The Effect Music Has Had on You

Discussion in 'Music' started by boothy, Aug 24, 2005.

  1. boothy

    boothy Senior Member

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    Evenin' all, hope you are all well and good :)

    After reading a thread based on piss poor threads in this forum, well, heres my stab at creating an interesting one. Note the word "stab" :p:

    What effect has music had on you, either your life, you as a person, either in the broader sense of your whole life, or at certain moments etc.

    Personally for me, music has always been a major part of my life. In my view it is a form of magic, I cannot even explain well at all, as to me it is something much beyond the concepts of any human. The way the music moves through me, changes mood, but also it has changed my way of life. Everywhere I go, there in music in my head, or music from my guitar, or from my stereo.

    My dream is, obviously to be a musician. Not rich or famous, just to produce music that moves through other people.

    Music is a beautiful thing, and the effect it is had on me, is that it has simply consumed a great part of me, the magic of song.

    Am I sounding too spiritual?

    Anyways, how would you explain music, and what it has done for you?

    Peace, and may the music never stop,

  2. seamonster66

    seamonster66 discount dracula

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    Its introduced me to some of my best friends, its gotten me through tough times, its helped me pass boring times, it gave my life direction during the alientating school years, its given me excuses to travel, its allowed me to document moments, atmospheres, feelings...its led me to some of the best parties,it helped influence some drug usage, it caused several bad hair cuts ;)..............etc.

    its also alienated me, angered me, annoyed me, depending on when/what it was
  3. Soulless||Chaos

    Soulless||Chaos SelfInducedExistence

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    Music hasn't really affected me much, or been much of a part of my life really. :confused: I must be a freak. :(
  4. kif

    kif Member

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    I listen to music, I hear it, I feel it. I have a variety of music that I like and listen to, all depending on my mood. I enjoy trying to figure out what artists are saying and talking about in their songs. Without music, I could not function through life. Its a way for me to take a step back from reality and just have some time to myself, listen to what others have to say through their expression in music. Music is universal, I wish everybody could embrace, respect and enjoy it the way I do.
  5. boothy

    boothy Senior Member

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    ^Amen to that!
  6. soulrebel51

    soulrebel51 i's a folkie.

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    Just in this last year, music has evolved from being something I had on in the background into the "way" that rules my life. All the ways I act, everything I do, has somehow been changed by the music I've gotten into (which, basically, is every and all types -- the only genres that I haven't explored are the thousands of electronica and trance styles). I'm always doing something that has to do with it, even in my sleep (I've thought up songs in my dreams and wrote them down when I awoke). When I'm on the computer, I play guitar (and today, the flute) while waiting for pages to load. :p

    I wouldn't be a very cool person if I had never discovered the joy of living that is music.
  7. boothy

    boothy Senior Member

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    I just realized you guys have put it so much better than I did...

    by the way, where are you from soulrebel? (that's an awesome song :))
  8. soulrebel51

    soulrebel51 i's a folkie.

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    I live in Wisconsin at the moment.. for the last few months I was in Ohio, and I'll possibly/probably be in Tennessee soon... I'd be moving there because of music. :p

    lived in Wisconsin before Ohio, and mostly came back here so I can maybe find some people to play with.. the (good) music scene in the Dayton area is pretty non-existent, nothing down there but crappy metal bands who idolize metallica.
  9. boothy

    boothy Senior Member

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    Ah cool... I was just thinkin', 'cos if you were in the UK i'd have gone seen you're gig :)
  10. soulrebel51

    soulrebel51 i's a folkie.

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    aha, i wish i lived over there. :p
  11. boothy

    boothy Senior Member

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    heh heh... i wish i lived over where you're at :D
  12. soulrebel51

    soulrebel51 i's a folkie.

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    i'd trade places with you, but i like it here. :p

    but y'all do have oasis.. say hey, do you dig oasis? :D
  13. timeoutofmind

    timeoutofmind So Many Roads...

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    music pretty much rules my life, i can't remember the last time i didnt have a band playing in my head.
  14. boothy

    boothy Senior Member

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    Oh yeah, Oasis, theyre songs may be simple musically and nonsense lyrically, but they were a definition of a decade accross here, still now, put most early oasis songs on a stereo and anyone in the room will find themselves singing...
  15. hailtothekingbaby

    hailtothekingbaby Yowzers!

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    It's fun, a great way of venting your emotions in a harmless way, and a versatile conversation topic, it keeps you company during lonely hours, it unbores boring moments, pulls you through moments you've completely had it and is simply wonderful. ^_^
  16. alice_d_millionaire

    alice_d_millionaire Just Do It©

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    yeah, dont know why hed be in tennessee :p and the way music has changed my life, well... it kinda gives me a reason to live... thats all
  17. taxrefund90

    taxrefund90 Member

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    during the summer, it's my main concern. gotta listen to it.

    during school, once a day if i am lucky

    it's has really grown on me in the past 2 years. before, music was okay, but now it's my way to express myself
  18. luvndrumn

    luvndrumn Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    your gay

    Oh, I'm sorry, are we done with that?;):rolleyes:

    I've had music around me for all of my fifty-two years. My dad was an excellent tenor and had a song going most any time. My mom had a degree in Fine Arts/Voice and could have joined a very prestigeous singing group, but had me instead. There went her fifteen minutes of fame. So I guess I have music in my genes.

    If there isn't a CD, tape, or radio station playing, there's a song in my head. I started banging on stuff before I reached puberty. There is a picture somewhere of me in diapers, still crawling, with grandma's pots in hand, bangin and boppin down a hallway. I started drumming to music when I first heard "Born To Be Wild" by Steppenwolf way back in the day (probably a sign of things to come:X). I drummed on desks, countertops, steering wheels, my legs, my chest, my little brother's head...:& I started playing a drum kit back in 1984. It never ceases to amaze me how wonderful musical conversations can be. Almost every Friday night, I realize that again with the bunch I play with. We aren't great musicians - we're just good and we like each other enough and know each other enough to carry on conversations through our instruments and ourselves. My hope is that everyone who plays will get to do in their own way what me and my friends are doing today. It's a real gas.
  19. seamonster66

    seamonster66 discount dracula

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    Good post, and brings up the excellent point about playing music with others. It can be so healing and lifting when music flows freely within a group of people...its like a non sexual sex.

    The best high I've ever had was after playing a good show with a band, there is absolutely nothing like it.
  20. KasabianRulesMan!

    KasabianRulesMan! Member

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    This is probably 'cause you don't find your musical way... but the warlock in me that influence all my words and move tell u this... : "i find the ideal potion for wake your desire to ear great adventurous hippie music... "

    In fact in the hippie community we're all freaks so...u don't have to feel lonely...
    The Question is : Are you a ugly or a beautiful Freak... mmmhhh when i see your photo...the answer is clear but ...this is just the outside impression...
    Inside is another history ... history full of pain... or romance?...
    mmmhhh... Question after Questions
    Answer without Answer
    If one day i've got kids i can't even answer them this simple question (can u?):
    The World where we live is simple or complicated ?

    bye beautiful freak

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