The End of Modern Civilization

Discussion in 'The Future' started by Jesse49, Oct 13, 2021.

  1. Jesse49

    Jesse49 Members

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    What will be the demise of modern civilization? Asking for a friend.
    DrRainbow likes this.
  2. FritzDaKatx2

    FritzDaKatx2 Vinegar Taster

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    The day we all finally agree that for the most part we are far from civilized and either finally destroy ourselves OR we maybe give an honest go of the civilized thing globally.
    scratcho, ~Zen~ and Jesse49 like this.
  3. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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  4. SexyPsychedelic

    SexyPsychedelic Members

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    Terence MCkenna described History as a birthing process we are going through as a species - as nature putting everything on the line, going all in with us humans and our large monkey brains. Meaning - stillbirth is very much so a possible outcome here ‐ looks to me like it's going to be a damn tight race. Either we come together through a purging of our insane, power hungry, greed-driven egos (Chimp males man...), or we will be driven blind with a hate that will feed off of itself as it grows exponentially, destroying all things of this world that make life truly worth living.
    Should be a good show either way - Chip chip cheeriiooooooooo mate!
    ~Zen~ and scratcho like this.
  5. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    Will it be an act of Mother Nature. Maybe a virus created by man so they can make millions pushing vaccines that don't work. What it is, is what it is. Too many theories to worry about.
    Only thing I know is; No one here gets out alive!
  6. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    ...... unless you're Richard Branson or Elon Musk who can escape to the Space Station.
    jimandjan likes this.
  7. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    I read where Musk has been married several times, wonder if he will take any of his ex's along. I guess he done better in business, than his love life.
  8. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    My guess 2063 since the Jetsons was set in 2062 and the show only lasted for one season before being permanently cancelled

    FritzDaKatx2 likes this.
  9. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    ecopocalypse, from a number of factors we continue to play into. i won't call capitolism the complete culprit, just one of its principal sources of motivation.
    but things the dominant culture is so ego emotionally attached to, combustion powered automobiles and an ever increasing population.

    of course i'm refering to the human species. civilization which to me means preventing the dominance of aggressiveness, as well if not more, then advancing the sexiness of infrastructure, instead of its respect and consideration for environment and integration into it.

    the problems of course are heat capture, greenhouse, but also, the other part of the population problem, and its the multiplier times everything else we're doing wrong, is crowding out species diversity. of course warming will also raise sea levels, well there are a whole host of processes that are already causing problems, but again the biggest problem is the human ego, severally as well as singly, just refusing to accept ways of doing things that are familiar being part and parcel of causing the problem, when most of the things they provide, again infrastructure mostly, could be retained almost harmlessly by doing them a little different. and we're starting to see maybe that kind of shift. but i really can't be sure, and at this point its still looking like way too little way to late.

    so this pandemic, is really just an opening shot accross our bow. this is a vary small foretaste of what happens when the most agriculturaly productive areas suffer salt water, ocean water, infiltration into their aquafers. all these factors pertain, and combine. i'm seeing things already i don't look forward to. people who mistakenly believe fascism will give them some sort of advantage are riding this wave too. that is perhaps the most frighting and dangerous to quality of experience aspect.

    oh they'll probably kill each other off before nature kills of most of the rest of us, by our out of balance, out of even awareness, of how our species interacts, how every seperate thing in the environment interacts with us and ours.

    there's a good chance, with the right mutations, sapient descendents of our human species will walk this earth a hundred years from now, but to what extent they'll still be anything very much like us. but it will be a very different world, the plagues, the shrinking of continents and so on, will leave behind.

    too late to avoid much of the pain, but not too late to save the species, just you know, if anyone cares or wants to. if it matters to anyone what they'll be experiencing themselves in the next few decades, those who live to see them.

    christianity, another factor everything can't be blamed on, is helping to motivate and encourage people to blind themselves and close their eyes to the reality of everyone's responisibility and how, again ego motivated self blindness, and giving the excuse of belief for hating logic, and how that too, contributes to it. remember civilization was kind of a zombie from arround 1100 until well after 1650 in europe.

    the gloom and doom, is only there as long as we continue to reject everything that is logical and considerate on the basis of its unfamiliarity, but as long as we do, it is, and that part is entirely up to us, whatever else there might also be.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2021
    scratcho likes this.
  10. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    Not to dwell on the subject. But can anyone prepare for doomsday? With all the nuts in the world ready to fire their nukes. I don't rule it out. I know people, who stock up on guns and ammo. I asked how that's going to help them. I never receive a wise answer.
    Another thing every body talking about 2024 election. We better get through next 3 years, before we worry about that. And hope we have a little help from God to do that.
  11. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    wrong doomsday. its the environment.
    not saying that can't happen too.
    but the environment one has already started. covid is nature's shot accross our bow.
    and nothing human knows anything about god. only that there's a reasonable chance one or more might exist.

    me too on what they think they're going to do with guns besides injure themselves.
    bambi doesn't automatically become a meal once you shoot it.
    and killing their neighbors isn't going to feed them either,
    nor cure them of the hundreds of diseases killing them.

    stop an invasion? ask an indiginous person how well that went.
    what gets me is how anyone thinks overthrowing consent of the governed is going to make them any more free, instead of less.

    not saying a gun might not be useful under some circumstances, but woodcraft, knowing plants, and how to build shelter, that kind of thing,
    is a whole lot more useful, so might be social skills for that matter,
    if illness kills of enough in a short amount of time that there's very few people left to have to depend upon each other.

    other then survival skills i thing the best prep is to accept that the possibilities of reality are wider then anyone at first considers.
    and after much analysis and thought, still wider then that. that everything we take for granted might be gone.

    no power grid, no gas at the pump, even canned goods have a limited shelf life. good for a couple of years, but mostly no more then ten.
    but there are make do's and kluges, if one knows how to make them.
    scratcho likes this.
  12. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i have never seen civilization, modern or otherwise. i have seen technology. i have seen infrastructure, both physical and social.
    but of civilization that i have yet to see, nor hear convincing rumor of its existence.

    civilization is that which will exist, when the dominance of aggressiveness is prevented.
    from which will follow such wonders as free countries, or societies or cultures or whatever of such there might thus and then come to be.

    the very thing that prevents the freedom to which it is in fashion to claim to desire,
    is the conflating of it, with inconsiderateness.
    FritzDaKatx2, scratcho and jimandjan like this.
  13. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    It seems the rich and greedy, have not stopped to think, who will grow food, and work to help them survive.
    themnax likes this.
  14. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Their slaves will do all that for them... and they will be forced to enjoy it.
    scratcho likes this.
  15. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    THX-1138. Who do you think was up top?
  16. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I think it's obvious at this point, greed , selfishness, lack of empathy (by the selfish and greedy) can't / won't be bred out / eliminated from the dominant species, so there isn't much anyone can do except plan on surviving chaos at some point in time. I guess it's going to have to be that way.
  17. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    I agree with you so much, some of the craziest shit is going on in the world right now. And we have people in public offices (both parties) claiming how good things are.
    When Mother Nature acts up, weird storms, earth quakes, I wonder if that is not a warning.
    Piney and scratcho like this.
  18. oldguynurse

    oldguynurse Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    jimandjan, to your point. There was a phrase I remember from back in the early '70s when seemed like everything we bought was being 'Made in Japan'. The phrase from some economist I read was, "In the US, businesses plan for the next quarter or two, in Japan they plan for the next year or two."

    Does that sound disgustingly familiar nowadays? Both corporations-wise and politics-wise?

    I don't discuss politics or religion anymore, chased too many rabbits earlier in life, so don't ask. But it seems we've lost men and women of 'Vision' lately.

  19. oldguynurse

    oldguynurse Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    " there isn't much anyone can do except plan on surviving chaos at some point in time. I guess it's going to have to be that way...."

    I take a slightly more positive point of view. While I know I'm probably pissing upwind, in my daily life, out amongst the general public, I behave, talk with, interact with, in the less formal, chatty way things were done 'in the old days'. And I'm frequently surprised to find folks in their 30s and 40s responding well to interaction and talk like that. With many agreeing with me that 'people just don't talk to each other lately', that things can be worked out if everyone dropped their 'defensive' attitudes for a bit.

    I know, it's a bit of a 'Pollyanna' idealistic approach, but I seem to be connecting the idea to quite a few folks. If seeds can be planted, those of us who can should actively do so.
    scratcho likes this.
  20. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    Yes, I know people who think U.S.A. is the most powerful nation, and all countries should fear us. I don't know if that is true or not. But damn sure don't want to find out. We are told there are missiles that will take down any incoming attacks, but things can and do go wrong. People would panic if bombs started going off in the streets. And sure got caught with pants down. with Pearl Harbor.

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