This is an interesting moral and ethical question. I've heard people debate the morals of aborting fetuses that may be gay. What about purposely having one. Not by genetic engineering. DES will do it. If you take it during pregnancy. Here: Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Identity in Women and Men Prenatally Exposed to Diethylstilbestrol. So would it be ethical for gay couples to purposely have gay offspring? Nothing says they have to. Asian people don't have to have Asian children. Italian people don't have to have Italian children. Moldavian parents don't have to have only Moldavian kids. But when they do, they have a shared culture. And they can give each other shared support. But is it ethical?
I believe there actually have been cases of Governments killing off-spring that weren't pure, in their opinions. In Japan, they may not kill babies that are not fully Japanese, but their society certainly does discriminate and ostracize them. Hāfu (ハーフ, "half") is a Japanese language term used to refer to a person ethnically half Japanese and half non-Japanese. They brutalize these individuals, emotionally and psychologically, even if no physical action is taken. This as well as other cultural differences from the rest of the world account for the number of suicides in Japan. But this reminds me of the tales of the Amazon Warrior Women of Ancient Greece. (Here's something for you Wonder Woman Fans) If the entire tribe of Amazons was women, how did hey procreate? Simple. Abduction Rape and Murder. (The hell you say!) When the Amazons needed to procreate, it was common practice to send hunting parties of women out to capture virile, healthy men and bring them back to the village. There, they would be used by any of the women that wanted children until the requisite number were pregnant, then they would kill the man. For those thinking it would be fun to have non-stop sex with beautiful women, consider how you would feel, tied up in a small hut, fed only enough to keep you alive and able to perform. Then any woman who wanted would come in, force you to perform by any mena needed, then leave you spent and waiting for the next time someone wanted their cup of semen from you. And what about, the kids? There was no way to tell back then if the child was male of female, right? Female children would be celebrated and raised in the Amazon ways, while male children were either killed outright, or made slaves and eventual breeding stock.
Well, if the mother took DES the increase is two-fold for the girl to be born lesbian, or at least with lesbian ideation. As for how you would tell a fetus was homosexual, I don't know. I was taking a CC class on psychology (I think it was) a while back. And they were talking about all the ethical dilemmas abortion brings up. For example a form of dwarfism causes half the babies born to the couple, if they both have this condition, to be born with it. But one couple complained they wanted abort the 50 percent-chance normal child they may have. They said they were short. And very soon the kid would be taller than them. It would cause disciplinary problems they complained. Anyways, the article in the book also asked, is it ethical to abort a gay fetus. They didn't say if the technology existed yet (this was about 20-30 yrs. ago BTW). But the way they asked the question, implied either it was or would probably be some day.
Gay people make up perhaps 8-12% of the population and, in fact, frequently same sex couples are not even both gay. They simply love each other, and sex isn't necessarily all that big a deal to them. The latest evidence indicates that people who are bi-sexual tend to reproduce more often, providing an explanation for why homosexual behavior can be advantageous and, if reproduction is all you care about, then you could make an argument that the real problem is society suppresses reproduction, by suppressing bi-sexuality. In the modern world, with our populations taking a nosedive the closer you get to any major metropolitan area, the real issue is why we allow assholes, who can't even reproduce, to decide morality for the rest of us. These are the same people destroying the entire planet, and censoring half of reality! Ethics and morality are merely reality TV buzz words, with most people's ideas about morality going no further than what they personally find to be objectionable, with roughly 80% of the US population applying their morality to everyone else, but seldom to themselves. Morality without demonstrable metaethics ain't nothing but another sale's pitch!