The Dark Side of Enlightenment

Discussion in 'Poetry' started by EternalHunter, Jan 7, 2005.

  1. EternalHunter

    EternalHunter Member

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    Bamboo rustles
    if sticky yogi voices
    silent for so long,
    fierce eye-mandalas
    grazing through physical
    truth, squinting at
    spiritual absurdities,
    laughing and winking
    at the collosal
    patheticness of man’s
    desire to forge a
    life of nothing through
    wrenching tantric orgasms.
    They strive to mold
    nothingness out of
    the clay of
    somethingness, and
    worship a void of
    singular, consuming energy.
    Symbolically robed
    in sun, that cascades
    to envelope the
    sacrifice in light--
    in lightenment--
    a sloppy exchange
    of atoms to unify
    one with another,
    a literal inferno
    of union; they
    chant misty mantras
    to an incense infested
    zephyr, the sickly
    perfume of immortality
    in life, eternal
    spirit in death.
    Drinking tea of the
    liquidated mind
    soft soup of
    abstract impossibilities,
    they exhale,
    cycilic breath, an
    earth mocking
    roundel, and meditate
    on the ubiquitous
    gerrunds of man’s
    invention (feather light).
    And with a lost mind,
    a tipsy march
    of ant formation,
    we allude to the
    phallic embodiment of
    those who strive
    for sun
    but forget to
    honor the moon.

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