Quite recently while surfing the internet I came across some articles and forums from different sites talking about the effect of music on plants growth. All the articles were encouraging that if someone plays some good music for their plants the plants would grow healthier faster and much tastier. I thought I would talk about this topic to see what you guys think! Love and peace!
There has been a lot of promising research done in regards to music making plants grow faster, from what i have seen and read classical music & metal seem to work the best, a lot of people seem to believe the reason for increased growth has something to do with the plant leaves themselves being stimulated by the music and opening their stomata wider, leading to increased intake of CO2, therefore growing faster. One day i would definitely like to set up 2 identical, climate controlled grow boxes, take 2 cuttings from the same mother at the same time, root & clone in the same medium, treat exactly the same in all regards except pump tunes to one 24/7 and see if there really is a noticeable difference in harvest weight. Tehy