Anyone remember The Faculty? Went to see it when I was in college I think... not a great movie but fun/nostalgic
Ha, it's one of those movies that you see on t.v. for some reason you always catch it in the middle of the flick.
Overflowing with eye candy and hands down my favorite high school and sci fi movie ever. Plus, I have good memories of the movie itself. I still remember seeing this for the first time in high school. I went to high school in a small town. We had two single-screen movie theaters and a drive in. So you pretty much ran into EVERYONE you knew at any given movie ever. Anyway, I remember going to this movie with the bestest friends I ever had, plus the girl I'm marrying next month. I have it on DVD and watch it all the time. I know, I know, it's just Invasion of the Body Snatchers in the 90s, but it is still one of the most definitive movies of my life. Plus, a cameo by a then-unknown Jon Stewart...
i saw it several times in high school for some reason, then i just randomly saw it again recently for the first time in at least 15 years. it is inexplicably entertaining.
I recognize one of the actors from The X Files. Robert Patrick plays Agent John Doggett in at least 2 seasons of the X Files. I haven't seen "The Faculty" but from the trailer it looks like he plays a counselor or something in the movie.
There are a lot of popular famous people in this movie haha... just realized as I was reading comments haha... it is a fun watch
Carrie's mom, Josh Hartnett, Huck Finn...damn what's his name? Plus every lesbian's crush, Clea Duvall. OMG one of my favoritest movies ever!!!
Odd you should think it wasn’t all that good because the only reason I saw it was Siskel & Ebert gave it two thumbs up
It might appear dated but after all it came out 20 years ago. I almost can't even believe that many years have elapsed