The current UK government is constitutionally fraudulent

Discussion in 'U.K.' started by The Walking Dickhead, Oct 7, 2017.

  1. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    May has lied and done everything in her limited power to usurp the political process in order to cling to power. it's only a matter of time before the whole thing crumbles.

  2. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Not long now, her party has started a campaign against her, she will be out soon.. I think I've said it before, there will be an election later in the year... Bring it on...
  3. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    I wrote to my local tory bastard MP and asked him not to support May's DUP in parliament, but he just came back with some guff about strong and stable government and we can't allow Jeremy Corbyn to get elected. I said to him that as soon as they have used May to cling on to power they'll all be out to stab her in the back. Everyone knew this, even May.
    1 person likes this.
  4. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    It's a mess alright. But will they have another election unless forced into it, possibly by the DUP abandoning the deal? - I think they'll just try to hang on as long as possible.They see the writing on the wall, and I don't think there's anything they can do about it. The question is how much more damage will be done before they do go.

    Looks like May is definitely living on borrowed time though. I doubt whoever they choose to replace her will be any better or have any more appeal.

    I've long given up writing to my Tory MP. He's more interested in promoting the interests of Saudi Arabia than the concerns of his constituents.
  5. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    The DUP were never in coalition with the tories, it was a deal to prop up their minority zombie government. But now, since there are on going legal attempts to block this deal and the DUP haven't yet received this money and know they're not going to, they are voting against the government.

    So the whole deal has crumbled already and this bullshit needs to be stopped right now.

    But who has the power to do that. Do we need the people to rise up and storm Goverment HQ and remove these criminals by force? Can't see that going down very well.

    This is a fascist dictatorship, and has been for many decades anyway but now it's so obvious to anyone with half a brain, how are they getting away with this? Mass apathy or something..

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    Quite an interesting scenario possible here:-
    MAY out ("a.n.other"/another) un-elected 'Prime Minister' IN.
    New leader revokes the DUP Alliance, Brexit process falls apart, Scots revolt and the rise of Corbyn escalates - this time next year? - well to cite an old Beatles track - "Tomorrow, never knows"

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    So it seems the bandwagon rolls on - and after a period of time the ship that was supposedly steady still rides upon waves of discontent - some things (sadly) never change
  8. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    It will take more than a government to sort out the UK. Europe has become an increasing mill stone over recent years and no one seems to realize it. The last 3 decades have seen computers take over running administration to the point that banks no longer require a manager. Robotic production lines have dropped blue collar work by 70% and anything that requires any manual work in its production is imported from China. Prices are cheap, but property costs a fortune, putting home ownership out of reach of an ever increasing number of people. The only way to get rich is to play monopoly with the money held by the corporations, but divided between its shareholders their wealth is a pittance. We allowed ourselves to get into this mess, now we can't see a way out of it. Radical changes are needed and I see a maximum working week with decreasing hours as we get older as the only solution to restoring normality as we are all living longer. If a completely new political party was set up and presented a viable long term solution to the countries problems, we would all bury our heads back into the sand and forget to vote for them. Who wants to be our next prime minister. NOT ME.!!!!!!!!!
    Mallyboppa likes this.

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    Br-exit or Br-in the advancements made in IT which (like all things created with best intention) has been warped into an abuse - of use.
    IT should be there to aid and assist and not replace at the expense of personal convenience - but it is.
    Britain, Europe and World wide IT is the same - For Corporate and Commercial gain.
    It is however a time when Strong Leadership for the 'we' and not the 'me' is required - and at this moment in time, such disappoints
    However, one should always 'keep the faith' - for Patience and Patience is never futile'
  10. magickman

    magickman Supporters HipForums Supporter

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    The fraudulent government problem isn't just in the Trump calls fixing it "draining the swamp".
  11. broony

    broony Banned

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    This thread aint about trump.

    Its about EU politics.

    Be thankful trump wants you to keep owning a gun.
  12. magickman

    magickman Supporters HipForums Supporter

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    Believe me, I am...and yes I'm aware this is about EU politics. I may not be from the EU but I have a right to be concerned, regardless.
  13. Ged

    Ged Tits and Thigh Man.

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    We have a functioning parliamentary democracy, and that's no bad thing. Even though I'm a Labour man, I want the Conservatives to do as well as possible for the benefit of the country. I'm left-wing, but try to be a pragmatic realist. In the interest of maintaining civilization, it pays not to be too partisan.
    magickman and Mallyboppa like this.
  14. Yeah, I agree to a certain extent but maintaining civilization at what cost? Sure there are always going to be winners and losers but surely everyone deserves a fair crack of the whip. Unfortunately the way I see this present government going this is not going to happen.
  15. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    I am addressing everyone in the this, not just you, quoted because this was the right post to go by

    What do you all think your government controls?

    All the stuff people spend money on, the impact of Chinese goods, corporations like Apple, Amazon, Uber, your government has only very limited control over these things.

    Housing prices have risen all over the first world, at 2,3,4 times the rate of inflation especially over the last decade because property is one of the few things left worth investing in.

    Cheaper goods and services brings down prices, but it wipes out jobs, wipes out the value of investing in industries related to those jobs, commodity prices, gold oil etc have stagnated, whats the use of investing in manufacturing anywhere if you are only going to get a return of 1 or 2% - due to them making selling mass produced cheap crap

    Then there is technology, robotics, I dont believe self driving cars are actually going to be possible this century, we are a long long way off, but you will get self driving trucks before you get self driving cars - and to what end? Make stuff transported by Amazon and Tesco even cheaper whilst at the same time wiping out every truck drivers job

    Whats the use of all this shit if no one has a job and no one can afford to live anywhere

    Your government, any government doesnt even really have the power to control Uber, try outlaw it and there is no way government is going to be able to afford enough staff to monitor the millions that will still use it illegally, or if they try to do so, fund an army of anti Uber police by cutting health funding - then who whinges

    Then there is the ageing population. This year dementia took over cancer as the number 1 killer in the UK. Basically, all the funding into cancer research, improvements in cancer treatment - all it means is there are now even more older people, who survive the cancer years, only to progress to dementia, be a bigger strain on the health system.....which someone bloody has to pay the moment amongst others thats younger people, higher health insurance costs or shittier NHS services whilst more of them have a tougher time finding a job, and when they do spend a far higher proportion of their income on rent

    Its not the governments fault, its OUR fault

    Its a big big bubble, I think will soon burst BIG time, maybe not soon, but within a decade or two. A lot of this stuff is just simply unsustainable, you cant have 1/4 of the population over 60, you cant have house/rent prices over 50% of peoples incomes, you cant have 1/3 of the jobs wiped out by automation and not expect consequences. Everything is getting worse not better
    wilsjane and Hugs & Spit like this.
  16. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    In 2012, 11% of the worlds population was over 60
    Thats expected to double by 2050, 22% almost a quarter, with Europe being the worst offender


    What a depressing, miserable thought. Remember in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang when they go to the town were children are outlawed. Not saying children will be outlawed, but it will be as miserable as that, you'll have entire towns, suburbs with hardly any children, just full of crusty old fucks that take half an hour to cross the road on their mobility scooters
  17. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    AT LAST.!!!!!!!!!! Someone who does not think that I am stupid. LOL.

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