model railroad and so on, is to eyeball to eyeball, names i've only met on line, to try to fix in my mind, which names go with which perspectives, even which genders, and even that doesn't always work. i'm just no good at remembering and keeping track of more then a very very few people at a time.

    there's a song about this called 'see you next year' by fox amore and pepper coyote that's playing in my earphones right now, its off his 'come find me' album.
    if i remember i'll try to post a link if i find one.
  14. RiderOnTheStorm2.0

    RiderOnTheStorm2.0 Lizard Kween Lifetime Supporter

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    1. Do you believe in an afterlife? Nope.
    2. Do you talk to your parent as often as you'd like, or not at all because reasons? I stopped talking to my mother around Easter of this year and have no plans to ever speak to her again. I live with my dad and enjoy talking to him as long as he can refrain from injecting politics into every conversation.
    3. Cat or dog or other, person? Both and all cute, fuzzy, scaly, adorable "others" that are not insects.
    4. Political affiliation? ​Democratic Socialist (before Bernie Sanders' campaign made it cool) but registered Democrat for primary voting reasons.
    5. Would you or have you ever killed another person, for any reason? I have not, but if I were ever diagnosed with a chronic illness that gave me a limited amount of time left to live, I might be inclined to take down some truly deserving assholes I know.
    6. Gay or straight? Heteroflexible, albeit more on the hetero side and less on the flexible.
    7. Do you believe the possibility of intelligent life other than ours, exists in the universe? Vehemently yes. Like Mulder, I want to believe.
    8. Are you attracted to anything the majority of society deems taboo? Psychedelic drugs and being an atheist (not taboo, but definitely frowned upon or outright loathed by a significant portion of the population)
    9. Are you happy with your life? Depends on the day. Right this second, yes. Overall, I'm not entirely certain.
    10. Have your friend been there for you, when needing it most? Yes. Absolutely. I have the greatest friends in the world.
  15. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    1. Do you believe in an afterlife? No, at least not in one where we will be aware of it

    2. Do you talk to your parent as often as you'd like, or not at all because reasons? As often as I like, yes.

    3. Cat or dog or other, person? Dog. Cats and cat persons suck ;) But in the end, although a dog is an awesome and hard to beat companion, I prefer human persons

    4. Political affiliation? Always floating. Social and progressive. I don't vote for just me.

    5. Would you or have you ever killed another person, for any reason? I haven't but I probably would in an extreme situation (life threatening)

    6. Gay or straight? Non sexual: pretty gay. Sexually: pretty straight

    7. Do you believe the possibility of intelligent life other than ours, exists in the universe? Like others said: I want to believe. But really, I think it is unlikely. There's probably some kind of bacteria/cellular life elsewhere though. Or maybe even a planet with some weird ass animals.

    8. Are you attracted to anything the majority of society deems taboo? Seems I fit in with the majority of my society these days (edit: where it comes to taboos at least) :p Can't think of any real societal taboo I am attracted to. But apparently we have less taboos then for example american society (considering psych drugs and being an atheist are taboo according to a majority of that society)

    9. Are you happy with your life? Quite content yes

    10. Have your friend been there for you, when needing it most? Far from all but I didn't expect most to be some kind of safety net when needed. Most are just good company in day to day life which is already a great thing to have :)
  16. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    1. Jury is still out, but I don't discount the possibility.

    2. My mum is quite elderly and I phone her most days, visit 2-3 time a week.

    3.Cats are my preference, but I like dogs too.

    4.Socialist and environmentalist.

    5. Never killed anyone, but would in self defence or defence of others too weak to defend themselves.

    6. Mainly straight.

    7.I think there's a high probability of life elsewhere.

    8.Society = individuals in their groups, or at least that's a common definition used by sociologists. I don't do anything that my groups would consider taboo. Other groups with whom I don't identify might dispute that.

    9. On a personal level, happy enough. On a wider level of the current culture, not so happy.

    10. I do have a some supportive friends.
  17. autophobe2e

    autophobe2e Senior Member

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    1. Do you believe in an afterlife? Probably not, but I look forward to being proven wrong (or at least my brain being flooded with chemicals at the last minute allowing me to percieve an entire afterlife)

    2. Do you talk to your parent as often as you'd like, or not at all because reasons? Pretty much.

    3. Cat or dog or other, person? I'm a traitor, I used to be a cat person but have now very firmly switched sides.

    4. Political affiliation? All your means of production are belong to us.

    5. Would you or have you ever killed another person, for any reason? I have never and I like to think I never would except in self defence, but the human brain is a funny thing and it's very difficult to truly know how you will react in certain high-stress moments.

    6. Gay or straight? I have only had sex with women in the past, and no plans to change that as of yet, (Labels suck dick. And occasional vagina, when they feel like it. Stop putting them in a box, man!).

    7. Do you believe the possibility of intelligent life other than ours, exists in the universe? The possibility? Aye, of course, after all, the universe could be infinite, in which case it becomes a statistical certainty. I don't believe any of it has ever contacted us, or is particularly likely to.

    8. Are you attracted to anything the majority of society deems taboo? I tend to think that society and I are largely on the same page about most things, but then we have a referendum or an election...

    9. Are you happy with your life? Not really, but I'm working hard to change that.

    10. Have your friend been there for you, when needing it most? Yes and No, I am blessed with some very supportive friends, when they have not been there for me I tend to think that that is more a failure of my inability to look for help rather then their inability to provide it.

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