The fucking Royal Family

Discussion in 'U.K.' started by Spuff, May 18, 2004.


Is it about time we did away with the Royal Family? I mean, really, what do they do?

  1. Shoot the fuckers out of a cannon

    0 vote(s)
  2. Love them, keep them and pay them for nothing

    24 vote(s)
  1. Spuff

    Spuff Where's my ciggies?

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    Is it about time we did away with them? I mean, really, what do they do?
  2. Peace-Phoenix

    Peace-Phoenix Senior Member

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    Aye I agree. Yes we'll hear the arguments that they're good for the tourist industry, they always come out. But do we really need a monarchy to boost tourism? France and Russia do well enough, and they had the good sense to do away with their monarchies! Given that they are such a leech on tax payers, taxes that would be much better spent going to fund welfare provision, I don't see why we should tolerate them. They are a relic of a bloody, imperialistic history that should be done away with once and for all....
  3. Spuff

    Spuff Where's my ciggies?

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    Tourism, my arse!! So everyone who visits England expects to see the queen? Ha, they'll be so lucky!
  4. Maon

    Maon Member

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    and how would you go about removing them then? ... lets face it ... the public in this country are absolutely shite at standing up for their rights!

    doesnt stop me trying tho ...
  5. Spuff

    Spuff Where's my ciggies?

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    Give them real jobs, kick them out of their palaces and auction their crap for charities! lol
  6. Spyder

    Spyder La dah de dah

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    shoot um outta a canon!
  7. mmelody

    mmelody Member

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    Limit their income to £20k a year I say ..
  8. kier

    kier I R Baboon

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    tax em to hell and highwater :D
  9. Graham

    Graham Member

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    I think we should keep them, but do away with all the imperialness of it. The point about tourism is true, they generate around 400million pounds for the british goverment a year and i think they are given 7million. I also agree with kier on taxes, currently they only pay a very low income tax and have massive tax breaks on other things which is not related to the state at all but just for thier profit. Eg price charles farms which he pays no tax on and makes loads of $$$ for himself. I think the royals should just represent the people and not use thier position in society to get rich. All the royal stuff i think should be given to the people (allthough 90% of it allready is)
  10. StAlphonzo

    StAlphonzo Member

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    Oh my oh my, I like this board:) . I don't see The Royal Family's importance any longer. Harry and William are annoying little fuckers, and i'm sick of reading about the Queen's rants and the Duke of Edinburgh's senility, I don't care. I actually wrote an English essay on why I thought The Royal Family were no longer essential in Britain. The Royal Family were of far more use when they had more control of Britain, nowadays they are just cult figures. I don't think they give off a good image of Britain these days.
  11. Midsummersun

    Midsummersun Member

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    The royal family are an excuse for right wing nazi fuckers. The queen's head can fly on a union jack alongside a UVF flag without any hint of irony. But then nazi fuckers are happy to call themselves nazi whilst hating all things german... And okay, I know lots of moderate right wingers support the royal family but, really, this kind of crap implies that there should be a social hierarchy. Do the royal family generate money for the country? I don't care because I don't believe in the integrity of nation-states.
  12. butterfly

    butterfly Member

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    Although they do remind us never to believe that those who are wealthy deserve it. The USA has a so-called meritocracy, so the wealthy believe that they deserve every penny they've got.

    I still voted for shoot em out of a cannon. Wonder how much money could be spent on health/education if they were gotten rid of. Wonder how much money the country'd get if the government stopped going to war....
  13. Spuff

    Spuff Where's my ciggies?

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    Personally, I think that if they did away with the royal family and spent the extra money on ways to get more people into work, then that would generate more tax to be spent on better hospitals, schools, etc ... well, in theory!!
  14. showmet

    showmet olen tomppeli

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    The Royal Family are clearly parasitic scum, but ... there's a good case for having a non-elected, non-political ceremonial head of state. Look at the USA, where their head of state is political. In times of national crisis - like 9/11 - the country rallies its patriotism around a partisan political leader. So you get right-wing extremism masquerading as patriotism! To disagree with the president politically is to be against America. I'd hate to see that happen here - can you imagine President Blair?

    So that's one good thing the monarchy does for us - but the example of privelege by birth is a terrible one to set. So, what would you replace the monarchy with? Perhaps an apolitical appointee? Someone who has spent their life doing good work? Someone who deserves respect and authority?
  15. DoktorAtomik

    DoktorAtomik Closed For Business

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    Democratically elected president, as per French model, and an elected second chamber to replace the house of lords, utilising proportional representation. Not ideal, but better than inherited positions or partisan appointments.
  16. Merlin

    Merlin Member

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    Yes I would like to see the end of the monarchy. I wouldn't say let's shoot them out of a cannon, but I definitely don't want them to stay. If Britain want's to move forward it needs to do away with the monarchy which is linked with years and years of imperialism and opression.

    Here's a question though: Do the royal family generate more money in tourism than they cost the taxpayer?
  17. showmet

    showmet olen tomppeli

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    Yes, they do. Or rather, the Crown estate generates more income for the country than the taxpayer pays to support them. But if they weren't there, the running costs for all these buildings would be much much lower, and the profits would accordingly be vastly increased...

  18. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    please dont get rid of them.

    The entertainment they provide your cousins across the atlantic is priceless. Royal pets killing each other? william cutting off a lord and the subsequet car chase...sounds like something out of hollywood :p
  19. Maon

    Maon Member

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    (this post not aimed at you dude! ... its just a rant which may help one receptive person find their way which is all you can hope for)

    HAHAHAHA .. riight! .. be serious! ... more ways to get the minions alive to keep earning more money for the minority who control it.

    The states and the uk i am sure restrict the growth of underdeveloped nations for precisley that reason ... take control of your life by shedding this desire to earn lots of money to buy these materal things.

    proportional representation and a restriction on how much one can earn would be good .. lets say for argument sake ... 100% tax on any earnings over 250,000 grand .. and a minimum wage that is releastic ... and mor and more job sharing ... lets leave a bit of time to enjoy life.

    You can talk about it all day long or you can be part of the those who just do it .. just say .. no i am capable of earning shit loads of money and working all day but no .. i won't i will be happy with working part time, shed all the shit which you think you need and you don't.

    Profits, in the whole, are dictated by what we are prepared to pay and by what we are told we need from advertisers which plays on people's insucurities and pre-conditioning.

    Change comes from action.

    Take it upon yourself if you feel strongly about it and others will follow one day and others too. Only in that way will you address the balance which will hold us in harmony with our fellow humans and the world itself.

    love and peace
  20. Man_In_A_Shed

    Man_In_A_Shed Member

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    Surely they would generate more tourism money if the kicked the royal family out and turned Buckingham Palace into an art gallerey like the Louvre.

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