The Electric Chair.

Discussion in 'Mind Trips' started by AnAnonymousTree, Aug 17, 2024.

  1. AnAnonymousTree

    AnAnonymousTree Newbie

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    Not go deep into previous context, I am in a dispute with someone, and they somehow figured out how to charge my floors to electrcity because i have this trip report, and yesterday felt like a complete melt of my brain but i still can go back to focusing anyway read bellow, its unedited, just wanted to give my experience of not electric shock therapy but someone allowing electricity to shock soeoe that does not know.

    ----- Writing of a Electricity shock, without knowledge or any prior warning ---

    I got to experience something I cannot say I wanted too. I shall write about it, as I remember my day. Its approx. 1:13 AM on Saturday August 2024. (Unedited Typing )
    I have not been able to sleep correctly for the last few days, as I am being electrocuted from the bed I am sleeping on (has coils - is made of metal, sits on a metal frame) . I have attempted to do work today, but found it impossible[[ ]]to focus and keep track of one particular thought. It was a difficult day which required me to ground my self from \ and use various metal objects in order to stop the sensation of essentially my flesh from frying away I have read, which caused me to start documenting each other sensation without continuing any google path as a way to than sum up my theory with specific articles that can relate to how i felt unbiasedly since I was not told i was going to have this done, and clearly didn't purchase this experience. (Sarcasm)
    The feeling can be mutually discussed and described as a hazy fog, but not really a fog in the sense that things are slow, they are actually feel very as scientifically the neurotransmitters are connecting information at speeds that are not normal to humans on a daily basis, 'fast in the sense as each thought is firing off almost instantly', because of this specific times and events are hard to pin point, but the general idea is present. Writing this document at 1:18 AM , I can almost say it seems like I am intoxicated, with alcohol content, I can blame my lack of hydration as all the water in me, constantly is looking for a way to escape, either from sweat or from peeing constantly but feeling again thirsty right away.
    I have drank more fluids recently than ever before, medically everything is staying the same except strange conditions are 'recent' this would be deterioration of lung quality, body mass, quick changes that seem odd, or erratic can almost be blamed to over reaction, as I do not feel like my self. I am being played recordings of individuals talking about myself, so it is a very big ego distortion, as what you perceive is not what you are listening too (this is a man made) illusion like a punishment, but again if one has fast thoughts they will think what they hear and than cannot say more except you heard it, as you have no pretext or history to get a memory from. One can say that was me, but would have no emotion or memory to someone they do not know, or have an personal attachment too. 'If you read on the news some random animal got eaten one would not feel emotion as if it was ones pet, but to someone that animal is a pet.' To tell if one lies about these words, you could look at the emotion vs another line within a book randomly picked by someone.
    More input was heard through a wall and the increase of voltage made me have to move into another room in order to be able to focus on writing this down. Computer clock is wrong, so I have last track of time and almost thought it was 1:18 still, as I am more focused on writing than thinking. Typing with spell check is starting to become hard, and i seem to be drooling. These people are going to claim this is the effects of Cannabis use, and perhaps a stimulant that should never be touched I would assume or its called Electric.
    I had to again go pee, and again felt instantly dehydrated, I heard someone talking while peeing saying because of that clown, and again we are back at the uncomfortable shocking feeling coming from my feet, this is not lazy leg syndrome as I am made to walk more than the average person as agai[]()n I cannot sit, or i have to touch an object to discharge and stop shaking.
    Walked to modem box, someone said you cant' again this is just what was going through my head, I do not have time to think exactly why, what is important is plugging my modem in and getting my laptop plugged in as the voltage increases I feel I am correct. It was almost impossible to find or distinguish different AC Adapters. 1:31 AM Approx
    I feel like the secret is going through the room and picking up a book, since he does not know we are here. Lilly the voice picked, I cannot beat it it said. This is now 1:33 AM 1:34 AM On my dark clock on the table, I grabbed a piece of chicken and thought to my self at how funny it is since I do not know who they are actually referring too, as again these messages are not my own you the recipients know which is for whom.
    135 AM I have clarity finally in my thoughts, I can say right now there had been a change I did not image it. 136 AM feeling is constant i will walk back to the kitchen and eat some more. I spoke to soon, again I am vibrating due to electricity as my body is mainly water, and electicty in water makes a kettle, without metal it leaks out the pours. This thought had angered someone as the pain is increasing from to almost 7.5 - 10. as your chest is hard to breath i am making a split second decision to either type this and lose my excct thought process or continue and suffer through the almost crushing of the body feeling from the chest.
    Inbetween time - 85.33 grams of brownrice x5 = 425 grams of grains has been my diet for the day, although with lack of moisture it causes constipation, eating fruits only does the opposite, so I have decided to choose the ladder over hunger.
    1:43 AM , Had a slight vibration that made it impossible to type i have closed my eyes and am typing with eye lids closed. GROUNDED My heart rate has dropped, and again the bubbles of electricity are starting as I am choosing to burn my body and type or touch a nail in the wall. As I am writing this people are going through my computer, but electircity inside how can one focus on basic even arthimatic right now let alone being a thesaurus. Spell checj later.
    144AM: going back to chicken to check or rice and eat some more left over chicken from yesterday I had to take my t shirt off as my heart rate jumped from the kitchen back to the comptuer, eating felt amazing as I know i am depleated in vitamines which i am not aware of but am drawn to foods of those i am.
    148 AM making 22 grams of esspressio in a maker, my heart rate is fast but it may not be for drinking i feel like institally wanted the beverage as this stimulation feeling is not alertness, is a drunk wide awake almost feeling where you cannot really sober up, but its not a Cannabis high at all, Cannabis may actually help with the dizzy affects I SHOULD perhaps be feeling. This is my thought process of smoking through this feeling. In the kitchen I can hear someone say so I gave head? I think they are reffering to an application but used out of context, I am again documenting everything as no one has listened to be prior so this is just a document to see if i am accurate about any sensation or feeling, as again my left hand is going nu,b from pins and needls, touched a nail on the wall, feeling gone, feeeling returning 1:51 MA keep writing, as this is increasing the feeling I am probably on the right track and will disect information that is scentific from thoughts.
    151 AM : Vibration increases drastically with each breath its hard to breath right eye twitched, I have stopped inhaling and am holding my breath gor a GROUND nail after this typing Had to hold onto the nail, left go vibration increased almost to an instant rat shock trap i can imagine or a moscito catcher. I have plugged in my laptop to the internet in order to say if i am being hacked, may this be cross referenced, if anything I have written has been factual i would contimplate your tortre, bt this will be discssed later, as educaiton sometimes tops everything correct?
    154 AM Starving for that rice i hae made, added some oil into it to try to increase moisture or reduce chances of it drying back up and going to previous state. Someone who is looing at someone else, said they are worried right now due to this text, I do not understand why anyone would be worried if someone is writing down the experiment that has been created for them.
    158 AM Its hard to even bring up personal thoughts or feeling as the electicity is making a person ompletely anibriated to the point of no sense of other drama, one could almost laugh and just drool at any words stated at this point. This would NOT be the time to take lie detectors as I feel like nothing is correct except for the messages from a messagier, to whom and why is unrelated who is who is also a spinning dizzyness. If i am hearing voices I am hearing it in their own voices with their own tone present to the conversation. Essienally the loops are down to a select few of people and this is an old Radio Tactic from the Soviet era, to wait for a message to repeat within acertain time. It was a radio station used a female voice and would switch over to a male voice, and depends on the voice you would have to react or move objective. again the messages are the same its not the messages that are important it is who is your handler. Going back to earlier i cannot remember my exact feelings thus i am upset and have realized only this within the span of an hour.
    I shall eat rice and think about a movie or something off topic, as the words are all just being mushed into my head from loops and recordings.
    623 am: Although i took a sleeping medication i was unable to think as my thoughts only slowed down a little. I can say shock therapy is odd for someone with ADHD. I do not think this might be a correct approach if your already hyperly stimulated you are just increasing the irationability of the human, I never studied this in any medical context aside from saying I have felt this and had nothing better to do but document as much as i could in that moment so reading back will be an interesting one.
    Now that I have a report, and mainly i am out of my mind that i will now corollate what i have felt to something that I have copied and pasted, and this would be my only breif resarch to say yes in-fact it was electricity.

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