I tried finding an existing thread . Please move and merge if there is already one. The Colorado bakery that refused to make gay wedding cakes is heading to the Supreme Court Why would they want to give their money to a homophobic person?
I don't see why an established business should have to change their menu to adjust to anyone if they don't want to. Its like walking into a suit store and making a commotion because they don't sell a pair of Nike sneakers. What do you do? You go find somewhere that does. You don't sue. You don't get butthurt, you just find an alternative store.
While what you say makes sense, it would be wrong for the suit shop to refuse to sell a suit to a gay guy. I cant imagine how a 'gay' wedding cake differs from any other. If the argument was simply about the names on the icing, the shop owner deserves to by charged with homophobia. However, as with all such incidents, the media are more interested in their viewer ratings than the truth.
I don't think that any business should HAVE to do anything they don't want to do. If it's a chain store, different altogether but a standalone franchise? No way. This was a CHRISTIAN bakery. It's like suing because they refuse to put an inverted cross on a cake for a Satanist. This is just opportunism at its finest.
I do see your point, but having several long term gay friends including a close family member who is a devout christian and member of the church, I do not put it in the same category as devil worship.
Their is here in the UK. But the charge has to relate to a proven incident, rather than just a persons attitude. The charge would be under equality laws that are not specific to sexual orientation.
No of course not, but the fact is the bakery still wouldn't do it as it is not the principal of the religious beliefs. Neither is homosexuality to many of the same faith, whether or not you personally know homosexuals is irrelevant to that single principal.
the incident here is the refusal of service and it is in the courts...i am not sure which law is being questioned.....i'm in Canada...we have laws covering this type of case...anti-hate laws and anti discrimination laws
Not all situations are as they appear on the surface and if the customer had a bad attitude from the outset, the shop would have certain rights to refuse to serve him. As I put in my first comment, I have an inherent mistrust of stories that I hear through the media.
I have a feeling that once the customer was told the outcome they'd have been arms in the air in which would produce a no service flag just like when I drunk goes arms in air at a bar and are refused service lol.
That kind of thing is just as annoying really, long term gay friends huh?, bet you didnt see everything they got up to, especially in their 20s, if thats even what you are talking about, Or are you talk about long term gay friends after they got old, moved to the burbs and got more involved with interior decorating than gangbangs with five hot guys at once? And the close family member who is a devout christian, lolz, where does he hide the gimp suit Every 3rd or 4th gay male couple is usually the type where one of them, usually the little one, is an overly animated annoying drama queen. This thing about the cake is stupid. You are from the UK, what if it had been a Muslim bakery that refused to make a cake for a gay couple, you know what would have happened, nothing. Its always relative. We are supposed to band together and agree with this shit, farrrk off, go spend your money helping gay teens, if you want to get married, then adopt some starving kids from the Sudan.....spend your money taking one bakery to the Supreme Court over a friggin cake. Whats the bakery owner just going to do next time, "oh, no we cant, we have run out of pink icing, there is a world shortage of pink icing"
It's very simple, a public business serves the public. The public includes everyone. It has nothing to do with what brand of shoes they're selling. Those who support a public business' right to serve only those it chooses to serve are supporting this:
I think the "cake artist" should have made the dumb cake and called it a day. He's into the business of making custom wedding cakes, isn't he? If so a rainbow or two isn't going to damn him to hell. For goodness sakes.
I admit I'm kinda torn on this one. On the one hand I'm delighted to see fundamentalists all worked up over something as stupid as a damn cake. On the other hand I would like to see business owners having the final say on who to do business with. I personally wouldn't frequent an establishment that discriminates based on sexual orientation and I'm certain I'm not the only one. Ideally anyone who discriminates would be out of business eventually. I await the court's decision with interest.
would love to be a fly on the wall in these dudes apartment......not to watch them boink ....but to observe the pressure these 2 must be under to just stay together until this is all finished.....could you imagine if they broke up before the decision?......it couldn't be a fun situation to be in @vg....dude don't kid yourself that the 2 gay dudes are paying the lawyers for this case....either pro bono/free or paid by some organization and donations...also brother.....your tactic of trivializing others statements (gimp suit} with wisecracks intended to question the truth of said statements is getting old......you are not the only one who knows how to be gay.....you and gg both run around pretending to be the experts on being homosexual but neither are experts on gay rights
Plenty of service providers out there competing for bakery business. I have read The Gay Yellow Pages. Would hate to see people have a problem finding rental housing due to landlord "ethical" issues though Housing needs protection that the wedding business does not. The Baker is just being bullied by lawsuits and the administrative state. Dude here in a Jersey bakery refused to do a cake with a swatskia on it and everybody seemed cool about it. It was big in the media. The Father had named his child Hitler. Later DYFS* confiscated the children. **( Division of Youth & Family Services )
If this was an issue of the customers walking in and being turned away from buying a product in the store then I would be on the side of the gay couple here But these cakes are comissioned in the same vein as an artist being comissioned to create a work of art. And forcing a comissioned artist to create a piece they dont want to create doesnt sit well with me.
There is still a whole bunch of money going into this that could be better spent elsewhere And wisecracks are mainly just wisecracks for my own amusement. But devout christian and gay, yes I am always sceptical, either like a reformed alcoholic, but instead of vodka it was 5 dicks at once, either that or he looks like Ed Sheeran. Ok, I am a douchebag