Well the nation was supposedly shocked to it's core by Hillary Clinton's campaign speech when she explained there are voters who feel abandoned and desperate, who she placed in one metaphorical basket, and those she called “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamophobic” which went into her “basket of deplorables.” An interesting use of three words not usually in use together. There are baskets, and then there are the ones called 'deplorable.' At the time Trump expressed outrage, aghast that his opponent had uttered such shocking slander! His campaign seized the moment and was actually selling t-shirts and hats with DEPLORABLE written on them. "To just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the 'basket of deplorables,'" Hillary Clinton said. Is this just another example of a last-minute campaign error that cost an election? Or were her words truly prescient, and did Trump gather together the most deplorable team ever to destroy this country and set it up for future failures, like the ongoing Afghanistan saga, which they created in the first place.
She WAS right... that's what I am trying to point out. Still uncertain that she would have made a good president, but she tried. It was against all odds, never has an election been so rigged.
Or were her words truly prescient, and did Trump gather together the most deplorable team ever to destroy this country and set it up for future failures, like the ongoing Afghanistan saga, which they created in the first place. America has not been destroyed. Trump did not create Afghanistan.
Haha Neither. She was just using the childish technique of saying if you don't want to be one of the bad guys then you'll be with me. (Because I have a monopoly on good) (husband notwithstanding) (Benghazi) Trying to paint the opponent in a negative image, as typical with politicians, only she went overboard to insult everyone in the country who was tired of business as usual. The examples that she used were particularly cutting because the great majority knew they didn't fit those descriptions. But she was a part of the elite who used those slurs or accusations to get what they wanted, often with success. Yet this was too much and so it backfired and turned people away from her who might have otherwise wanted to give her a chance. One consequence of this type of demonizing for personal/political gain is that it divides the people who ideally should be united. Elites have been doing this to some degree for quite some time. They discovered that dividing the people results in greater government control and more power for the governing elite. And the divide is increasing still as it has been for the last handful of decades except that it's seemingly increasing on a y=x^2 curve. As thinkers, we should ask ourselves, is this what we want? Do we want to build factions that fight each other? Because that's what we're doing. And sooner or later, if we don't start being more understanding of why every issue has multiple sides, things are likely to come to a head. And then there really will be winners and losers. We needn't look far to other societies to see that manifested.
Hillary lost the election due to someone at the State Department deciding to play politics, and start an investigation on Hillary, just weeks before the election. Of course, nobody is claiming the State Department threw the election, because that would mean civil war. The idea our elections are rigged doesn't come as a surprise to anyone, but when government officials start withholding the National Guard, cops start killing each other by allow rioters through their blockaides, and Donald Duck is allowed to commit murder with a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card, people really pay attention when the government itself starts to toss around lies and accusations, and swaying their own elections. Hillary was exonerated of the charges, but the damage was done, and it was enough to sway the vote. Fuck em all. Obama saved our economy, only to have Donald Duck trash it out again. Biden is saving our economy again, but this can't go on forever, and the best thing to do is to encourage the republican party to destroy the government, so democrats can change their name to republican.
Nice try, but those of us who made our living and weren't high on LSD aren't fooled by that nonsense. We didn't sleep through the 2907-8 crash and all the layoffs, foreclosures, etc. Nor did we sleep through manufacturing coming back home and unemployment the lowest ever. And now... Everything is up. The pandemic is a factor but so is cutting way back on domestic oil production. Gas went from an all-time high under Obama, half as much under Trump, and now it's right in the middle up 50%. Utilities, transportation, building materials, auto parts, tools - all up since Biden took office. Housing costs, food costs, medical costs... it's hitting hard. And this reckless government spending is devaluing the dollar. People are riding out their extended unemployment allotments while businesses are hurting for employees. And not just airlines who can't get enough labor to meet the demand but mom and pop businesses are hit especially hard. If the economy is getting "saved" then us regular folk who might wear tennis shoes or the occasional python boot aren't seeing it. Instead, all we're seeing is "stinkfoot" and it's puttin' a hurt on our nose.
No republican has balanced the US budget and put us in the red, since Reagan, and it required his entire time in office to accomplish. Bill Clinton balanced the fucking budget, put us in the red, only to have Bush encourage Wall Street to destroy the entire world economy. If you want low gas prices, I suggest moving to Saudi Arabia.
Her words were timely, but I would suggest, even though Trump and his crowd are just as guilty, that it's wrong, especially as a President or hopeful, to divide this country up or tell us that we're anything but the best, and that goes for all of us. Her example is pretty extreme, though. It wasn't prudent to call half of Trump's voters deplorable. It isn't prudent for half of us to see half of the country in that light, either. Examples have to be set. Make them rise to meet us, not stoop to meet them. Gosh I wish we could be better than this.
deplorable adjective de·plor·able | \ di-ˈplȯr-ə-bəl \ Definition of deplorable 1: deserving censure or contempt deplorable behavior ____________________________________________ If the shoe fits...
I wish I was better than this, but I'm not interested in seeking unity with racists, homophobes, bigots, neo-Fascists, misogynists, ammosexuals, American Taliban, neo-Confederates, militias, xenophobes, and Brownshirts...not if compromise means sacrificing the powerless and marginalized in a futile gesture to assuage their pathetic sense of White victimhood and aggrievement and appease their hatred of anyone different than them. I don't think it's "prudent" to keep trying to hold hands and sing 'Kumbaya' with people whose oft-stated goal is violent and total domination over you (as evidenced by my Congressman's speech threatening civil war if his minority party (24%) isn't guaranteed electoral victory). 40% of Republicans amenable to the idea of domestic terrorism
Res ipsa. 18 U.S.C § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection "Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."