Ecclesiastes 9:5-For the living know, that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have any more reward, because all memory of them is forgotten.
The soul is the sense of spirit in the body caused by gaseous exchange, bodies decompose emitting gasses but taking none in however the gasses remain to be exchanged. There is no death experience is what it means. Death is a phenomenal change witnessed only by the living. We can't look to death as the purpose of life or find there any purpose there for the future of the body. If it doesn't happen now, it ain't a happening.
it's fairly simple to hook someone up to an EEG machine with wires on their head and see that states of consciousness are defined by the electrical activity in the brain no electrical activity, no consciousness
Not dead people, living relations. Mind is the communication of the body or the communication of bodies this is where you interact with the people you know. Bodies touch in time mind never ceases to be joined to the thing it is. Everything you know about a loved one is your interpretation of stimulus. We have one mind with many thoughts that you can control but the mind belongs to us. We share our thoughts, we extend ourselves through creation.
Says so of the person in the bed but how about you standing next to it. It is just as significant to say that detecting electrical activity in the brain is a sign of conscious activity. The reason for no conscious activity, no spark to light it.