The End to the Drug War

Discussion in 'Cannabis Legal and Security Issues' started by discocrisco, Jun 15, 2008.

  1. discocrisco

    discocrisco Member

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    The solution to end the drug war

    1. A Federal Parole Bill (33% Time Serve for non-violent offenders, Lifers get parole at 15 years if convicted of a drug offense). (Mandatory release at 66% time served and Lifers are out of prison after 25 years served). (Terrorists, violent criminals, and sex offenders get another Federal Parole Bill which is much more stricker than current version)
    IMcConnell could not filbuster the bill because I will bitch that the Federal Parole bill will save US Government billions of dollars.)
    2. A decriminalization of medical marijuana
    3. A roll-back in the US Sentencing Commission on Marijuana and other drugs.

    Steps 4-6 are to come later.
  2. High_Times_w_Kumar

    High_Times_w_Kumar Member

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    or just get a presidnet that will say he will parden every marijuana offender until it is legalized/decriminalized
  3. Just a daily toke

    Just a daily toke Senior Member

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    kill the president, take his skin, staple it to you, and LEGALIZE!!!
  4. drew5147

    drew5147 Dingledodie

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    you really think our government would want to end the drug war?

    They make so much money off of it.

    and not to mention all the cheap labor in our prisons.
  5. discocrisco

    discocrisco Member

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    It is only way. You think revolution is going to solve this problem. The answer no, no, no.

    However, if we get in the streets and protest, than maybe they listen to us. And we need to demand incremental reform and not radical change. The drug war will be won on incremental reform instead of radical change.

    And we need apply pressure and use facts and logic to back our viewpoints up.

    A campaign of incremental reform, constant public pressure to lawmakers, marching on the streets, and grassroots organizing will end the drug war. It can be done. You can destroy the drug war on the issue on misallocation of goverment resources. Misallocation of government resources is the way. What we need is point out is that this wasteful spending and fighting the drug war does not provide of return on investment of public resources.

    We are tight fiscal times which means our arguement will gain more attention. The MSM will pay attention to this view . Social justice does not work with the American Public. But attacking from the arguement of misallocation of government resources will.

    These are just my views and you can agree or disagree with my premise. This post is posted for the purposes of discussion on this forum and not to start any grassroots campaign or social justice movements.
  6. Leingod

    Leingod Banned

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    i'm ready man, we need people, more people to convert the masses

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