What effects have you noticed of technology, the media and the Internet on humans and their society. How has our consciousness changed due to daily interaction with electronic media? What does the future look like if "advancements" like AI become dominant and humans become completely dependent on technology (or are we there already?)
Two different questions... #1 - "What effects have you noticed of technology, the media and the Internet on humans and their society. How has our consciousness changed due to daily interaction with electronic media?" What hasn't changed? Everything has, basically. From banking to education, you name it, it's been affected by technological advances. I have noticed a distinct change in people resulting from this barrage of tech. Diners obsessed with their devices instead of conversing with others, endless days and years spent commenting on media and the absorption thereof. The change in consciousness I notice most is the lack of attention span. We all seem to be on an endless search for the newest thing, idea, or meme. #2 - What does the future look like if "advancements" like AI become dominant and humans become completely dependent on technology (or are we there already?) I believe we are already there, and the future will be bleak when the tech disappears or breaks irreparably. Will humanity be smart enough to control the genie in the box (AI), that is the question no one can answer. Time will tell...