I went to the gym today with no shoes. As I entered the weights room, I already felt a bad omen. The guy who last told me to put on shoes last time was working again. Last time he said the reason was to prevent weights from falling on the feet. But having read some of the posts of similar experiences online, I assumed he might just be fullfilling his duty to inform last time. So I figured I won't be bothered again. Anyways, this time if asked, I was ready to sign any waiver required to alleviate any legal responsibilities for any feet injury. So I proceeded to work out. About 20 minutes in, I noticed him reorganizing the weights on the ground around my area. And sure enough, once he finished, he began walking over, initiating the same conversation again. I told him I can sign any waiver necessary to keep him and the gym free of legal responsibility. Just as I thought all was well, now comes the most shocking yet ridiculous rebuttal I've ever heard. He began saying, it's also an hygenic issue, specifically in case the toes get decapitated all the guts would stay inside the shoe without any splashes landing on near by members.............. What kind of gym has toe decapitation as a probable outcome?
If you want to work out barefoot, invest in a home gym. It's pretty understandable why a gym would frown upon people being barefoot.
I hope next time Op is in a gym someones drops their loaded 450 pound bar on Op's foot after doing deadlifts. If they say you cant wear shoes, follow the rules or get the fuck out. I dont get why you people cant follow rules. I love being barefoot myself but when i go to places like a grocery store or a GYM i wear shoes.
Very surprised at the responses here especially considering this is a barefoot forum.... I've seen far more considerate support in comments underneath articles of generic websites that just happen to write about barefoot gym. Especially considering this explosive trend of lifting and exercising barefoot: https://kevindeeth.wordpress.com/2012/07/12/the-newest-fitness-fad-exercising-barefoot/ First popularized by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 70's The kind of unprovoked aggressive response like: to my emotionally empty, non passionate, unprovoking style of articulation suggests this person has anger issues. You mad bro? To address your logic, I wonder what shoes would do to protect one's foot from a 450 pound bar..... Reminds me of my ex-friend who has anger management issues, no matter how monotonic, and unemotionally you spoke, you couldn't get into an intellectual discussion without sparking emotionally aggressive response upon disagreement. lol In any case, where I live, on paper, everywhere indoors is no shirt, no shoes, no service, so if you are such a square that follows all the rules, you really are left with nowhere to be barefoot aside from public outdoor parks or home, most people are barefoot at home anyways, and prefer not to step on hidden glass on the grass park. So I wonder what's the point of this community. Good day to you all. I hope my provocative OP didn't cause anyone else's head to explode LOL
Plenty of people are doing it: http://www.thenational.ae/lifestyle/well-being/barefoot-exercising-steps-into-disputed-territory Aside from a few germaphobes, majority of the commenters underneath such articles are supportive
To be clear, I am perfectly fine with this response. Decently mannered, just with a different perspective I can respect that. Every gym has their rules be they backed by medical reasons or not. In such cases, mostly likely legal reasons.
Interesting, look what we found: Looks like there's a trend to this behavior, Turns out its either just a troll or someone with a very abrasive personality, probably a way to vent out personal issues .
America is a country devoted to "free expression" (within defined limits). Any fucking moron gets a shot at saying something.....
i would assume it would deal more with the toe amputation issue. dropping extremely heavy things with sharpish edges is a good way to knock off a small body part.
While I love being barefoot, I wouldn't be too pleased if I saw someone who was barefoot at the gym. Wearing shoes is proper gym etiquette. Simple as that.
I dont see the big deal about being barefoot at the gym but from my own expiernce, gyms seem to mostly consist of judgemental jerks, (especially Planet Fittnes) so i would expect nothing less from a gym, lol
^ you should probably check out some more gyms. sure, they all have some jerks, just like every other place. but in my experience gym people tend to be nicer than the average person.
I kind of understand the issues of physical injury but in reality no gym shoe is going to help that. Hygiene. If you're anything like me or any normal human you regularly wash your feet how often do you see gym buffs cleaning gym shoes.. They probably jogged through the dirty streets and what not to get there in those shoes. And finally unreputed scientific evidence shows that it is healthier for our bones, muscles and nerves to exercise barefoot. more injuries occur due to the fact we weaken ourselves by wearing shoes the natural shock absorption in our feet doesn't work when wearing shoes. Research suggests humans wouldn't get shin splints if we didn't wear shoes we are less likely to strain muscles turn ankles and dislocate joints if it were possible for us to use our inbuilt grip and support our soles and toes give us. Barefoot is better for our bodies. Rant over I apologise for any spelling mistakes lack of punctuation I'm just trying to share with you.
Only their real or perceived risk of barefoot on the treadmill. Real if they have a poorly maintained band, because then the shoe sole is needed to use the unsafe treadmill. Percieved only because they associate a bare foot with a worn out faster or even blistered sole; however, it is overstriding that makes too much overall friction on the soles when using the same walking speed as when wearing shoes. No shoe except for a steel toed shoe is going to provide any significant protection from dropped weights. Some classes are even done barefoot. Other than that, it still reduces to the issue that a dirty sole is visibly still dirty because it traps and retains more dirt than a rubber shoe sole.
So yoga, and martial sports are fine without shoes, but lifting weights is not, because of 'the rules' LOL Also, a shoe isn't going to help when a heavy weight is falling on your foot..
Steel toes make the heavy weight avoid contact with your foot. That is why that are called protective. If you want to know the significance of shoes it is protection. If you want to know the significance of the usefulness of the feat. Walk around. It doesn't matter if you walk in shoes or barefooted.