The Flat Stomach Appreciation Thread

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Deemed as Normal, Oct 8, 2022.

  1. Deemed as Normal

    Deemed as Normal Members

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    A thread dedicated to the beauty of people with toned or flat stomachs. I love the look of a flat stomach. Such a sight is getting rare and rarer.

    flat 3.png

    flat hemss.png
    snowtiggernd and MartNorth like this.
  2. Andy Schumer

    Andy Schumer Members

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    While it’s nice not all people can maintain a flat stomach due to various reasons
    There are people who are fine the way they are, some feel self conscious about it
    Todd56 likes this.
  3. Deemed as Normal

    Deemed as Normal Members

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    Ah come on. The thread isn't supposed to be about how people aren't embarrassed about being fat. It's about flat stomachs. I wasn't intending to make people who don't have a flat stomach feel bad, but your talk isn't relevant.

    This must be Sean Connery at his flattest... after he came out of body building that is!


    India Summer below

    snowtiggernd, Justinsky and Jcinalco like this.
  4. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    First, I’m not disrespecting people who do not have a flat stomach core. I struggled with that most of my life. That said, I do not have a large body frame (small bones). I decide 2 years ago to have abdominalplasti and it was life changing for me. I feel better about myself and sex with my wife is unbelievably better. During this surgery the surgeon also removed my man boobs to contour the look and lifted my genitalia. He also removed the fat pad around my shaft. Absolutely the best decision I have ever made regarding my personal self.
    Deemed as Normal and Jcinalco like this.
  5. Deemed as Normal

    Deemed as Normal Members

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    Gee, are you willing to say how much all that cost?

    I presume it still didn't make your stomach completely flat? I always heard that it was best for overweight people to lose weight naturally as it allows their skins to readjust. How did your surgeon deal with the excess skin And what exactly does the flat pad around your shaft mean?
  6. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    I have a flat stomach now and Abs but had to work hard for it and lose over a 100 pounds in weight when I was 50 . So I have been on both sides of the line so to speak .

    I do a 1000 sit ups per day with 2 rest days per week using one of these. So no one is body shaming, this is just a thread for appreciation of flat stomachs. Its kind of a square peg in a round hole in this section as we dont have a Health and Fitness Section as yet .Any body shaming posts will be removed .

  7. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Let me answer in order:
    Approx: $7000 surgery performed in Panama.
    World class plastic surgeon.
    1) Yes, it did make my stomach flat. He pulled my core muscles tighter together and surgically sewed a large mesh on the frontal portion to hold everything in place. Realign my belly button
    2) I was not overweight when I had the surgery. 167 pounds. To be clear I had a soccer ball belly. Poor muscle tone.
    3) The fat pad around the shaft is the fatty area or dough nut around the base on the penis. He liposuctioned it away. Now my wife and I are pelvic body to pelvic bone for deeper penetration and no stomach in the way. More positions to enjoy sex.
    I have a 34 inch waist. 69 years old.
    Captain Scarlet likes this.
  8. Deemed as Normal

    Deemed as Normal Members

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  9. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Ah! Too be young again. But I’m not. I am however, young at heart. Hence, the reason I chose to have abdominalplasti. As previous mentioned, it is a combination of weight lose, vanity and desire to live a healthy life. It’s a mindset. Because we are in the lifestyle, no doubt, sex is so much better too.
    Jcinalco likes this.
  10. Deemed as Normal

    Deemed as Normal Members

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    Were you told about the risks there would be to that surgery? I guess even if you did get fat now, that you'd get fat in such a way that wouldn't involve your stomach going outwards... since it's held in place.

    It's interesting to hear this because we hear so much about how plastic surgery is bad, and that the natural way is better.
  11. Candy Gal

    Candy Gal Lifetime Supporter

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    Let's keep this thread nice eh?

    No arguments. We are one HIP family.
    Todd56, Jcinalco and Panama Jack like this.
  12. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Agreed, I take no offense to the above. I’m just a regular guy who did what I did and I am very happy with the result. I pass no judgement on those that spend their money on what makes them happy in life. I may not have the six pack abs at 69 years of age, but I am healthy with a tight flat abdomen. The fitness and the plastic surgery industry both have their pro’s and con’s. Chose your path wisely.

    “Generally speaking”, I can only Imagine what one person spends on gym, protein mix and pills over a life time.
    Candy Gal likes this.
  13. Candy Gal

    Candy Gal Lifetime Supporter

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    I dance a lot.
    Not sure if I have a really flat tummy.
    I don't care. Lol
  14. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    Dancing is good for cardio ie calory burner and good for keeping those legs of yours in shape.

    If your able to add squats into your routine at home then these other parts will benefit

    • Hip muscles.
    • Calves.
    • Hamstrings.
    • Obliques

    Now Obliques are those muscles around the sides of your tummy area and so exercising those will help .
    Todd56 and Candy Gal like this.
  15. Deemed as Normal

    Deemed as Normal Members

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    What arguments?
  16. Deemed as Normal

    Deemed as Normal Members

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    Bridget Fonda before and after!

    Candy Gal likes this.
  17. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    This just shows the body will change as metabolism slows and inherent traits. Muscle tone changes as well. I don’t have the muscle tone I had in my 40’s. It a fact of life. If she is happy then she should not be used as a poster child. It’s a personal decision that people make. Change can only come from within that person when they are mentally ready. Respect all.
  18. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    For me it was a pain in my chest and a lecture from my Doctor throwing in some brutal truths that changed me .

    In a way I am glad I was given the jolt as it changed my life and even do some modelling work recently . So there is plenty of life in the old dog yet :)

    Because of the shape I am in, I do feel good when I go out and I love my Northern Soul Dancing of which I am able to do again.
    Being the shape I am in also helped with my mental health as I was in a deep depression when I was very much obese .

    If anyone else is at that point as I was ,I would recommend to ease yourself into a fitness routine and perhaps look at your diet as well .Perhaps see your medical professional first before you start and have that chat .
    Jcinalco likes this.
  19. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    Right guys

    I am going to transfer this thread to the "new" Health and Fitness Section

    Please bear in mind guys when posting that this is now in a none Sex Section of the forum
    Todd56 likes this.
  20. Deemed as Normal

    Deemed as Normal Members

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